Israel/Palestine thread
Think this merits its own thread...
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Looking at what a lot of people who don't really know say, I think it's something less than 100 full battle tanks have been sent into Gaza, something like 50 have been hit and something like 5 have been destroyed.
who is saying this that you find credible?
Ive seen way more than 5 videos of the Resistance connecting on a tank. Elmer talked about a running count but I cant remember his numbers.
its still going to depend on what "destroyed" means. plenty of the attacks with shaped charges and Yassins and both immobilized the tank and caused casualties but it was not destroyed in that it could likely be salvaged.
incidentally, I am wondering why the Resistance does not target Medivacs. there are a lot of videos of the the helicopters which they use as evidence to show their attacks caused casualties but I have not seen any videos of helicopter attacks or claims thereof.
maybe the Hamas savages dont shoot at medical personnel and carriers like their more moral opponents I dunno.
Remember, at one point Israel and Britain actually captured the Suez Canal, and it was the US that made them to give it back. Some historians mark this rebuke as the official end of the British Empire.
frenchies were in on it too
tidbit: Nasser, the ruler of egypt at the time, had issued the following operational order to his army, dated 15 feb 1956:
every commander should be prepared and prepare his troops for unavoidable wars with Israel, in order to achieve our supreme objective, namely annihilation of Israel and its complete destruction in as little time as possible and by fighting against her as brutally and cruelly as possible
nowadays they get along fine. amazing what the reversal of a holocaust 2 policy can achieve in a pretty short space of time. whoever takes charge after hamas have been obliterated from the face of the earth should take note
proly get permabanned for this one

they really do love it tho
I cant lie. I am like preternaturally incapable of lying. they love this.
every commander should be prepared and prepare his troops for unavoidable wars with Israel, in order to achieve our supreme objective, namely annihilation of Israel and its complete destruction in as little time as possible and by fighting against her as brutally and cruelly as possible
nowadays they get along fine. amazing what the reversal of a holocaust 2 policy can achieve in a pretty short space of time. whoever takes charge after hamas have been obliterated from the face of the earth shoul
"Get along fine" might be a little too much euphemism. But at the time Nasser decided to make peace, they were in the process of losing their third war in a row against Israel (this time with most of the Arab world on their side and double the men and resources as Israel), Israel had an entire Egyptian Army encircled, and besieging Cairo was in the cards. And for whatever his faults, Nasser actually cared about the Egyptian people, so a treaty seemed like a good idea at the time.
Hamas doesn't care at all about the Palestinian people, and the Palestinian people seem to prefer to be ruled by terrorists who dont care about them at all, so peace may be more elusive in this case.
lol citation needed
You need a citation for what happened in the Yom Kippur War?
Here you go:
naw. need citations on yalls bullshit about how Hamas and mooslims hate life and all.
Bill Cosby Joins Hamas So Feminists Will Stop Condemning Him For Rape

To be part of a human-shield based forever war where you reach the point where you design bomb vests for kids, I think it's kind of self-evident.
“Jihad is its path and death for the sake of Allah is the loftiest of its wishes”
That's the backbone.
Ali Baraka said it literally in front of the whole word, the quote is verbatim:
“The Israelis are known to love life. We, on the other hand, sacrifice ourselves. We consider our dead to be martyrs.”
He said it here:
The weird part about this thread is you don't need to coverup this element of Hamas to make your points hold water. Too many Gazans are dying. Full stop. Gazans should eventually have their own territory and opportunities beyond what they have. Full stop.
But this weird lie you tell yourselves about Hamas, their intentions, their methods, etc. Honestly it's quite something. And it's why so many of us are just taken aback by your arguments.
There is a world where both sides are doing messed up stuff in a messed up deeply rooted conflict where mistakes got made for decades all over (not the least of which was perpetually attacking Israel after independence). The side where Hamas are "glorious gentlemen freedom fighters" is just....a lie.
you are wrong and that post is extremely dehumanizing.
But this weird lie you tell yourselves about Hamas, their intentions, their methods, etc. Honestly it's quite something. And it's why so many of us are just taken aback by your arguments.
I just follow the facts.
perpetually attacking Israel after independence
this is an amazing distortion of reality. Gaza has been under attack for 75 years. do you not consider a blockade that measures and allows the minimum amount of calories an attack? do you not consider it an attack when Israel bombs them and kills thousands every few years? or almost all of the people inside of walls and doesnt allow them to leave for medical care or education or work?
Hamas is a resistance group and a governing body. they are not attacking Israel due to religion or anything but the fact that Israel is an oppressive, murderous, thieving regime.
you want a bunch of capos to run Gaza. Hamas is right to fight against that.
Sources familiar with the meeting that took place Friday night in Paris between the Israeli delegation and representatives of the United States, Egypt and Qatar, told Haaretz that the talks were "very good" and that "significant progress was made."
A foreign diplomat told Haaretz that "the talks are progressing" and as "all parties are showing flexibility, a deal can be reached before [the holy month of] Ramadan." The diplomat added that "any further progress is in the hands of Hamas."
A senior political source said Saturday night that Israel and Hamas are still far from reaching a deal, but Hamas has dropped some of its previous demands. Israel's war cabinet will discuss the framework deal Saturday evening.
This is all according to Haaretz
starvation is now killing for Israel. remember, most genocides use starvation. they are celebrating by posting tiktok videos destroying food.
also, you guys proly missed this Haaretz article.

