Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..



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) 20 Views 20
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33269 Replies


you never typed this

That 500 trucks would have been 0 even before the recent attack if anyone sensible were in charge.
Sounds like Israel has been run by bleeding hearts.

by Victor k

you never typed this

Of course I typed that, and it's still in the post I'm looking at, I didn't remove it.

If it really appears edited on your system then it's some weird issue with the site.

No idea why you think I would be trying to remove something.

by chillrob k

The US, for one. Have you not been following the news for the last few years?

And how would they get to the US?

no its not in the post. as I screenshotted here.

It's still there, and it's never been edited.

not for me

by Victor k

not for me

Obviously either it's a system error or your shot is edited because your shot doesn't have the note saying the post has been edited.

you can edit posts without the note. and obv my shot is not edited.

just like I just edited this post to add that its proly a system error.

by Victor k

bullshit chez. and you know better than this. at least I always thought you did.

I dont have any truck with hamas. Sorry we disagree on that.

That's no defenses of Israel's actions where they are doing themselves massive harm by behaving in such a monstrous manner towards entirely innocent people

by chezlaw k

I dont have any truck with hamas. Sorry we disagree on that.

That's no defenses of Israel's actions where they are doing themselves massive harm by behaving in such a monstrous manner towards entirely innocent people

you dont need to truck with Hamas to refrain from propagating the dehumanizing narrative about them not caring or benefiting or even wishing their own friends and family die. its reprehensible and absurd and its meant to absolve Westerners of any guilt for supporting the genocide.

by Victor k

you dont need to truck with Hamas to refrain from propagating the dehumanizing narrative about them not caring or benefiting or even wishing their own friends and family die. its reprehensible and absurd and its meant to absolve Westerners of any guilt for supporting the genocide.

That makes no sense

The proganda is that it's justified to kill and destroy the lives of all these inncocnet people because they are the same as hamas and/or that hames will capitulate. It's indefensibly stupid and reprehensible

I just disagree with this

but hamas dont mind the horrors. The more horror inflicted on innocents by their enemies the better.

from what I can tell, Hamas does not want their innocent friends and family to be massacred nor does it benefit them.

by chillrob k

I do as well

You don't, though, buddy, you just got done telling us you don't give a **** if Palestinian children starve to death.

edit: the "edit" notification doesn't show if you're fast enough.

Of course they care if it hurts them personally and no doubt it is. Maybe they regret the personal cost of their actions. That's not many of the people being killed or having their lives destroyed

We disagree if you think that israel isn't doing itself a great deal of harm by it's monstrous actions. That harm aids hamas' cause. Which makes it stupid as well as monstrous.

Zionists, tell me more about which side burns children alive

so many images of children burned alive today. I guess they got bored with running over people with bulldozers.


I took a look at the post in question to see about the editing issue. Strange result.

Here is what the post by chillrob looks like on my ipad:

The sentence about the 500 trucks being zero does not appear. And there is no record of an edit.

But if I then hit the quote button on chillrobs post, the sentence about the 500 does, in fact, show up:

I dont know what's going on with that. I'll ask in the mod thread.

by Victor k

I just disagree with this

from what I can tell, Hamas does not want their innocent friends and family to be massacred nor does it benefit them.

I don't know what Chez's stance is exactly on this matter other than his last couple posts but I guess I would mark him down as somewhat neutral, or at least not heavily sided one way or the other and I kind of see why he's making those statements.

To what exact degree, we obviously don't know, but Iran is behind hamas to some extent. There was clearly a push to get hamas to attack israel to interrupt Israel's deal with SA and the US to help solidify an economic and security partnership. That partnership, in my eyes, would very well look to benefit the Palestinians economically and allow them to develop. Everything I'm seeing seems to point to Hamas engaging in actions that would both benefit Iran and hurt the Palestinians at the same time. Maybe hamas is just fed up and is doing its thing and that it, but it seems to damn scripted and controlled in that it always seems to just conveniently benefit Iran for it to be believable, at least for me.

by formula72 k

I don't know what Chez's stance is exactly on this matter other than his last couple posts but I guess I would mark him down as somewhat neutral, or at least not heavily sided one way or the other and I kind of see why he's making those statements.

