Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

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) 21 Views 21
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33311 Replies


Looking at what a lot of people who don't really know say, I think it's something less than 100 full battle tanks have been sent into Gaza, something like 50 have been hit and something like 5 have been destroyed.

by PointlessWords k


But i doubt the number is that high. Iran perfected destroying tanks in iraq. they can use an explosive formed projective which destroys any current tanks. 900 seems alot tho

The IDF is known for its ability to quickly repair tanks and quickly put them back in the field. The number of Israel tanks actually made permanently inoperable might literally be in single digits. I remember it was a very big deal for Hamas and its sycophants like Victor that a few weeks ago Israel was forced to abandon and destroy a tank so it wouldn't end up in Hamas hands.

But it was such a big deal exactly because it was so rare Israel actually had to resort to this.

by BOIDS k

do you have a cite for this please. every source i have seen says >1000

I think you're right. Some of the dead counted turned out to be Hamas and some were friendly fire, but the ~700 number that came up when I googled is civilians.

FWIW: of the 8500 Hamas rockets launched in Oct last year 10% misfired, many of which landed in Gaza.

by PointlessWords k

professional armies are obliterated almost immediately and guerilla warfare is the only way to resist. the DoD has many books on this. You are mistaken if you think Americans would fight any differently. We didn't during our war of independence and we wouldn't now.

I made the same point. Except I argued Americans would never allow themselves to be lead by suicidal clowns like Hamas.

As I said before, it really is a cheat code in this part of the world where any group can put on a uniform, put the word "Allah" in their group name, declare holy Jihad against Jews, and this makes them pretty much immune from criticism from the average antisemite (which is pretty much everyone), no matter how much they actually suck and make everything worse.

by Bluegrassplayer k

FWIW: of the 8500 Hamas rockets launched in Oct last year 10% misfired, many of which landed in Gaza.

This is probably a low estimate, and is true for the hundreds of thousands of rockets launched in the last 80 years.

by Dunyain k

Do you think of the alleged 50,000 Palestinians that have died in the conflict, all of them died by Israel's hand? It is actually impossible. The way all warfare that has ever happened works it is impossible the number killed by Hamas isn't in the thousands.

It seems like you are completely comfortable attributing EVERY Palestinian death to Israel, but for Israeli deaths you want to differentiate whether it was friendly fire or not.


Of course not. I just say at least what I think is true. You must have me confused with someone else.

Lotta Hamas rockets misfire for sure. Probably Hamas militants have shot people to keep them from evacuating. Those things probably don't add up to more than 5-10%, but shrug. For sure most of the people killed in Gaza have been killed by the IDF. As far as how many? Yeah, likely 50k or something. Most people who try to count are over 30k and there are certainly a lot of people missing/buried under rubble.

by Dunyain k

I made the same point. Except I argued Americans would never allow themselves to be lead by suicidal clowns like Hamas.

This one always gives me a really good laugh

by rafiki k

And even WORSE, they're an army who is not afraid to die, which is a terrifying prospect to face in battle. It's why the Vikings were so hard to defeat. When you genuinely believe that paradise awaits after your sacrifice, you are truly formidable in battle.

I recall a quote that was the opposite of that. It was a very long time ago, and I think it was in conjunction with the extremely large number of Chinese forces throwing themselves at greatly outnumbered American positions in the Korean War. It went:

" How do you stop a thousand attackers who dont care if they die?"

"with 100 men who do "

Of course, years later when NATOs strategy was to overcome the Soviets huge advantage in number of tanks by relying on the advanced technology of their tanks and antitank missiles, i.e. quality over quantity, the saying "quantity has a quality all its own" surfaced.

by Bluegrassplayer k

FWIW: of the 8500 Hamas rockets launched in Oct last year 10% misfired, many of which landed in Gaza.

Would be tough to find anything of quite this particular worth, it being unique in its worth.

I suspect that tunnels under Rafah are the life line of Iran smuggling weapons to Hamas and other terrorist groups, and if Israel destroyed these tunnels it would devastate Hamas's terror capabilities. And it would completely change the dynamic of the conflict, which might actually force the Palestinian people to choose peace and prosperity over nihilistic Jihad.

