Israel/Palestine thread
Think this merits its own thread...
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Originally Posted by TeflonDawg
The answer to the question is Gaza would look like Israel does today, and Israel would look like Gaza today without American backing
--No. Because Israel doesn't have a completely nihilistic, sick culture like the Palestinians do. Israel would have made peace and/or moved on; like has happened thousands and thousands of times in human history, including numerous times to Jews.
The Palestinians are the first (and hopefully the last) instance where 2 groups fight over land, and the group that loses chooses to never even attempt to form a functional society, and instead spends all their resources over the next 80 years living as refugees fighting a guerrilla war completely payed for by the international community, and the stronger side isn't allowed to end just it. They just have to let it string out indefinitely to absolutely no ones gain.
The situation is completely perverse and demented, which is why there is no peace in sight. All Israel can do is choose whether to take it easier on the Palestinians (and risk Israeli lives) or do what it takes to protect Israeli lives. There is no Option C given Palestinian nihilistic, dysfunctional culture, and the world's support of said culture.
The problem isn't religion per se. Because all the monotheistic religions as originally prescribed and practiced more or less sucked relative to modern Western liberalism/capitalism.
The problem is the Islamic world is currently stuck in a fundamentalist rut, so they especially suck right now. If Israel and the Christian world embraced fundamentalism as the Muslim world has they would probably suck just as bad. And the results would probably be worse, because the Western world is so much mor
yeah, no. Don't be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed.
The truth is the liberal western world doesn't really have a way to deal with opposing weaker cultures/civilizations that refuse to give up; because liberals dont have the stomach to make them give up, or even to let them suicide themselves.
This is opposed to countries like China and Russia have no such qualms. I am not arguing who is right or wrong, or good or bad. Just pointing out facts.
In any other place or time in history there is no UN to bankroll the Palestinian choice to be permanent refugees and fight a hopelesss, nihilistic guerrilla war their enemy isn't allowed to win even though they easily could; so the Palestinians would have been forced to move on or make peace a long, long, long, long time ago.
The hope is not in what modern Western man has done technologically. It doesn't satisfy. That couldn't be more apparent
Lucium, are you worried about a genocide ( pronounced hen-o-cide ) by Mexican Hamas?
The hope is not in what modern Western man has done technologically. It doesn't satisfy. That couldn't be more apparent
Some people might never be satisfiable, given previous forms of living exist within western worlds so if those were what people actually wanted they could simply live those lives instead of whining.
It's actually easier to live as a hunter gatherer today than 10k years ago almost everywhere (ye not in Singapore and the like, but you can move), yet approx no one even tries, but we have to hear they were happier and western tech doesn't satisfy.
Maybe it's like being spoiled children for some people, and why exactly would it be other people responsibility to fix them?
Some people having lied incessantly about everyone being entitled to everything without personal effort might be part of the problem though
Imagine the kind of sick mentality that could post these tweets while at the same time being responsible for aiding and supporting an ongoing genocide of Muslims in Gaza.

Lucium, we're a society in decline. Openly fascist(totally at odds with the founding of the country y'all pretend otherwise to
cherish, justified by an age-old fear of the communist menace) , uneducated, mentally ill. Behavioral health issues in 1 of 3 adults. Q-anon, lizard people cabal is modern gospel. Mass shootings.
Take consolation in that we're not hunter gatherers.
Post-truth zombies, stuck to our phones. Cynical about a large part of this technology lmao
Let us count the ways.. flat earth. As lost and in search of meaning as any previous generation. Believe that
Lucium, we're a society in decline. Openly fascist(totally at odds with the founding of the country y'all pretend otherwise to
cherish, justified by an age-old fear of the communist menace) , uneducated, mentally ill. Behavioral health issues in 1 of 3 adults. Q-anon, lizard people cabal is modern gospel. Mass shootings.
Take consolation in that we're not hunter gatherers.
Yet masses clamor to enter your country and come live there, while almost no american leaves, so imagine how it is elsewhere.
Qanon lizards are the jfk death conspiracies of today, or the antipapist ones of Morse time. You always had a ton of crazy people among your lot. You also shot each others in great numbers as well.
And there is no greater mental illness than believing the earth is literally 5000 years old and dinosaurs fossils are put there by Satan to test your faith.
The funny part is each generation forgets how crazy the previous ones were and whines incessantly about the present.
Meanwhile everyone else looks at you with envy
I'm aware of the continuum of human insanity down through the centuries for the same reason you are: we're in our own heads, and we are abreast of the external enough to know it all jives.
No one is going to lead and make a perceptible difference to the human joy/despair ratio, tech or no tech
Times have changed, but balkanization in your precious USA is a possibility. Thought you/ we were special? You never learned your lesson
And you dismiss faith. Bless it
Fatah slams Hamas: Responsible for the current ‘Nakba’
I don't buy it
Denoting attitudes and activities that have no spiritual basis. More of a Sodomite basis, I guess
The joy of sin for a season. Back to satisfaction
3 hr YouTube on Finkelstein. Pretty obv who "won" the debate.
Fatah slams Hamas: Responsible for the current ‘Nakba’
A "rogue group" collaborating with Zionists according the Fatah armed wing Al Aqsa Brigades.

It's not surprising to me that the military wing of Fatah agrees with the military wing of Hamas.
well some people are saying it is fake so who knows.
Israel has moved on from the the medical and journalist and intellectual fields to the programmers and IT. my guess is they ran out of the first groups to murder.
Imagine the kind of sick mentality that could post these tweets while at the same time being responsible for aiding and supporting an ongoing genocide of Muslims in Gaza.
Are you saying it is better to be like most Muslims (leaders and people) and not even pretend to have any concerns about the 1300 years (very much ongoing) of Muslims enslaving, persecuting and murdering infidels in the name of Allah and Jihad?
Personally I think it is way more moral being a liberal and actually having first principles and not having it be 100% tribalism all the time. But if you prefer tribalism to keep the Jihad pure than you do you.
Are you saying it is better to be like most Muslims (leaders and people) and not even pretend to have any concerns about the 1300 years (very much ongoing) of Muslims enslaving, persecuting and murdering infidels in the name of Allah and Jihad?
Personally I think it is way more moral being a liberal and actually having first principles and not having it be 100% tribalism all the time. But if you prefer tribalism to keep the Jihad pure than you do you.
No. I'm saying it's better not to aid and support an ongoing genocide, while at the same time pretending you care about the people you are genociding. That's so sick it beggars belief. But that's just me. Weird I know.
It's got nothing to do with tribalism.
I believe this is patently false
What in your link are you referring to? What are you proving? I find: "In early April 1948, the Israelis launched Plan Dalet, a large-scale offensive to capture land and empty it of Palestinian Arabs" " The massacre and expulsion of Palestinian Arabs and destruction of villages began in December"
This? " On 14 May, the Mandate formally ended, the last British troops left, and Israel declared independence.[55] By that time, Palestinian society was destroyed and over 300,000 Palestinians had been expelled or fled"