To what exact degree, we obviously don't know, but Iran is behind hamas to some extent. There was clearly a push to get hamas to attack israel to interrupt Israel's deal with SA and the US to help solidify an economic and security partnership. That p

this is just false. even according the USA Iran was not notifiied.

I find it insulting to the Palestinians to think they are just doing the bidding of Iran. they are fighting for their own survival. they are not beholden to Iran and even fought against them in Syria 10 years ago. they are now even more capable of autonomy given their in house weapons manufacturing. certainly Iran helps them, but from what I have read they are in any way a proxy.

its more like, was the American Revolution a proxy of France?

and I think I understand why he is making those statements. its the liberal position of the West. I am not intending to criticize him or yourself like I do with the actual ghouls of this thread. I kinda thought like you guys did for awhile. its why I push back on this stuff. and it also shows the power of propaganda that reasonable to believe this stuff.

Having kids is part of that fight for survival.

Had to spell it out for the really smart people here

by PointlessWords k

Having kids is part of that fight for survival.

Had to spell it out for the really smart people here

That's a great idea if you don't mind your kids getting tortured and starving to death.

by chillrob k

That's a great idea if you don't mind your kids getting tortured and starving to death.

this is not a very apt analogy, but against my better judgement I will offer it. its not apt bc the Gazans and Hamas did not torture or starve any children on Oct 7 or ever.

nonetheless, does this viewpoint still apply to the Israeli Kibbutzes? like if the tortured and burned and beheaded babies thing was true, would you say the same thing about the Israelis? (tbc, we know the only side in this conflict that has beheaded tortured and burned babies has been the Zionist butchers)

by Victor k

this is just false. even according the USA Iran was not notifiied.

I find it insulting to the Palestinians to think they are just doing the bidding of Iran. they are fighting for their own survival. they are not beholden to Iran and even fought against them in Syria 10 years ago. they are now even more capable of autonomy given their in house weapons manufacturing. certainly Iran helps them, but from what I ha

If the liberal position of the west is that Netanyahu is a monster and Israel are committing heinous crimes that we mustn't support than count me in. Sadly I dont think that's the case.

I dont equate hamas with the palastinian people. I think the palastinian people are are victims of both hamas and this Israeli government.

by chezlaw k

If the liberal position of the west is that Netanyahu is a monster and Israel are committing heinous crimes that we mustn't support than count me in. Sadly I dont think that's the case.

I dont equate hamas with the palastinian people. I think the palastinian people are are victims of both hamas and this Israeli government.

ok but I can buy that they are victims domestically and that Hamas has been repressive (I dont know this for sure and I am just allowing it, I could be wrong). I say the same thing about USA govt and police to our citizens.

but I take issue with the idea that dead Palestinians are good for Hamas and part of their plan and something that they welcome.

to digress, the liberal position is absolutely anti-Netanyahu. but it is not anti-Ganz or the rest of the genocidal butchers who are in line to replace him. nor is it anti-Israeli society which has cultivated multiple generations of hate who are executing this literal genocide. Nazi Germany did not happen overnight but took centuries of inculcating the people with dehumanizing the Jews of Eastern Europe. it is a testament to the efficiency of the Zionist project that they were able to achieve such brutality and lack of humanity in a few generations.

by Victor k

this is not a very apt analogy, but against my better judgement I will offer it. its not apt bc the Gazans and Hamas did not torture or starve any children on Oct 7 or ever.

nonetheless, does this viewpoint still apply to the Israeli Kibbutzes? like if the tortured and burned and beheaded babies thing was true, would you say the same thing about the Israelis? (tbc, we know the only side in this conflict that has beheaded tortured and burned babies has been the Zionist butchers)

I didn't say the Gazans tortured or starved their children. I agreed with PW that having lots of children is part of their 'fight', ie strategy to attain their political goals. And that it is a good plan if you don't mind the fact that your children will likely be tortured and starved, which they apparently didn't, because that was easily predictable.

I don't know what you're referring to happening at the kibbutzes..
