Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..



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) 21 Views 21
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33308 Replies


by ecriture d'adulte k

I don't think people have much doubt that Judaism originated in that region. But far older sites left over periods of time ranging much longer than Judaism has even existed are also common.

In my lived experience, this is decidedly untrue.

I'm not sure who you're referring to fundamentalists that think Exodus accurately describes the settlement of the region? I don't think many secular people deny that Judaism and largely extinct proto-Jewish religions come from the Levant region.

by rafiki k

Jews ARE the Indians Trolly. Dig into the ground, all you find is OUR artifacts. It's the greatest return story there is.

Funny I just read this.

anyway, anything to distract from starving children, endless flour massacres, endless strikes on family homes, and endless torture of civlians.

by Luciom k

I don't know about Gaza per se, but Israel wouldn't exist if the USA armed Arabs. No idea which actual rate of development and well being they would have had.

KSA got American help for decades and they have some decent quality of life but they take in immense quantities of money from oil.

Maybe Gaza would be at Jordan level with American backing? So still dirty poor for western standards (a tad lower than china nationwide) but 3-4x the per Capita GDP they have now?

As for the rest, even under capi

The answer to the question is Gaza would look like Israel does today, and Israel would look like Gaza today without American backing

by TeflonDawg k

The answer to the question is Gaza would look like Israel does today, and Israel would look like Gaza today without American backing

Lol no we know that's objectively false.

Israel got a lot of educated European immigration which made it what it is.

Israel wouldn't exist without the USA, they would all be dead or gone , genocided by the Arabs as they repeatedly tried to accomplish. And people wouldn't have immigrated there if there was no country to immigrate to.

Gaza would be a normal Arab country without oil, which means mathematically a lot worse than Saudi Arabia (in terms of per Capita GDP).

TIL that given neolithic non Jewish farmers were in what we now call Israel 6500 years ago, that justifies Hamas trying to genocide the Israeli.

This thread never ceases to teach me about history and morals!

Hamas is not genociding anyone. killing a few hundred civilians is not genocide. (Israel calls that a slow day). Israel is however clearly doing genocide after decades of ethnic cleansing and apartheid. and why? the ostensible justification is some Jewish artifacts from whenever. but the real reason is just good ole fashioned European colonialism and thievery and supremacy.

If country A fires a rocket into country B, but country B manages to intercept the rocket and no one is killed, country A still attempted to kill people in country B. The results aren't really what are important when trying to determine intent.

by Bluegrassplayer k

If country A fires a rocket into country B, but country B manages to intercept the rocket and no one is killed, country A still attempted to kill people in country B. The results aren't really what are important when trying to determine intent.

What’s more important

Intent or amount of people killed. Let’s use the long run

by Bluegrassplayer k

If country A fires a rocket into country B, but country B manages to intercept the rocket and no one is killed, country A still attempted to kill people in country B. The results aren't really what are important when trying to determine intent.

if firing a rocket that is little more than a dart and will almost certainly get intercepted is genocide, then what is dropping 26000 bombs on civilians?

by Luciom k

Lol no we know that's objectively false.

Israel got a lot of educated European immigration which made it what it is.

Israel wouldn't exist without the USA, they would all be dead or gone , genocided by the Arabs as they repeatedly tried to accomplish. And people wouldn't have immigrated there if there was no country to immigrate to.

Gaza would be Israel


by PointlessWords k

What’s more important

Intent or amount of people killed. Let’s use the long run

Gazans arent real people

by Victor k

if firing a rocket that is little more than a dart and will almost certainly get intercepted is genocide, then what is dropping 26000 bombs on civilians?

an actual attempt to eradicate terrorists.

unlike rockets which are acts of terror because they can't accomplish any strategic goal besides scaring the population, mass bombing followed by boots on the ground has some chances of actually fixing the problem of hamas existence.

if you have other strategies to kill each and every one of the members and enablers of hamas in Gaza, and making it impossible for any Hamas like group to ever resurface in the area I am listening.

they arent going after Hamas. they are just murdering civilians as fast as they can and at this point I dont even know what their goal is. I guess its to steal the Gaza land.

a better plan would be to end the occupation and withdraw to the 1967 borders as Hamas has asked.

by Victor k

they arent going after Hamas. they are just murdering civilians as fast as they can and at this point I dont even know what their goal is. I guess its to steal the Gaza land.

a better plan would be to end the occupation and withdraw to the 1967 borders as Hamas has asked.

1 person every 3 they killed was Hamas (one of the lowest ratio of civilian casualties ever in a war in inhabited urban settings).

not only they are going after Hamas, they are doing so minimizing collateral damage exceptionally well

by Luciom k

1 person every 3 they killed was Hamas (one of the lowest ratio of civilian casualties ever in a war in inhabited urban settings).

not only they are going after Hamas, they are doing so minimizing collateral damage exceptionally well

What are your sources that make this claim? To me, it would seem to be a stretch of the imagination to say that Israel is minimizing collateral damage well.

its absurd on its face. approx 2/3 killed are women and children. they are claiming that nearly every fighting age male killed is Hamas. these Zionists fully embrace the idea of the Goebbels big lie.

by Luciom k

an actual attempt to eradicate terrorists.

unlike rockets which are acts of terror because they can't accomplish any strategic goal besides scaring the population, mass bombing followed by boots on the ground has some chances of actually fixing the problem of hamas existence.

if you have other strategies to kill each and every one of the members and enablers of hamas in Gaza, and making it impossible for any Hamas like group to ever resurface in the area I am listening.

Rockets cost the enemy money and time. How do you deal in such absolutes ?

by PointlessWords k

What’s more important

Intent or amount of people killed. Let’s use the long run

This isn't really an either or situation so it's impossible to answer this hypothetical. It seems to completely miss my point though.

by TeflonDawg k

The answer to the question is Gaza would look like Israel does today, and Israel would look like Gaza today without American backing

If the Gazans just had American backing they would all be trying to found tech companies instead of taking yolo glider rides and murdering and raping teenagers at raves and forget all about this river to the sea mumbo jumbo.

by chillrob k

Are you denying that you blame the people of western nations for the actions of their leaders? If you don't, maybe you shouldn't be giving the reasons you "hate the West".

All of us in functional demcracies bare some responsibility for our governments.

That doesn't remotely come close to justify killing adults who particpated. Let alone the children.

It does make the actions of our own governments and allies significantly more important that those of others.

by campfirewest k

If the Gazans just had American backing they would all be trying to found tech companies instead of taking yolo glider rides and murdering and raping teenagers at raves and forget all about this river to the sea mumbo jumbo.

Americans expended a lot of political capital and money to get Israel to let Palestinians hold elections and withdraw from Gaza.

This whole thought experiment is dumb because we got real world example and we know the result: Hamas telling us they still plan to kill us all.

Oversimplified but the fundamental point is the Palestinians have pushed American olive branches away at every opportunity.

Put differently, the Americans have been looking for a negotiating partner they could support for decades.

by TeflonDawg k

The answer to the question is Gaza would look like Israel does today, and Israel would look like Gaza today without American backing

No. Israel would have been wiped out.

by microbet k

Oldest found record of humans in Israel are from 177000-194000 years ago.

Let's find that group and give the whole area back to them.

No peace on stolen land!