so gross
this women was a reporter (kinda lol. it was her first article ever) on the NYT rape story.

def an unbiased source. I would lol at anyone who believed this stuff but its much darker than that, the prejudice required to accept that story.
starvation is now killing for Israel. remember, most genocides use starvation. they are celebrating by posting tiktok videos destroying food.
also, you guys proly missed this Haaretz article.
so gross
Maybe Hamas could trade their hostages for food?
aaaand lol Anat deleted her account. at least it shows she can feel shame unlike many other Zionist genocide supporters like this one

ofc that may be a major difference between Western Zionists and Israeli Zionists.
Vic, take the weekend off.
This happens all the time. The other day I shared a report from an American doctor saying that IDF snipers have been picking off Gazan children with single shots to the head, and I again received a comment from someone saying “**** around and find out.”
They’re essentially standing over a pile of child corpses and puffing their chests like a guy who just won a pub brawl.
It might seem kind of petty to focus on individual comments from random social media accounts, but this happens so often, and I see other people talking about it too — I just saw a screenshot of a guy saying “**** around and find out” in response to that gut-wrenching photo of a dead Palestinian girl ripped apart by an Israeli airstrike in Rafah earlier this month. So this is definitely a symptom of something profoundly ugly lurking in the underbelly of our society that’s worth drawing some attention to.
If you don’t interact with many Zionists in your day to day life or don’t have a large enough profile to be constantly swarmed by Israel apologists you might be unaware that this is happening, but the vitriol I’ve been seeing from Israel supporters on social media platforms since October 7 has been one of the most shocking and disturbing things I’ve ever witnessed.
Every single day these last four and a half months I’ve been inundated with comments from Israel supporters excusing the most monstrous acts imaginable in the most monstrous ways imaginable. People calling for the total destruction of Gaza. People saying the Gazans deserve what is happening to them. Saying the sickest **** you can possibly think of in response to news of terrible things happening to innocent children.
Over the years I’ve butted heads with pretty much every political faction in the English-speaking world at one point or another, and I can honestly say that Israel supporters are by far the absolute worst. No political faction I have ever interacted with is as immoral and dishonest, or so frequently says things that are so jaw-droppingly disgusting I am sure I must be misinterpreting it at first. I’ve never tangled with a more odious group of people.
And to be clear I’m not talking about a faction of just Israelis or Jews here; a huge percentage of these awful comments come from Christian Zionists and American rightists, with a decent smattering of Hindu nationalists from India who’ll support any excuse to cheerlead the killing of Muslims. The only unifying feature I’m seeing in the faction I’m talking about is that they support Israel and its actions in Gaza. What I’m saying here will be spun as antisemitic by Israel supporters no matter how I put it because Israel supporters are manipulative liars, but to be clear this is not about Jews at all.
There’s something seriously, seriously wrong with these people. They have no interest in truth or morality; all they care about is supporting their favorite ethnostate and murdering Palestinians. I guess when you’re already able to numb your heart and your mind enough to support an apartheid state that whose existence requires nonstop violence and abuse, when that state ramps up its atrocities to historic levels you’re not going to have enough of a conscience to see anything wrong with it.
Anyway that’s my rant for today. Just had to get that out. I don’t know what to do about any of this, but it’s probably worth bringing some consciousness to.
hmm, is she talking about you?
Caitlin Johnstone has been absolutely nailing it on Gaza.
Check out her substack. I
Console yourself, vic, with the idea that you're a superior human being or something.
You supremacist monkey
I don't take much consolation in being better than someone, nor even genocide supporters. Kinda file it under the bare minimum.
You most certainly do derive a perverse satisfaction from it. that's the point of your endless delineation in here: Arab from Israeli
Go to some protests, Jewish fraternities or synagogues.
Act up in public