Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..



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) 21 Views 21
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33349 Replies


by Luciom k

Ye Palestine is so rich, plundering it is such a +ev obvious move, another genius strategic masterstroke by the not-very-bright Hamas propaganda copy machine

A large portion of Israeli society and many of the most powerful politicians have said they want to take the land. Settlers have already attempted to build there.

And ofc. The soldiers are stealing everything.

Rugs, cosmetics, lingerie, pie

by Luciom k

Victor your posting would truly be funny and entertaining for real if it wasn't an attempt to justify terrorism.

Anyway sometimes I think you are a genius troller who actually doesn't side with Hamas and Putin

I dont side with [strike]Hamas[/strike] or Putin

by BOIDS k

once all of your hamas friends are dead there will be peace, and the civilians can get on with their lives

1/3 done, 2/3 to go

There won't be any civilians left soon. And if there are where are they supposed to get on with their lives exactly?

by Brian James k

There won't be any civilians left soon. And if there are where are they supposed to get on with their lives exactly?

Zionists on Oct7: how dare you kill civilians? that is the worst thing possible and civilians should never be targeted. #HamasIsIsis #BelieveYossiLandau #BelieveAllZionistsOrItsAntisemitism

Zionists after Oct 7: we are going to murder your children until you do what we want. this is perfectly reasonable and it is antisemitism to criticize.

by Victor k

Sinwar will agree to a nearly full hostage swap, withdrawal of Israel, no more drones, and allowing people to return to their houses.

They have said this many times. And they have further said that it doesn't matter if Israel kills all of the Israeli detainees except one, they will still require a full swap of thr nearly 10k hostages kept by Israel.

I think Israel should do that. But if they did, and sinwar decideds to bring in hamas again to fire rockets and attempt another breach, would it be fair to conclude that sinwar is full of **** and Israel's attempt to annihilate them would be a bit more justified..

In Vic's simple data processor, It's all so impersonal, even war

Say war, vic

Like philosoraptor, we're against people killing our civilians. Therefore let's stand pat and negotiate our next exile

by formula72 k

I think Israel should do that. But if they did, and sinwar decideds to bring in hamas again to fire rockets and attempt another breach, would it be fair to conclude that sinwar is full of **** and Israel's attempt to annihilate them would be a bit more justified..

it depends why they attack. if all of that happens, then Hamas will not be attacking for no reason.

but regardless, I dont Israel will ever accept such a deal bc it would essentially mean defeat and it would make Hamas unassailable in Palestine. imagine if they were able to return 10k family members who have been tortured for months and years to their homes. imagine if they were able to remove the ubiquitous drones from Gaza. imagine if they were able to remove this murderous army. imagine if the entire Gaza strip was not on a calorie count.

Hamas is asking for the barest minimum of human rights.

by Schlitz mmmm k

Noise. Say holy war, you pathetic post-truth zombie

It's not a resistance to occupation, demanding a few more amenities It's Islamist jihad against the west.

only one side is a fundamentalist and exclusionary religious society and it aint Palestine lol

Vic thinks that ISIS phenomenon just a fluke 1/1000 super-virulent outlier in how Islam could be interpreted and manifest

ISIS is a Western funded creation that the Resistance is fighting against.

Yeah sure.

many people on twitter are upset at this. they are saying the Glazer was miquoted. he was sure. but Variety and the Zionists are not wrong that he in their eyes he absolutely refutes his Jewishness even if that is not what he said.

he actually said the

refutes his Jewishness and the Holocaust being used by an occupation which has led to conflict for so many innocent people

but ofc in the eyes of Israel and Zionists this is ofc a refutation of Jewishness.

24% apostasy in Islam apparently. yhtsi


by BOIDS k

did the unrwa write a report exonerating the unrwa

i better not be paying anything towards this


by gs3737 k

It’s fascinating how often Victor is made to look like a complete moron…and he still keeps coming back for more (and more and more.)

or they could just let in the trucks that are stacked outside of Rafah right now.

instead they are going to build a port that takes months?

ya I oppose plans that are at best performative and at worst including another genocidal power.

just like I opposed the air drops that have now caused more damage than help. funny how I am always right about this stuff.

by gs3737 k


starving children and tortured civlians is so hilarious to the Zionist.

when I watched Zone of Interest, I did not get the feeling in any way that it was the banality of evil. instead I got the feeling that the people in that movie were absolutely committed to the cause and reveled in it. I get that same feeling when I read your posts.

Israeli media and politicians doing pro-Hamas propaganda

Can anything else remain unbroken by this cataclysm?

by Schlitz mmmm k

Can anything else remain unbroken by this cataclysm?

I dunno

how many Gazan lifes would you trade for the hostages? like we know that 10k is too many. but if you could get the hostages back for like a few paraplegic children would you do it? I dont think Bibi would ofc, but would you yourself?

I think when the hostages die it will be a massive coup for the Hasbara and the Israeli genocidal campaign.

by Victor k

or they could just let in the trucks that are stacked outside of Rafah right now.

instead they are going to build a port that takes months?

ya I oppose plans that are at best performative and at worst including another genocidal power.

just like I opposed the air drops that have now caused more damage than help. funny how I am always right about this stuff.

How have the air drops caused more damage than help?

If you agree that Israel is blocking aid, then removing Israel from the equation by building a port seems pretty great.

by Victor k

bro wut

It is ridiculous to expect one country to provide food for another country they're currently at war with.

I don't think Russia should be at war with Ukraine, but I still wouldn't say they were doing something additionally wrong because they aren't sending food shipments to Ukraine.

by microbet k

Of course starvation was used as a weapon in WW2. Some blockades of food to Germany started as early as 1939. And there was hunger all over Europe during and immediately after the war. Germany didn't have a mass famine because it was mostly food independent, but the average daily caloric intake for a civilian in Germany in 1945 was 1412 calories.

Sure, you can call it that if you want - I would call it just preventing any shipments to a country you're at war with. My point was that no one says the US was terrible because they didn't give food to the Nazis while the two groups were at war - it would have been ridiculous for them to do that.
