Israel/Palestine thread
Think this merits its own thread...
Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..
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Bill Cosby Joins Hamas So Feminists Will Stop Condemning Him For Rape
as everyone with a clue already knows. Wapo reporting Israel just straight up murdering the police and security guarding aid trucks.

starvation is now killing for Israel. remember, most genocides use starvation. they are celebrating by posting tiktok videos destroying food.
also, you guys proly missed this Haaretz article.
so gross
Military academies are going to be studying this absolute masterclass of an invasion for generations to come.
Don't make me pin my yarmulke back.
At my buddies house. He’s a teacher. He says democrats are complicit in Palestinian genocide.
A population of 1.8 billion is recruiting jihadis with the stated goal of eradicating a population of 17 million. And won't stop there.
But the Israelis are doing the genocide you object to. Congrats
A population of 1.8 billion is recruiting jihadis with the stated goal of eradicating a population of 17 million. And won't stop there.
But the Israelis are doing the genocide you object to. Congrats
a population of 17 million has killed at least 30,000 and what has that population of 1.8 billion killed in the last 4 months of the 17 million ?
a population of 17 million has killed at least 30,000 and what has that population of 1.8 billion killed in the last 4 months of the 17 million ?
Per capita, not sure. Someone do the math 😀
<3 all you guys. We need to demonstrate love in order to effect change. Pointing the finger and identifying human frailty is a hobby, not a solution.
The mysterious blue Stars of David tagged on walls in Paris and the suburbs in November 2023 were commissioned by the Russian security services, according to a source close to the matter at AFP, confirming information from Le Monde .
Grandfathered in, well before international law( miracle of modernity)
Turkey is an ally of the US and a member of NATO. Are we (and the rest of NATO) complicit in all the human rights abuses they have undertaken in the last 80 years, happening as we speak. Serious question.
Of all the alleged human rights abuses going on in the world, including many by US allies, how do your rationalize your singular interest in Israel/Palestine and indifference towards the rest?
I mean what makes this whole thing so disjointed to me is that probably the main reason we care so much about Israel/Palestine is because the majority of the Muslim world are advocates for the Palestinians, for purely tribal reasons. The Palestinians are fellow Muslims, and Israelis are Jews and that is enough for them. They are all in supporting Palestinians. From the river to the sea.
And they dont even pretend to have any first principle concerns for human life, suffering, etc. In fact, they unapologetically commit a disproportionate share of the human rights abuses in the world. And it is all take, no give.
It is not like you can tell Turkey, "OK, we will work with you on helping the Palestinians, but in return can you lay off all the genocide of Christians?" If we did this, Turkey would tell us to **** off. Same thing with the Gulf States. They torture and murder American citizens who criticize them and tell us to **** off if we bring it up.
I get access to Gulf oil is a big deal, and being able to use Turkey to house nukes to surround Russia is a big deal. So I get the reasons for why "The Cathedral" (for lack of a better term) has such a realpolitik approach. But I just don't get why so many so called liberals who state their concerns are moral are perfectly fine just going along with this very one sided moral arrangement.
**And all of this isn't even going into how repeated horrible choices by Palestinian leadership and people exacerbates their conditions; and all the people supposedly advocating for Palestinians just kind of hand waive this away, and even encourage them keep making bad choices indefinitely with zero upside and all downside.
I mean what makes this whole thing so disjointed to me is that probably the main reason we care so much about Israel/Palestine is because the majority of the Muslim world are advocates for the Palestinians, for purely tribal reasons. The Palestinians are fellow Muslims, and Israelis are Jews and that is enough for them. They are all in supporting Palestinians. From the river to the sea.
And they dont even pretend to have any first principle concerns for human life, suffering, etc. In fact, th
no its the neverending stream of mangled and dead children on our feeds. thats really it.
See, we know this isn't true, because after 10/7 when all the stream of "mangled and dead children" was Israeli, your attitude was to argue it was propaganda and we weren't being shown the truth, and it actually wasn't that bad. And you were extremely supportive of Hamas and dismissive of all the "dead and mangled children bodies". It is not like you were outraged at Hamas actions, then when Israel counter-responded you pivoted. You have always been pro Hamas from the jump, irrespective of "dead and mangled children's bodies."