Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

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) 21 Views 21
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33357 Replies


by chillrob k

Anyone trying to deliver a death blow to Israel is going to have to be very sneaky about it, if they don't want to get nuked.

Israel had nukes in 1973 and it didn't stop most of the Arab world trying to team up and destroy Israel.

For whatever reason, it doesn't seem to be something Islamists worry about very much. Maybe they just assume that if Israelis had to choose between losing Israel and nuclear war they would just accept Israel's loss. Maybe the Islamists just aren't thinking that far ahead at all. They are just doing what they perceive is Allah's will, and whatever happens is inshallah.

by Dunyain k

Israel had nukes in 1973 and it didn't stop most of the Arab world trying to team up and destroy Israel.

For whatever reason, it doesn't seem to be something Islamists worry about very much. Maybe they just assume that if Israelis had to choose between losing Israel and nuclear war they would just accept Israel's loss. Maybe the Islamists just aren't thinking that far ahead at all. They are just doing what they perceive is Allah's will, and whatever happens is inshallah.

In the 70s and for quite a while afterward most of the Arab countries and the ones who allied against Israel in particular were not headed by Islamists, but by Arab Nationalists. Sadat in Egypt, al-Bakr in Iraq, Al-Asad in Syria, Boumediene in Algeria, Gaddafi in Libya, Bourguiba in Tunisia. None of these people were islamists and none of these countries were extremely conservative religiously at the time.

We've been through this before, but you don't learn. This was Cairo University in the 1970s.

These places were about as religious/secular as places like France or Italy or Ireland.

by Victor k

you might think that living as a slave is ok, but the Palestinians dont think its nothing.

I meant they will trade their lives for nothing, which is what they will likely get for all the lives being lost currently.

by Dunyain k

Israel had nukes in 1973 and it didn't stop most of the Arab world trying to team up and destroy Israel.

For whatever reason, it doesn't seem to be something Islamists worry about very much. Maybe they just assume that if Israelis had to choose between losing Israel and nuclear war they would just accept Israel's loss. Maybe the Islamists just aren't thinking that far ahead at all. They are just doing what they perceive is Allah's will, and whatever happens is inshallah.

If they had actually gotten closer to succeeding, I'm pretty sure israel would have used their nukes. Why wouldn't they?

by chillrob k

I meant they will trade their lives for nothing, which is what they will likely get for all the lives being lost currently.

you contradict yourself in that very post when you say likely

anyway, as Malcolm X said, you cant have peace without freedom.

Or, in this case, as Jihadi X, the grand mufti, General Admiral Aladeen, Mohamed Atta, et al, would say. They aren't peaceniks.

Honestly, someone explain to me how you negotiate with these people? Leave that region and call it quits?

by microbet k

In the 70s and for quite a while afterward most of the Arab countries and the ones who allied against Israel in particular were not headed by Islamists, but by Arab Nationalists. Sadat in Egypt, al-Bakr in Iraq, Al-Asad in Syria, Boumediene in Algeria, Gaddafi in Libya, Bourguiba in Tunisia. None of these people were islamists and none of these countries were extremely conservative religiously at the time.

We've been through this before, but you don't learn. This was Cairo University in the 19

I am aware. But Israel still had nukes and they still attempted a full scale invasion to destroy Israel. The nukes didn't seem to act as much of a deterrent. If secular, Arab nationalists aren't worried about Israeli nukes, hard to imagine the Islamists of today would be.

The Islamists of today literally dont care about he lives of the people they control. Most of the time when someone says something along these lines, it is hyperbole, but in this case it isn't. They literally seem to believe if their people live horrible lives and die as martyrs for a God sanctioned Jihad, they will live a great afterlife in heaven, and that is perfectly fine for them.

by chillrob k

If they had actually gotten closer to succeeding, I'm pretty sure israel would have used their nukes. Why wouldn't they?

I am not sure even Golda Meir knew definitively what she/they would have done. But the point is the threat didn't seem to act as a deterrent for the Arabs.

Could one of these days leave everything behind and call it quit.

