Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..



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07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33263 Replies


by Luckbox Inc k

They were attacking Russian civilians in eastern Ukraine, Russia intervened, they signed the Minsk agreement which Ukraine then repeatedly violated which then led to Russia's full scale invasion.


Not Russian civilians (at most Russophones).

Not a violation of Minsk to attack violent separatists

by Luckbox Inc k

They were attacking Russian civilians in eastern Ukraine, Russia intervened, they signed the Minsk agreement which Ukraine then repeatedly violated which then led to Russia's full scale invasion.


by Luciom k


Not Russian civilians (at most Russophones).

Not a violation of Minsk to attack violent separatists

Yes Russophones and you'd probably be a violet separatist too if you were being attacked.

Definitely not my claim that Putin is a good guy but acting like one day he just decided to invade Ukraine is pretty crazy.

by PointlessWords k

If Israel puts down their weapons they will pay someone else to protect them

Anyway what does Israel getting annihilated in some dream scenario have to do with the war crimes Israel is doing rite now ?

Give me the path for Israel to secure with 99.99% probability their present and future safety from Islam terrorism.

List me the series of actions they could enact to guarantee no Arab country would ever be able to annihilate them.

And that's something that is fully moral to achieve even with very significant collateral damage

Try to find any path to security for them that doesn't require extreme violence.

And until you can prove, betting your life and that of all your relatives on it, a non violent oath exist, accept Israel is fully, completely , utterly moral justified to act in whatever way increases their safety no matter the amount of foreigner arabs they kill in the process.

by Luckbox Inc k

Yes Russophones and you'd probably be a violet separatist too if you were being attacked.

Definitely not my claim that Putin is a good guy but acting like one day he just decided to invade Ukraine is pretty crazy.

I would not be attacked because I would not try to violently secede against the law to begin with lol.

And if I tried to militarily organize to secede from the rest of Italy the state could and should shoot us down one by one.

"Crazy" isn't very useful, Putin is simply someone who thinks Russia has an hegemonic right to determine to some extent the fate of neighbors, so it tries to do so when it thinks it's in their own interest to do so.

We are the most powerful empire in humanity history and everyone else has to accept to be either part of the empire, or be thankful we let them exist and keep their head down all the time and always do our bidding outside their borders.

Or die in the process

The first aid ship, from Cyprus, has unloaded 200 tons of aid at Gaza, for what that's worth.

Medecins Sans Frontieres and the International Rescue Committee are for some reason pouring cold water on Biden's plan for a Gaza temporary harbour, insisting only that Israel should free up the land routes and apparently not grasping that an unprecedented international sea route to Gaza will transform the situation, will definitively break the historic blockade and will be politically difficult for the Israelis to cancel in future, given that even the Americans are now going cool on Israel and Israel's tilt towards Putin is not viewed with favour in Washington. (And the Israelis have no significant naval power and the US has the Sixth Fleet in the region.)

by Bluegrassplayer k

Browser is a great mod.

Don't be ridiculous.

by Victor k

not sure what you are asking. you mean why isnt Israel supporting Zelensky?

or was my comparative point unclear? he is accusing me of not supporting Ukraine bc I am supposedly an antisemite. However, Israel does not support Ukraine either. They have remained publicly neutral. But they have maintained relations and visits with Russia and refused to ship any weapons to Ukraine.

by Victor k

yes I missed the blurb from 2 weeks ago. I was busy watching the Zionist supremacists do a genocide.

Victor I don't fault you for missing a piece of news from 2 weeks ago, specially in this particular news cycle/coverage. That's even more true when one considers how much time you must spend sifting across the vastness of X/Twitter for "news".

But you don't need to get pissy when someone points out an error and points you to the correct facts.

by Victor k

do you realize 1948 is the year that Israel invaded Palestine?

Case in point. There are so many errors in this statement I'm not entirely sure where to start fixing it.

In your mind, in 1948 did a bunch of boats and planes of Jews suddenly offload all around the Mandate (Palestine and Transjordan), and then bumrush their way in and "invade"? Is that the sequence as you both understand it, and explain it to others? Because my friend, we have much work to do if so. Maybe too much for happy hour on a Friday. We gotta cover 70 years of stuff before, and that's probably a bridge too far for today.

But godamn, the bolded is a genuine whopper in the firehose of lies.

by microbet k

Lol at the constant stream of posts thanking and praising mods while simultaneously saying it's a thankless job. Completely thankless!

And the next time he's being insulted and trolled for making a decision, knowing full well that he would be insulted and trolled by the people on the other end if he'd made the opposite decision, he can think to himself "well at least this isn't a completely thankless job because that one time when people in ATF were trying to get me demodded for doing basic mod stuff, some posters said I'm good at being a mod."

Thank you for your contribution, it is indeed only 99.9% completely thankless.

to be technical, they havent sent any weapons yet. so until they do...promises dont mean much. esp from Israel.

and sure if you want to quibble over the word invasion then pick another word that you think is proper.

by Victor k

to be technical, they havent sent any weapons yet. so until they do...promises dont mean much. esp from Israel.

and sure if you want to quibble over the word invasion then pick another word that you think is proper.

Victor, countries have been supplying Ukraine with supplies quietly through third party countries since the war began. As it has gone in war since forever. This is the same trick Russia has been using with oil in the other direction.

It may shock you to know that putting out press releases when you're supplying Ukraine with something isn't always to your benefit (or the Ukrainian army's).

I have this from real sources who do this for their job.

But you can read it in stuff like this I guess

Israel was in a very sticky PUBLIC situation with Russia. It did a lot outside of the public eye...

by Luckbox Inc k

Yes Russophones and you'd probably be a violet separatist too if you were being attacked.

