Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

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) 21 Views 21
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33352 Replies


by Luciom k

Biden joined team victor, sad

talk is cheap

by PointlessWords k

talk is cheap

Israel wanted to enter Rafah almost a month ago and still didn't

Israel hasnt even contained the North

by PointlessWords k

American military might will never let the dollar fail. We could default on our 9 trillion in foreign debt and they couldn’t do **** to us

A bunch of people may not want the laws of economics to play out but they are powerless to prevent it. The US government has only been able to afford its military because people and central banks have been willing to loan the US government money. Once the bond market collapses (either through lack of demand based on the Fed not restarting QE or inflation risk being priced into long-term bonds after the Fed does restart QE), the US government's purchasing power will be limited to its receipts from taxation which will be little to nothing because the economy will have collapsed. Israel will be on its own and considering how strongly its economy is tied to the US economy, I don't expect it will be in great economic shape itself.

Perhaps the Arab economies will collapse too in a global meltdown but Iran's oil has real value and will continue to do so in all economic conditions. I don't like Israel's chances but I will acknowledge the hatred is strong on both sides and if either side fails to fully genocide the other, it won't be for a lack of trying.

by grizy k

I made this post three months ago.

Bibi and the *******s in his admin are still refusing to do the obviously right and necessary thing.

I really don’t give a **** if the cruelty is supported by Israeli public. Sometimes a leader has to lead and do right for his/her people.

The right thing for both the Gazans and Israelis is to feed the Gazans.

As it is, it may be too late for way too many.

Bibi really didn’t have to do all that much to alleviate the suffering of Gazans to extend international good wi

This whole thread is insane

Do we really think electing someone new is going to matter? I know nothing about Israeli politics or the candidates (and inquired itt about this before), but why should anything different be expected with the next leader?

by Victor k

everybody knows it wont happen but many people (and I am not accusing Lond as I dont know his viewpoints) use this argument as justification for the continued genocide on the Palestinians. its really sick.

Well to clarify, I support the complete disestablishment of all governments that currently exist on Earth and greatly oppose the genocide of Gaza. I believe that violence will only beget further violence and the risk of the backlash I describe has increased, rather than decreased, by the genocide of Gaza.

What a cluster****.

Israel wants to bring in the military to push those in rafah further south while Egypt sets up 40 tanks to ensure they don't go too far south and into their area. Literally stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Sinwar should just direct his men to start attacking Egypt

by TeflonDawg k

This whole thread is insane

Do we really think electing someone new is going to matter? I know nothing about Israeli politics or the candidates (and inquired itt about this before), but why should anything different be expected with the next leader?

like 90% of the country supports the genocide and the leading opposition to Bibi, Benny Ganz, is helping to run the war

by formula72 k

What a cluster****.

Israel wants to bring in the military to push those in rafah further south while Egypt sets up 40 tanks to ensure they don't go too far south and into their area. Literally stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Sinwar should just direct his men to start attacking Egypt

Sinwar is a madman but:

1. He is not stupid
2. He doesn't hate Egyptians the way he hates Jews

by TeflonDawg k

This whole thread is insane

Do we really think electing someone new is going to matter? I know nothing about Israeli politics or the candidates (and inquired itt about this before), but why should anything different be expected with the next leader?

Maybe not. But we do know Bibi has every incentive to perpetuate the conflict until he finds an opportune time to hold elections.

Biden is caught in an election bind now. i don't think anyone has to read anything into his actions beyond what his numbers people are telling him to do. They'll try on a lot of different stuff for size.

I think they are going to delay Rafah till after Ramadan, which was always the humane thing in my books. Be better than your enemy, there. More time also means more spots for diplomacy to succeed, and way better improvements for aid.

The war cabinet could delay stuff all the way to Trump really, in some senses. Trump is going to let them do literally anything they want.

by grizy k

Sinwar is a madman but:

1. He is not stupid
2. He doesn't hate Egyptians the way he hates Jews

Well I wasn't serious, obv. But at this point, Israel may deem that they need a safety zone large enough to send them all the way to Iran - in which Iran just ends up telling them to ge the **** off my lawn.

by formula72 k

Well I wasn't serious, obv. But at this point, Israel may deem that they need a safety zone large enough to send them all the way to Iran - in which Iran just ends up telling them to ge the **** off my lawn.

the feel entitled to most of Lebanon, and parts of Jordan, Syria, and Egypt. I am sure they can conjure up reasons to take even more.

Trump loves authoritarian shitheads like Bibi and Putin.

