Israel/Palestine thread
Think this merits its own thread...
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tell me more about "trauma" rafiki

speed ahead in the conversation. Israelis are done trusting some signage on the exterior of a vehicle... bout 40 years back, that change took place, ya half-wits.
speed ahead in the conversation. Israelis are done trusting some signage on the exterior of a vehicle... bout 40 years back, that change took place, ya half-wits.
Now this is just dishonest. You and the Israelis know who and what are in the vehicles. And you both know it ain't Hamas. That's why you support shooting at it. As you have made clear.
so Vic, taking the ambulance at face value...
Now this is just dishonest. You and the Israelis know who and what are in the vehicles. And you both know it ain't Hamas. That's why you support shooting at it. As you have made clear.
Wrong. Ambulances are Hamas
Hospitals and schools are Hamas
Refugee camps are Hamas
Aid workers are Hamas
Women and children are Hamas
Also you are Hamas
A guy from the low-content thread called...
Available life activities:
Jihadi specialist consultant apologists
Piano lessons
Wrong. Ambulances are Hamas
Hospitals and schools are Hamas
Refugee camps are Hamas
Aid workers are Hamas
Women and children are Hamas
Also you are Hamas
oh for sure.
but in reference to schlitz who has on multiple occassions gleefully and triumphantly said to "kill em all Bibi" in reference to all the Gazans, well he is backtracking. he should own his viewpoint and not fall back to the cognitive dissonance of most Western Zionists. embrace the Israeli ideal where there is no distinction!

Kill em all, Bibi.
You guys don't get to come in here daily and choke your sweaty hogs to the unfortunate, perpetual events in the mid east without pushback
It's impossible for words to describe what is necessary to those who do not know what horror means.
git some
I mean there is a lot of room to quibble over the definition of the word "affiliated," but I would guess that is a low number. I would say it is pretty much inevitable in a theocratic totalitarian state like Gaza greater than 10% of pretty much everyone, including aid workers, health care workers, social workers, journalists, etc. is going to be affiliated with Hamas. If they weren't, Hamas wouldn't allow them to operate.
UNRWA jobs are pretty plum too. You need to be reasonably connected to Hamas to be allowed to work for UNRWA in all likelihood.
The article is from an area that Israel claims control of and that they've cleared of Hamas. The aid vehicles contact IDF, tell them their route, and do not proceed until IDF gives the go ahead. In the event that IDF has so many Hamas vehicles going through this area that they confused the convoy that they oked to go through that area for Hamas, then IDF has not only failed in their communication, but they lied when they said they cleared the area.
Getting aid into areas under Israeli control is the first step for "the day after", which just about everyone has accused Bibi of not taking proper consideration of. This isn't some "Hamas has done no wrong and can do no wrong" line of thinking, it's a critique of how Israel is not doing well with the long game. I prefer Israel to do well in the long game and there to actually be something accomplished at the end of this.
I know you know I know that. My point was a little obscure and I didn't necessarily expect anyone to get it, but it was that both the USA and Iraq were on and on and on about how formidable the Republican Guard was. The US was because Iraq seeming dangerous was important to justify the invasion. Iraq was being nationalistic. They were not actually any kind of obstacle. I am suggesting that right now people justifying Israel's actions need to make Hamas out to be as dangerous as possible and a real army that must be defeated rather than what they are which is a very poorly equipped and organized group that only killed so many people because they happened upon an incredibly soft target. It amounted to a group of Anders Breiviks with paragliders. And the people who will not disparage the resistance will also boost Hamas out of solidarity.
Hamas proved itself to be dangerous beyond a shadow of a doubt on Oct 7th.
Why is it even relevant whether they are dangerous in the conventional military sense or a more guerilla warfare sense?
(there are some pretty obvious answers, I am just really trying to understand what your point even is given the discussion on the last few pages.

Hamas proved itself to be dangerous beyond a shadow of a doubt on Oct 7th.
Why is it even relevant whether they are dangerous in the conventional military sense or a more guerilla warfare sense?
(there are some pretty obvious answers, I am just really trying to understand what your point even is given the discussion on the last few pages.
Because the more dangerous they and their paragliders are the more justified every Israeli 1000lb bomb is.
The article is from an area that Israel claims control of and that they've cleared of Hamas. The aid vehicles contact IDF, tell them their route, and do not proceed until IDF gives the go ahead. In the event that IDF has so many Hamas vehicles going through this area that they confused the convoy that they oked to go through that area for Hamas, then IDF has not only failed in their communication, but they lied when they said they cleared the area.
Getting aid into areas under Israeli control is
Thats why Israel cannot be the sole occupying force post war