Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

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) 21 Views 21
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33349 Replies


From the guy who had 17th century Irish pirates being part of a colonial empire run by the Republic of Ireland. LOL

Luciom said in another thread that he only believes rape accusations from women he personally knows bc women are lying liars who lie about rape for personal gain

Maybe don’t worry about his opinion so much

by Luciom k

rape allegations have been abused since forever to destroy people and i won't believe any unless it comes from a person I personally know and trust, if there is no direct unassailable evidence.

Very serious competition for the rape denial awards

I try to randomize which women I believe and which ones I don't believe. That's the gto play.

by chillrob k

I don't remember the US sending shipments of food to Germany during WWII. Does that mean we were using starvation as a weapon against the Nazis?

Eh, never mind, you probably do think that.

Of course starvation was used as a weapon in WW2. Some blockades of food to Germany started as early as 1939. And there was hunger all over Europe during and immediately after the war. Germany didn't have a mass famine because it was mostly food independent, but the average daily caloric intake for a civilian in Germany in 1945 was 1412 calories.

Of course the Nazis did a lot more starving and millions of people starved to death during the war in German occupied territories and not counting in the camps. 300000 starved to death in Greece for example.

Famine is another thing (along with rape) that happens in every war and people don't talk about much. 760k people starved to death in Germany in WW1 because of the Allied blockade. Some people put the death toll in the Persian Famine in 1917-1919 which was largely caused by the occupation by the British, Russians and Ottomans as high as 10 million people.

by chillrob k

It is ridiculous to call an opinion about a possible war tactic an advocation of that tactic.

I honestly think if a Muslim terrorist group blew up every skyscraper in the US, that would really get across their point that America is the great satan.

There, I said it, and I absolutely believe it. Do you think that means I'm advocating that every skyscraper in the US should be blown up?

Do I think you personally is advocating? Probably actually, as you strike me as a misanthrope who hates humanity and life and anything remotely resembling fun and laughter and general positivity. One of those types who long for an asteroid to destroy us all as the earth is better off without us because doom gloom etc.

Anyway you're late to the party as grizy and I resolved the issue, so you can get back to wistfully hoping for another pandemic this time with a 100% mortality rate or a nuclear war that'll wipe out the cancer of humanity, or whatever other Armageddon you usually dream about.

by Crossnerd k

Luciom said in another thread that he only believes rape accusations from women he personally knows bc women are lying liars who lie about rape for personal gain

Maybe don’t worry about his opinion so much

Ye the missing part there should have been "when used against famous people", that was the context.

by jalfrezi k

From the guy who had 17th century Irish pirates being part of a colonial empire run by the Republic of Ireland. LOL

Uh? It was more about the 6th century and the republic or Ireland has less than 100 years

Come to Jesus Bibi!!

Oh Joe, say it ain't so

by chillrob k

I have to say that is another beautiful woman, but looks nothing at all like the first one posted upthread. It's almost like Israelis are not all of the same race.

Of course, I prefer a more mature lady who is very close to my own age.

Why not both? Just saying

Majority of Israelis support Bibi and his policies? That's news to me, and probably to most Israelis.

And probably a surprise to Bibi.

If he believed he had majority support, he'd be rushing to get an election held now.

He knows he's ****ed if elections were held today.

by grizy k

Majority of Israelis support Bibi and his policies? That's news to me, and probably to most Israelis.

And probably a surprise to Bibi.

If he believed he had majority support, he'd be rushing to get an election held now.

He knows he's ****ed if elections were held today.

They support the Gaza genocide overwhelmingly.

They don't support Bibi with respect to some liberal bullshit with judges or something lame.

So when Benny "the butcher" Ganz takes over you can rest assured that your team will continue slaughtering and torturing.

It's very unlikely Ganz would do much differently regarding Gaza at this moment, the big difference is that he'd be willing to think more long term which Bibi is refusing to do. So yeah, most support what Bibi is doing at this moment.

Yeah they approve of the war but he would get trounced by Gantz in an election but not really because of the war

The poll last week suggested Ganz wins with almost 70% of the vote. Probably gives Bibi incentive not to do any ceasefire.

Sinwar still hoping that Hezbollah comes to his rescue, so he's unlikely to agree either despite the exiled Hamas leaders being for it.

A ceasefire without getting all of the hostages back is pointless for bibi

by metsandfinsfan k

A ceasefire without getting all of the hostages back is pointless for bibi

Hamas has never offered such a thing.

by metsandfinsfan k

A ceasefire without getting all of the hostages back is pointless for bibi

I agree. I meant he doesn't have the best incentives to work towards this.

Sinwar will agree to a nearly full hostage swap, withdrawal of Israel, no more drones, and allowing people to return to their houses.

They have said this many times. And they have further said that it doesn't matter if Israel kills all of the Israeli detainees except one, they will still require a full swap of thr nearly 10k hostages kept by Israel.

that wont do at all

any long term peace deal starts with the hamas leadership being turned into paste. once that has been agreed we can work on the rest of the terms

Israel doesnt care about the leaders. their main goal is to turn the civilians to paste and steal all their stuff. to do a holocaust 2.0 on the untermenschen Gazans. this has been obv since Oct and it will only become more clear in the next few months.

by Victor k

Israel doesnt care about the leaders. their main goal is to turn the civilians to paste and steal all their stuff. to do a holocaust 2.0 on the untermenschen Gazans. this has been obv since Oct and it will only become more clear in the next few months.

Ye Palestine is so rich, plundering it is such a +ev obvious move, another genius strategic masterstroke by the not-very-bright Hamas propaganda copy machine

once all of your hamas friends are dead there will be peace, and the civilians can get on with their lives

1/3 done, 2/3 to go
