Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

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) 21 Views 21
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33308 Replies


no corpus, thats not honest. lies of omission are still lies.

I have stated Israel has the right to take the West Bank but i never said they have the right to kick people from the wb out of their homes. I also question the separate laws imposed

I have much more sympathy for how palestinians are mistreated in the West Bank than you think i do.

Hamas acting like they act for the West Bank as well as gaza makes no sense. Hamas is responsible for gaxa and not the West Bank.


Vic, you follow Alex Skolnick on Twitter?

Choose your imam, and hope to find... find the meaning of existence!

by Victor k

they are not suicidal and nihilistic. they are fighting for freedom.

Well, in that case I would suggest a change in strategy.

I suggest they give back all the hostages, disavow Hamas, forsake violence, recognize the state of Israel with minimum 1967 borders with a pledge towards good faith negotiations to work out exact borders and reparation package for lost land, and some other details I am probably leaving out.

If they actually did all these things, I predict much better results than the current strategy.

by PointlessWords k

Mets how does your position change with this new information?

Show me the papers lmao

Israelis bought land from the very same land owners/ Sultans in the early 20th century, a short time after this most binding piece of parchment was issued

The Palestinians didn't like it, and the English placated the Arabs by limiting Jewish migration prior to iirc and definitely during and after WW2.

Until the zionists blew 30-something brits to he'll, and the English left.

by metsandfinsfan k

Hamas acting like they act for the West Bank as well as gaza makes no sense. Hamas is responsible for gaxa and not the West Bank.

Well in their own words their mission is to liberate the entire land of Palestine "From the River to the Sea;" so in that sense they are responsible for all the land, whether they are the recognized government or not.

by Victor k

they are not suicidal and nihilistic. they are fighting for freedom.

yes but unfortunately part of their* definition of freedom is holocaust 2, which wont be happening


by Dunyain k

Well, in that case I would suggest a change in strategy.

I suggest they give back all the hostages, disavow Hamas, forsake violence, recognize the state of Israel with minimum 1967 borders with a pledge towards good faith negotiations to work out exact borders and reparation package for lost land, and some other details I am probably leaving out.

If they actually did all these things, I predict much better results than the current strategy.

they tried that.

by BOIDS k

yes but unfortunately part of their* definition of freedom is holocaust 2, which wont be happening


no its not. read their charter.

yes it is

you will believe whatever it takes and nothing they can say will change your mind.

anyway, can someone explain why Israeli soldiers are absolutely obsessed with Palestinian lingerie? the tiktoks are getting more and more bizarre.

by Victor k

no corpus, thats not honest. lies of omission are still lies.

Vic? Nobody cares about your strawman, just a heads up. The claim that was contended was already highlighted. It was shown to be false. Nobody except you, said anything about how you perceived the quality of the reporting. This is just you taking what is and turning it into what you think it should be and then turning that into what is and that's not how reality works and again nobody is interested in your strawmanning.

Lingerie seems like a strange prison item.

by Victor k

they are not suicidal and nihilistic. they are fighting for freedom.

They had freedom. They had the wonderful upstanding folks of Hamas to govern them. Then Hamas kinda blew it and can't claim to be freedom fighters due to their pogrom. Here we are.

by Victor k

nothing they can say will change your mind.

what their leadership say, proudly, is that that oct 7 was merely a rehearsal for the main event

that doesn't matter though, as they have spent the last 30 years pouring most of their resources into trying to kill jewish civilians, which is much more persuasive than anything they say

Charlotte Church in a spot of bother and apparently thinks River to the Sea means peaceful coexistence which is why she sang it.

by corpus vile k

Charlotte Church in a spot of bother and apparently thinks River to the Sea means peaceful coexistence which is why she sang it.

"The swastika is actually an Indian symbol for the sun" vibes

by corpus vile k

Vic? Nobody cares about your strawman, just a heads up. The claim that was contended was already highlighted. It was shown to be false. Nobody except you, said anything about how you perceived the quality of the reporting. This is just you taking what is and turning it into what you think it should be and then turning that into what is and that's not how reality works and again nobody is interested in your strawmanning.

yes I said the reporting was essentially a lie. its not a strawman as you have directly refuted that it was misleading.

I didnt make the initial point or affirm it. I made a new point. and you really didnt like that it makes your boys look bad.

by corpus vile k

They had freedom. They had the wonderful upstanding folks of Hamas to govern them. Then Hamas kinda blew it and can't claim to be freedom fighters due to their pogrom. Here we are.

oh they could study where they wanted? go on vacation? go to the colleges they wanted?

the calories let into Gaza werent meticulously rationed by the Israelis?

by Victor k

yes I said the reporting was essentially a lie. its not a strawman as you have directly refuted that it was misleading.

I didnt make the initial point or affirm it. I made a new point. and you really didnt like that it makes your boys look bad.

Vic? You don't know what a strawman argument is which is probably why you make them.
But nobody cares about your new, apropos of nothing point. My contention was with the bogus claim that a dude burning himself alive outside an Israeli embassy in Washington wouldn't get reported much. I then refuted said bogus claim and then you interjected with what was pretty much a non sequitur and seem to think it means something. It doesn't. It's just a strawman argument which nobody made except you, strawmanning strawman aficionado that you are.

so you agree that the reporting was misleading?

Who doesn't like lingerie? ygos

I don't like lingerie when its recent owner was just tortured and murdered