He’s more likely to try to convince his still (hopefully) sane staff to try to out kill Bibi than he is to try to enforce a safe zone for humanitarian aid for the Palestinians.

He’s also never going to bat for Ukraine. He will try to take credit for whatever Europe does but all he’s gonna do is make our allies trust us less and less and create more instability.

by Victor k

everybody knows it wont happen but many people (and I am not accusing Lond as I dont know his viewpoints) use this argument as justification for the continued genocide on the Palestinians. its really sick.

If radical islam stays a thing Israel will eventually be gone. May take a couple hundred years but eventually the wrong mix of leaders in the region will be in power at the same time who will actively support the Palestinians in a war.

pretty good odds they executed this family with the same bulldozer

dozens of flattened bodies were found after Israel pulled back from Khan Younis.

seems that Israel has started to run out of doctors paramedics professors and bakers to murder and are moving on to athletes killing 2 footballers today.

by corpus vile k

Oh, okay. I'm just sayin' you just don't strike me as someone big on sunny disposition, is all.

That much is correct.

by grizy k

I made this post three months ago.

Bibi and the *******s in his admin are still refusing to do the obviously right and necessary thing.

I really don’t give a **** if the cruelty is supported by Israeli public. Sometimes a leader has to lead and do right for his/her people.

The right thing for both the Gazans and Israelis is to feed the Gazans.

The people of Israel have been under attack by the Palestinians for decades, and are sick of it. I guarantee as little **** as you give over their support of the invasion, they give less over your thoughts on the matter. Have a few of your close family killed by Palestinian Jihadis and then get back to them on how they should feel about doing right by the Palestinians.

Especially when they know any act of kindness will just be exploited to attack them in the future. You have this abstract idea that "doing right" by the Palestinians is somehow in Israel's best interests. And maybe you sincerely believe this. But that doesn't mean it is true at all. This record has been repeating for decades, and there is no indication anything Israel does for Gaza wont be cynically exploited and used against them.

Also, LOL sometimes a leader has to lead and do the right thing for his/her people. This is the Middle East we are talking about. All the leaders are horrible, and most of the people they lead are worse. Who is the good leaders who do the right thing in this part of the world?

Egypt? Hamas? Houthis? Syria? Iran? Iraq? Lebanon? It is all a giant pile of ****. No one is doing the right thing for anyone. Maybe it is time to just accept Israel is part of the Middle East, which just sucks and is filled with xenophobic, horrible, spiteful, mean-spirited people, and lower your expectations accordingly.

by grizy k

Trump loves authoritarian shitheads like Bibi and Putin.

He’s more likely to try to convince his still (hopefully) sane staff to try to out kill Bibi than he is to try to enforce a safe zone for humanitarian aid for the Palestinians.

He’s also never going to bat for Ukraine. He will try to take credit for whatever Europe does but all he’s gonna do is make our allies trust us less and less and create more instability.

First and foremost Trump cares about his own interests.

But aligned with this, in his first term he was very interested in getting parties that were willing to come to the table and negotiate for peace to do so. Israel and the Gulf states were interested, and a lot of progress was made under Trump. Trump very quickly realized the Palestianian leadership had no interest in peace, they just wanted to keep the status quo (and their handouts) indefinitely, so he more or less just ignored them.

What happens under a theoretical future Trump presidency is going to matter a lot on how the Palestinians act. If they keep acting as they have been for the last 50 years, then he is likely to just let Israel dictate terms, and negotiate with the other Arab countries to not interfere. If the Palestinains are serious about peace with Israel (and forget their fantasies of reconquering Israel) then he would probably be willing to give them a lot.

Palestinians are not going to give up their freedom for peace. nor should they.

by 5 south k

If radical islam stays a thing Israel will eventually be gone. May take a couple hundred years but eventually the wrong mix of leaders in the region will be in power at the same time who will actively support the Palestinians in a war.

If radical Islam stays a thing, and Europe keeps importing and enabling it, it will probably be a Islamized European country that delivers the death blow to Israel.

by Victor k

Palestinians are not going to give up their freedom for peace. nor should they.

They will, however, give up their lives for nothing.

by Dunyain k

If radical Islam stays a thing, and Europe keeps importing and enabling it, it will probably be a Islamized European country that delivers the death blow to Israel.

Anyone trying to deliver a death blow to Israel is going to have to be very sneaky about it, if they don't want to get nuked.

by chillrob k

They will, however, give up their lives for nothing.

you might think that living as a slave is ok, but the Palestinians dont think its nothing.
