Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..



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) 21 Views 21
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33346 Replies


The Palestinian can't vote only because other Palestinians stripped that right from him lol. He should start an intifada against them I guess?

And he can go almost where he wants in the world as a guaranteed permanent refugee, according to international law.

There are more countries that will accept him than countries that will accept an Israel citizen.

by 5 south k

Do you think it hurts Israel in good faith negotiations while they're constantly conquering new land in the west bank?

I think answering that question requires a rewind back to how the right and the ultra orthodox got into the position to do it in the first place.

It's a different world in an "accepted" Camp David timeline. The left stays in power in Israel. Thousands of lives aren't lost. Gaza isn't levelled. And the sole focus is on the finer points of the West Bank. Jewish settlements were uprooted before, they could be again (under a different government or agreement).

So in that context, of course I wish there were less Jewish settlements. But knowing the history that lead to them, I've seen it sort of all play out in predictable fashion. A bit like how this isolationist period in the USA is going to sadly be tremendously predictable. Being old has benefits, we aren't very surprised when people behave exactly as you'd expect them to.

the reason those Israeli settlements were uprooted in Gaza was bc Hamas unequivocally opposed the [strike]capos[/strike] collaborationists of the PLO and launched enough attacks to force change

and those Israeli settlements took up 30% of the Gazan land and the prime resources. upon leaving, they destroyed many of the greenhouses and fields an structures that provided sustenance. the starvation policy did not start with Galant on Oct 8th. its been 75+ years.

anyway, before I read the takedowns from EI or Grayzone or Mondoweiss, I knew the NYT article was bullshit. how did I know? bc I am one of the few here that can actually read and analyze information. granted, I am not that good at it compared to the really smart people.

regardless, what were the giveaways? Yossi Landau was the major red flag ofc. also the completely salacious crap about cutting off breasts all that crap. and ofc, if you actually read the article then you would understand that much of it is spent on explaining why there is no actual evidence.

ofc smarter and more committed people than me easily debunked the rest with simple google searches.

and now, another simple search has caused one of the writers of the article to get fired.

by Victor k

anyway, before I read the takedowns from EI or Grayzone or Mondoweiss, I knew the NYT article was bullshit. how did I know? bc I am one of the few here that can actually read and analyze information. granted, I am not that good at it compared to the really smart people.

regardless, what were the giveaways? Yossi Landau was the major red flag ofc. also the completely salacious crap about cutting off breasts all that crap. and ofc, if you actually read the article then you would understand th

I take it your preternatural powers of reading between the lines and analyzing and have driven you to the conclusion that everything "Quds Network" tweets is factual accurate, and should be taken at face value; and everything from western media that doesn't reinforce your pre-existing biases should be questioned and extensively scrutinized?

ya pretty much

I walk through sunshine rain. Feelings never go away, you have to learn to live this way.

by Dunyain k

I take it your preternatural powers of reading between the lines and analyzing and have driven you to the conclusion that everything "Quds Network" tweets is factual accurate, and should be taken at face value; and everything from western media that doesn't reinforce your pre-existing biases should be questioned and extensively scrutinized?

-NYT cancels a podcast on the story
-Other NYT reporters raise concerns to the editors
-Gettlemen walks back his claims as "evidence"
-coreporter on the story gets fired for supporting genocide

Dun: ya but what about Quds?

it doesnt matter if every single thing Quds posts is fake and I am tricked by it. the fact is, this story is a proven piece of lying propaganda by a newspaper that is doing its best to stoke a genocide (as it has done in the past).

and the thing about Quds is that they dont need to lie right now.

Israeli leaders: we are gonna do some genocide
Israeli media: we should do genocide
Israeli army: look at these tiktoks of the genocide we are doing
International community: look, Israel is doing genocide
ICJ: Israel is probably doing genocide
Quds: look at these videos of genocide

Dun: hmm, cant believe Quds

by Victor k

Israeli leaders: we are gonna do some genocide
Israeli media: we should do genocide
Israeli army: look at these tiktoks of the genocide we are doing
International community: look, Israel is doing genocide
ICJ: Israel is probably doing genocide
Quds: look at these videos of genocide

Dun: hmm, cant believe Quds

The greater Muslim world (Turkey/Iran/Arab countries):

We have been doing genocide for the last 1300 years, especially the last 80 years. We still are. We will continue to do so until all Christians, Jews and the few remaining pagans have been completely converted or exterminated. Nothing you say will change anything, and if you annoy us too much we will turn off the oil, so just zip it if you know what is best for you. Go bother the Jews.

Rest of world:

Ok. We will go criticize Israel. They are small and cant really do anything to punish us for criticizing them.

Don't look now to Israel, it could be your homeland. Holy Wars.

Son, I am disappoint.

Punishment due, Holmes

by Dunyain k

The greater Muslim world (Turkey/Iran/Arab countries):

We have been doing genocide for the last 1300 years, especially the last 80 years. We still are. We will continue to do so until all Christians, Jews and the few remaining pagans have been completely converted or exterminated. Nothing you say will change anything, and if you annoy us too much we will turn off the oil, so just zip it if you know what is best for you. Go bother the Jews.

Rest of world:

Ok. We will go criticize Israel.

ok well that makes me sleep better knowing the baby who just choked to death on animal feed was part of a 1300 year genocide.

by Trolly McTrollson k

They are not. JFC, the level of anti-Islamic bigotry is off the charts here these days.

Is it anti-Islamic bigotry to believe what the holy book of Islam says?

come..... all who are heavy-laden, and I will give you peace.

He said it there, in Jerusalem. sects of Jews(to trolly's point on the islamophobia) plotting war with the far more powerful Roman army. Ring any bells?

We couldn't be much further from those divine teachings. No wonder, they're inconceivable. Pass no judgment, condemn not... forgive

by chillrob k

Is it anti-Islamic bigotry to believe what the holy book of Islam says?

yes ofc

the holy book of Islam says something bad therefore we should kill all the Gazans. do you people think for a second about what you write?

Looks like vic is going to work right through the weekend and into Monday on a full bender

truth dont sleep

on that note, why is Israel sending conscripts to the front in in a 1960s troop carrier?

my boy Elmer says that if there was anyone in that vehicle well, they are no longer with us now.

I do actually feel sorry for them

and unlike the first video, these snipers def are not with us and def deserve it after shooting kids for months on end.

incidentally, why do Israeli's still stand by the window? if I was at war I would not stand by any windows and point my gun out. maybe its that much easier to shoot civilians if you are closer and well, we all know what their purpose is.

yawn. That happens in war apparently. we're not gonna lose any sleep over that, but for different reasons.
