Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

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) 21 Views 21
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33310 Replies


The point about IRG not being Jihadists frankly is pretty fair in the context of arguing you can defeat them without killing them.

by microbet k

Because the more dangerous they and their paragliders are the more justified every Israeli 1000lb bomb is.

I honestly don't understand what you're arguing. That the IRG wasn't dangerous on a conventional battlefield against the greatest military to ever exist doesn't mean they weren't dangerous vs, for example, the Kuwaitis, or the Iranians, or its other neighbors.

And I am not sure if you realize constantly highlighting Hamas' technological deficiencies only highlights how dangerous they already are and how much more dangerous they can be as military tech proliferate and become more accessible.

by grizy k

Hamas proved itself to be dangerous beyond a shadow of a doubt on Oct 7th.

The number of people killed seems to be about 700, which is about 9x as many as Anders Breivik killed.

by metsandfinsfan k

Thats why Israel cannot be the sole occupying force post war

No other country is going to occupy Gaza. If you think they are I'm sure you can find a way to lose some money betting on it.

by metsandfinsfan k

Thats why Israel cannot be the sole occupying force post war

Israel is the only one that will toe the line of no Hamas and whatever its spiritual successor is.

If they are half way smart, they'll do most (even if not all, it would be smart to agree to monitoring) of the occupation themselves and be the ones to hand out jobs and food.

hamas proved themselves to be very effective against against teenage rave girls, but haven't fared so well since the IDF got involved

by microbet k

The number of people killed seems to be about 700, which is about 9x as many as Anders Breivik did.

yes 700 dead, of which 900 were killed by the IDF response

by Victor k

and yet the US Intelligence disagreed with this. and yet Israel was not able to show any evidence this was the case.

Lol, they disagreed they have absolute proof about it that would work in court.

In real life even the slightest doubt is more that enough when it's foreign lives (which are worth very very little to begin with) vs your country lives (which are literally the only thing you should ever care about).

A 1% risk 10 people in that association are Hamas is more than enough to never give them one more dollar ever.

And we have much more than that

Tbh the west should have never given a single dollar, Eur or pound to the Palestinians, we made a mistake there.

by Luciom k

Tbh the west should have never given a single dollar, Eur or pound to the Palestinians, we made a mistake there.

Increments of 2 is much better

Vic's martyrdom - for taking the 4-door sedan at face value - stands for thousand upon thousand of other martyrdoms, in Qatar, Bahrain, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Yemen..... in a Middle East at war since before the Vikings.

by metsandfinsfan k

Thats why Israel cannot be the sole occupying force post war

This is an excellent critique of Bibi, which I too have mentioned.

by Bluegrassplayer k

When looking at defense, most countries always prepare for the worst. It's also built into USA's system of government for better or worse. For example, the war games regarding defending Taiwan deal with scenarios like N. Korea attacking S. Korea as China begins to invade. The reason for this type of planning should be pretty clear.

In reality, most countries have their own interests, and those interests far outweigh cooperation which might involve delaying self interests. That doesn't mean that i

My previous post about the the threat of Hamas. It is very much a threat.

by Bluegrassplayer k

My previous post about the the threat of Hamas. It is very much a threat.

Israel has been firing missiles and dropping bombs with up to 2000lb payloads. A Qassam rocket has a payload from 35-50kg. This is why buildings collapse when Israel strikes them and occasionally a Hamas rocket catches a car on fire.

what about the 962 tanks destroyed according to our good friend vic. are you suggesting he was talking absolute bollocks again

That's why in October of last year Hamas launched 8500 of the 35-50kg rockets. That also doesn't account for the Houthis or Hezbollah since Hamas failed to get them to attack. The threat is real.

I don't see what the comparison to the size of Israel's bombs has to do with this.

by BOIDS k

yes 700 dead, of which 900 were killed by the IDF response

The new math!

by Bluegrassplayer k

This is an excellent critique of Bibi, which I too have mentioned.

Bibi sucking is an irrelevant talking point at this point

Watchy'all know about Bibi?

Never mind the bollocks, here's vic with the latest on Israel/ Palestine.

by microbet k

The number of people killed seems to be about 700, which is about 9x as many as Anders Breivik killed.

Do you think of the alleged 50,000 Palestinians that have died in the conflict, all of them died by Israel's hand? It is actually impossible. The way all warfare that has ever happened works it is impossible the number killed by Hamas isn't in the thousands.

It seems like you are completely comfortable attributing EVERY Palestinian death to Israel, but for Israeli deaths you want to differentiate whether it was friendly fire or not.


by metsandfinsfan k

Bibi sucking is an irrelevant talking point at this point

Why? He's in charge and is the one who is not allowing any outside entities help in north Gaza, which is the main (only?) policy being discussed itt as far as north Gaza goes. Seems extremely relevant.

I think he's gone in 2024, but sooner is better. He's got no plan aside from wrecking Gaza.

by BOIDS k

what about the 962 tanks destroyed according to our good friend vic. are you suggesting he was talking absolute bollocks again


But i doubt the number is that high. Iran perfected destroying tanks in iraq. they can use an explosive formed projective which destroys any current tanks. 900 seems alot tho

by BOIDS k

what about the 962 tanks destroyed according to our good friend vic. are you suggesting he was talking absolute bollocks again

I already posted that there was no way in hell that was true.

by PointlessWords k

interesting. you just reversed your original position

are you aware that jews are gods chosen people and everyone else is not?

Muhammad and his followers literally genocided, enslaved and raped all the Jews in Medina because God told him too. And unlike the Old Testament, which is mostly fiction, the early Muslims literally did all these things. So obviously Islamic lore, and hence Hamas, doesn't agree with this belief that Jews are God's chosen people.

Unless you are arguing Hamas follows the Talmud and not the Quoran, in which case I would argue you are gravely mistaken.

by microbet k

The number of people killed seems to be about 700

do you have a cite for this please. every source i have seen says >1000

by PointlessWords k

900 seems alot tho

you reckon