Definitely not my claim that Putin is a good guy but acting like one day he just decided to invade Ukraine is pretty crazy.

One day, after failing to buy an election and trying to assassinate the leading candidate in Ukraine's presidential race so Putin's chosen candidate could win, then just rigging the election so he would win, then trying to turn his chosen candidate into a puppet and coercing Ukraine's government, then trying to foment an uprising, then trying to orchestrate an uprising by sending disguised armed men and that failing as well, Putin just decided to invade. After years of fighting in that invasion, he decided to launch the full scale invasion using the fact that people resisted him and defended themselves against his violent separatists as one of his many fake justifications for that full scale invasion.

Putin had to invade, Ukrainians were resisting his other attempts at taking them over!

by Bluegrassplayer k

One day, after failing to buy an election and trying to assassinate the leading candidate in Ukraine's presidential race so Putin's chosen candidate could win, then just rigging the election so he would win, then trying to turn his chosen candidate into a puppet and coercing Ukraine's government, then trying to foment an uprising, then trying to orchestrate an uprising by sending disguised armed men and that failing as well, Putin just decided to invade. After years of fighting in that invasion,

How dare you paddle around in my stream and stir up all the mud!" he shouted fiercely. "You deserve to be punished severely for your rashness!"

"But, your highness," replied the trembling Lamb, "do not be angry! I cannot possibly muddy the water you are drinking up there. Remember, you are upstream and I am downstream."

"You do muddy it!" retorted the Wolf savagely. "And besides, I have heard that you told lies about me last year!" "How could I have done so?" pleaded the Lamb. "I wasn't born until this year."

"If it wasn't you, it was your brother!"

"I have no brothers."

"Well, then," snarled the Wolf, "It was someone in your family anyway. But no matter who it was, I do not intend to be talked out of my breakfast."

And without more words the Wolf seized the poor Lamb and carried her off to the forest.

by Luckbox Inc k

They were attacking Russian civilians in eastern Ukraine, Russia intervened, they signed the Minsk agreement which Ukraine then repeatedly violated which then led to Russia's full scale invasion.

by rafiki k

Victor, countries have been supplying Ukraine with supplies quietly through third party countries since the war began. As it has gone in war since forever. This is the same trick Russia has been using with oil in the other direction.

It may shock you to know that putting out press releases when you're supplying Ukraine with something isn't always to your benefit (or the Ukrainian army's).

I have this from real sources who do this for their job.

But you can read it in stuff like this I guess

remember this whole derail started bc mets accused me of antisemitism bc I dont fullthroatedly support Ukraine and Zelenskyy and want a cease fire there.

by Victor k

remember this whole derail started bc mets accused me of antisemitism bc I dont fullthroatedly support Ukraine and Zelenskyy and want a cease fire there.

But you do full and deepthroatedly support a certain megalomaniac Russian despot.

by 57 On Red k

The first aid ship, from Cyprus, has unloaded 200 tons of aid at Gaza, for what that's worth.

Victor: "No, Gazans, don't open up that ship, it's a trap!"

by Victor k

remember this whole derail started bc mets accused me of antisemitism bc I dont fullthroatedly support Ukraine and Zelenskyy and want a cease fire there.

Do you want a ceasefire with Russian troops all out of Ukraine pre 2014 borders? If not why not? Why do you agree with permanent Russian occupation of Crimea and Donbass? Why not even asking them to leave

by Victor k

remember this whole derail started bc mets accused me of antisemitism bc I dont fullthroatedly support Ukraine and Zelenskyy and want a cease fire there.

look derail or not, if you anchor to the notion of the Jews invading Palestine in 1948, we have much work to do. And not very hard work because not much of what I'd outline is even disputed. I just don't have the juice on a Friday.

reminder that if you asked luckbox if the parents of the kids killed at sandy hook have been faking their grief for the last 11 years he would say yes, and mean it

the man does not process information well, and that should be kept in mind at all times when dealing with his postings

Pretty much everyone except hardcore Russian hawks want a ceasefire. Putin does not want a ceasefire and never has. He's tried to wage war through a fake "ceasefire" which included measures such as dismantling the Ukrainian military so Putin could invade again amd giving himself veto rights on foreign aid to Ukraine when he did invade again. Resisting this is not "pro war", "warmongering" or anything similar.

1984 seems to be a favorite of yours. Putin is easily the closest to what that book warns about, and this is a prime example.

by Bluegrassplayer k

Pretty much everyone except hardcore Russian hawks want a ceasefire. Putin does not want a ceasefire and never has. He's tried to wage war through a fake "ceasefire" which included measures such as dismantling the Ukrainian military so Putin could invade again. Only the most naive actually thought this was a good idea.

1984 seems to be a favorite of yours. Putin is easily the closest to what that book warns about, and this is a prime example.

Chinese government is much closer to 1984 imho, and north Korea is worse than 1984 tbh.

Putin doesn't have the same kind of totalitarian power even domestically. Not even close. He is just a "normal" class violent autocrat

I meant as it pertains to this issue. He's constantly calling Ukrainian stances Orwellian, while never criticizing Putin and even promoting his Orwellianism such as in this example.

The irony is that by falling for Putin's Orwellianism he then accuses the victims of it for being Orwellian.

by rafiki k

look derail or not, if you anchor to the notion of the Jews invading Palestine in 1948, we have much work to do. And not very hard work because not much of what I'd outline is even disputed. I just don't have the juice on a Friday.

they didnt plan and execute a premeditated invasion of the Arab villages throughout Palestine? Pappe and Morris both disagree. like I said, I guess you can pick a different term.