This outcome of course is anethama to the Arab world and progressive left; who both unequivocally support fundamentalist Islamic terrorist groups throwing Palestinian civilians into the Israeli meat grinder in support of nihilistic Jihad.

by browser2920 k

I recall a quote that was the opposite of that. It was a very long time ago, and I think it was in conjunction with the extremely large number of Chinese forces throwing themselves at greatly outnumbered American positions in the Korean War. It went:

" How do you stop a thousand attackers who dont care if they die?"

"with 100 men who do "

Of course, years later when NATOs strategy was to overcome the Soviets huge advantage in number of tanks by relying on the advanced technology of their tanks and


by browser2920 k

I recall a quote that was the opposite of that. It was a very long time ago, and I think it was in conjunction with the extremely large number of Chinese forces throwing themselves at greatly outnumbered American positions in the Korean War. It went:

" How do you stop a thousand attackers who dont care if they die?"

"with 100 men who do "

Of course, years later when NATOs strategy was to overcome the Soviets huge advantage in number of tanks by relying on the advanced technology of their tanks and

What does cannon fodder mean to you?

Quantity has a quality all its own. Amen

by PointlessWords k

What does cannon fodder mean to you?

Cannon fodder unfortunately became an official US policy during the VN war. I don't recall the exact details, but basically if you scored below a certain IQ level or aptitude level on your entry testing after recruitment or getting drafted, you were rejected for military service as you were determined to be essentially untrainable.

But McNamara as SECDEF approved a program where the standards were waived and those previously rejected were then enlisted or drafted. The project was called McNamara's 100,000 though about 300k ended up in it. Later studies estimated that those in the program were killed in VN at about 3 times the rate of other soldiers.

by BOIDS k

what about the 962 tanks destroyed according to our good friend vic. are you suggesting he was talking absolute bollocks again

Why do you insist on lying so much?

by Bluegrassplayer k

Why? He's in charge and is the one who is not allowing any outside entities help in north Gaza, which is the main (only?) policy being discussed itt as far as north Gaza goes. Seems extremely relevant.

I think he's gone in 2024, but sooner is better. He's got no plan aside from wrecking Gaza.

He's not being replaced during the war
So it's moot

And the number of total Palestinians including both military and civilians dead I s about 30,000 according to the Hamas ministry who likely exaggerates but in this thread the number is over 50k for effect

I doubt Putin gets replaced either, I'm still going to mention what he's doing.

If you'd rather Bibi's name be replaced by "The power in charge" or whatever, feel free. The points don't really change.

No 2 state
Israel military presence
Acting "govt" cannot be affiliated with terror
Dismantle unrwa, start new agency
Rebuild facilitated by Israel and countries that are friendly to Israel

by metsandfinsfan k

And the number of total Palestinians including both military and civilians dead I s about 30,000 according to the Hamas ministry who likely exaggerates but in this thread the number is over 50k for effect

I read a 26-27k up to 4-6 weeks ago , increased to 28-29, "close to 30k" from many sources, including several pro-Israel ones, i think at least on the causalties we do have enough information to claim that both sides closely agree on those numbers.

There is less agreement on how many of them were hamas ofc.

by Luciom k

I read a 26-27k up to 4-6 weeks ago , increased to 28-29, "close to 30k" from many sources, including several pro-Israel ones, i think at least on the causalties we do have enough information to claim that both sides closely agree on those numbers.

There is less agreement on how many of them were hamas ofc.

So why does this thread use the number 50k? For hyperbole?

by microbet k

Israel has been firing missiles and dropping bombs with up to 2000lb payloads. A Qassam rocket has a payload from 35-50kg. This is why buildings collapse when Israel strikes them and occasionally a Hamas rocket catches a car on fire.

Yet hamas keeps firing rockets so dumb people call them David vs Israel Goliath


So hamas says it's almost 30k, but this thread knows its really 50k amirite

The propoganda machine at work again ... the number has been in the 20s too long the outrage has gone down let's keep saying 50 until people beli it

by metsandfinsfan k

So hamas says it's almost 30k, but this thread knows its really 50k amirite

The propoganda machine at work again ... the number has been in the 20s too long the outrage has gone down let's keep saying 50 until people beli it

I don't think this is an argument that you're going to come away looking good with, regardless of what the actual number is.