There was uncertainty over whether Israel had nukes or not. I think the consensus was they were at "turnkey" but even at "turnkey", they'd still need time to put it together so a total blitz by overwhelming firepower had a decent chance to overwhelm Israeli forces before Israel could assemble.

by chillrob k

Anyone trying to deliver a death blow to Israel is going to have to be very sneaky about it, if they don't want to get nuked.

When that time comes I doubt Israel still has a monopoly on nukes in the region.

Radical Islam and nuclear weapons is not a marriage Bibi(and hopefully his successors)will allow, God willing

Pakistan has had nukes for a time. Hopefully the CIA is in operation.

by Victor k

anyway, as Malcolm X said, you cant have peace without freedom.

reminder that the palestinian leadership's definition of freedom includes the freedom to drive the jews out of the middle east, aka holocaust 2

by Victor k

you contradict yourself in that very post when you say likely

anyway, as Malcolm X said, you cant have peace without freedom.

Malcolm X, of course the person we should all want to emulate.

I said "likely" because I don't claim to know for sure what will happen, unlike some here who are very stuck on their own opinions.

by 5 south k

When that time comes I doubt Israel still has a monopoly on nukes in the region.

Maybe not, but if they still have nothing to lose, why would they not use the nukes? We're talking about Israel's existence going away.

by chillrob k

Maybe not, but if they still have nothing to lose, why would they not use the nukes? We're talking about Israel's existence going away.

Yeah, just saying that them being the only one with nukes in the region is not indefinite and it changes decision making across the board.

by microbet k

In the 70s and for quite a while afterward most of the Arab countries and the ones who allied against Israel in particular were not headed by Islamists, but by Arab Nationalists. Sadat in Egypt, al-Bakr in Iraq, Al-Asad in Syria, Boumediene in Algeria, Gaddafi in Libya, Bourguiba in Tunisia. None of these people were islamists and none of these countries were extremely conservative religiously at the time.

We've been through this before, but you don't learn. This was Cairo University in the 19

Though at the same time there was always something not good about East Africans (in particular) wearing western suits and ties.

There may be an unofficial ceasefire with hamas during Ramadan, but Hezbollah, not so much :(

by microbet k

In the 70s and for quite a while afterward most of the Arab countries and the ones who allied against Israel in particular were not headed by Islamists, but by Arab Nationalists. Sadat in Egypt, al-Bakr in Iraq, Al-Asad in Syria, Boumediene in Algeria, Gaddafi in Libya, Bourguiba in Tunisia. None of these people were islamists and none of these countries were extremely conservative religiously at the time.

We've been through this before, but you don't learn. This was Cairo University in the 19

How many people went to college in Egypt in the 70s? How was life for everyone else?

by Luciom k

How many people went to college in Egypt in the 70s? How was life for everyone else?

Surely you're not suggesting causality between living conditions and religious radicalism?

by metsandfinsfan k

There may be an unofficial ceasefire with hamas during Ramadan, but Hezbollah, not so much :(

You know very well 100 rockets isn’t even a tickle in the context of current situation. Both the Israelis and Hezbollah have repeatedly telegraphed they don’t want full war.

lol, told yall it was all bullshit

why am I always right on this stuff? oh proly just luck or something.

by Bluegrassplayer k

USA can't get aid in with a phone call. That phone call has clearly been made multiple times.

If the content of the phone call was "we shut off your ammo and will start voting with the majority in the UN Security Council," then you'd see some movement.

That movement will be

1. Israel guilting Germany and EU into sending it more ammo
2. Israel ramping up bombardment so they could finish the job before running out of ammo
3. Israel ramping up domestic production of weapons

They've been through the dance before.

Push comes to shove, they'll go to the Saudis, Russians, Chinese, and even Iranians themselves, all of whom have a major interest in accessing Israeli tech.

“I’m never going to leave Israel. The defense of Israel is still critical,” Biden said. “So there’s no red line [in which] I’m going to cut off all weapons so they don’t have the Iron Dome to protect them.”

If Israel invades Rafah, Biden will consider conditioning military aid to Israel

Bibi is aware that Biden gives aid to Israel for a reason. Bibi understand's Israel's position and why Biden can't abandon the country. By this point Biden has given what threats he can credibly give.
