Israel/Palestine thread
Think this merits its own thread...
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Imagine Israel loses USA support, then islamists attack again, that's when Israel gets the complete support it needs to eliminate the threat.
Have you thought about it?
It's either Israel can do it on its own no matter Biden objections, or the USA leaves space for terrorists to hit again and then the world is back in favour of Israel.
If you truly commit that way as Israel you succeed no matter what. Only question is how many Israelis die in the process, and that depends on Americans.
I think aboout things more than his good for me.
Israel currently relies on very real support from the usa. Sure if they lose it, its possible they get it back later. That's not a wise plan to put it mildly. Once gone it may never come back - even if the sentiment shifts back towards Israel, the reality on the ground may not follow sufficiently.
The advance of missiles/drone technology that can hit the whole country from bordering countries is a much bigger threat than headline terrorist attacks who's only real existential threat is in provoking a stupid & terrible response. They need the usa until they find what they really need which is a political solution.
hey Lucium, you think these 2 guys made the KKKKKKKHHHHHHHHamas health ministry numbers?
I think aboout things more than his good for me.
Israel currently relies on very real support from the usa. Sure if they lose it, its possible they get it back later. That's not a wise plan to put it mildly. Once gone it may never come back - even if the sentiment shifts back towards Israel, the reality on the ground may not follow sufficiently.
The advance of missiles/drone technology that can hit the whole country from bordering countries is a much bigger threat than headline terrorist attacks w
I got a kind of "oh right!" Moment when I realized that people think the USA give weapons for free to Israel and that's the big deal, while the big deal is being able to buy them and getting them for free is just a bonus.
But Israel can borrow or tax and pay for them anyway.
Now, if the idea is that the USA ends up NOT SELLING weapons to Israel, ie treating them worse than they treat Saudi Arabia, then yes Israel has a big problem but is that really what you think could happen? Victor is silent on houtis being bombed by American weapons in Saudi hands
I got a kind of "oh right!" Moment when I realized that people think the USA give weapons for free to Israel and that's the big deal, while the big deal is being able to buy them and getting them for free is just a bonus.
But Israel can borrow or tax and pay for them anyway.
Now, if the idea is that the USA ends up NOT SELLING weapons to Israel, ie treating them worse than they treat Saudi Arabia, then yes Israel has a big problem but is that really what you think could happen? Victor is silent on
you aint goign to keep getting the latest defense tech without being a key friend. It's goign to be tough enough even with it. Israel is a very high tech country but it's a very tough arms race ahead
Uk had to pay throught the nose to survive WW2. This was not a foregone conclusion, the USA could have easily said no.
Im not silent on the Houthis. I unequivocally support them bombing ships that are contributing to genocide.
Nobody talks about who they ignore more than you do. Kinda defeats the purpose.

What a country... They kill their own people and brag about it.
Concentrate, relate. Maybe one day you will conceive of it.
you aint goign to keep getting the latest defense tech without being a key friend. It's goign to be tough enough even with it. Israel is a very high tech country but it's a very tough arms race ahead
Uk had to pay throught the nose to survive WW2. This was not a foregone conclusion, the USA could have easily said no.
We did try taking away key tech before. Israel went to the Germans and started developing their own and started making overtures to Russia and China.
They basically used Germany as a backup and blackmailed US. The US backed off in a hurry when it became obvious cutting Israel off didn’t do ****. It’s a bit unrealistic to think withholding weaponry/tech from Israel is a credible threat now.
Israel just has to say cut us off and we start trading top end tech for production with China/Russia/NK.
Those new “allies” wouldn’t be too picky about how Israel deals with the Palestinians either.
Regionally, Israel is THE super power. Turkey is the only one that could really compete. Israel is so far ahead on some one or more dimensions of tech, manpower, and productive capacity it could wipe the floor with everyone of its neighbors if it decided to take its gloves off.
Luciom: make the bet clear so it can't be angled: what does "quit" mean?
As microbet pointed out 1k escrow is pretty unrealistic. The correct punishment for these type of things is simply shaming. You can arrange to give him an undertitle or something if he continues posting.
Grizy: 100%. You are the best poster ITT by far, everything you've posted recently has been on point.
We did try taking away key tech before. Israel went to the Germans and started developing their own and started making overtures to Russia and China.
They basically used Germany as a backup and blackmailed US. The US backed off in a hurry when it became obvious cutting Israel off didn’t do ****. It’s a bit unrealistic to think withholding weaponry/tech from Israel is a credible threat now.
Israel just has to say cut us off and we start trading top end tech for production with China/Ru
All possible. Yes Israel may end up as an ally with China/NK/Russia. Good thing? There's even possible future worlds where iran and Israel end up as allies.
All these mental gymnastics to defend monstrous actions as being in isreals defense interest. This is so far from certain.
We did try taking away key tech before. Israel went to the Germans and started developing their own and started making overtures to Russia and China.
They basically used Germany as a backup and blackmailed US. The US backed off in a hurry when it became obvious cutting Israel off didn’t do ****. It’s a bit unrealistic to think withholding weaponry/tech from Israel is a credible threat now.
Israel just has to say cut us off and we start trading top end tech for production with China/Russia/NK.
it cant even wipe the floor with Hamas
Ironically if grizly is right there there's be no justification for the actions against gaza because of the existential threat. Israel is so powerful that there isn't one and can never be one.
We need a Bibi/ Putin superhero duo
Ambiguously gay, unambiguously islamophobic
Ironically if grizly is right there there's be no justification for the actions against gaza because of the existential threat. Israel is so powerful that there isn't one and can never be one.
ofc there is no existential threat. people are unironically like ya we need to do a genocide bc of a supposed charter from 1988.
its funny to compare this to the Putin Ukraine thing. the most played out joke is something about "Putin is x years into a 3 day military operation lol Russia."
nobody is like lol Israel is 6 months into a war against a poor oppressed people that literally make their weapons out of scrap metal and they havent secured any areas. the Resistance is still popping out of tunnels to blast tanks from close range in the North and well trained snipers are still taking out tiktok snipers daily.
Israel's only plan is just murder as many civilians as possible and hope Hamas gives up. which is not really consistent with their whole Hasbara claim that Hamas welcomes dead Gazans for ideological purposes and other racist ideas.
Luciom: make the bet clear so it can't be angled: what does "quit" mean?
As microbet pointed out 1k escrow is pretty unrealistic. The correct punishment for these type of things is simply shaming. You can arrange to give him an undertitle or something if he continues posting.
Grizy: 100%. You are the best poster ITT by far, everything you've posted recently has been on point.
what happened now?
Israel is stronger than Islam. I posted the video upthread