Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

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07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33357 Replies


2008! A sacred year!

by Brian James k

Well, you know the US could just say until you stop the genocide we are not fulfilling the rest of the contract. If you don't like it sue us.

The see what happens.

This is the first accurate post on the subject from team Russian genocide. Yes, USA could do this. It would be an extremely complex task. USA also takes its commitment to FMS very seriously as it is an important foreign policy tool, and being reliable after contracts are made is a major deal. Before USA chooses the option of "sue us and find out", they are far more likely to engage in diplomatic means first, which might be occurring now.

It's fine to suggest options like Brian James suggested here, but calling these contracts being fulfilled "funding" is incorrect. Saying it proves there's no rift between USA and Israel is incorrect. Saying its genocide is very incorrect.

by Victor k

2008! A sacred year!


The importance of 2008 is that it's quite difficult to predict that a contract made in that year would be used to bomb Gazans in a shamefully indiscriminate way in 2024...

It took them over 15 years to fulfill the contract. There was nothing forcing them to send the weaponry right now.

I used to think poorly of American companies like IBM who helped out with the holocaust but then I learned they had a contract with the Nazis. what else could they have done? in fact, it would have been worse to break the contract amirite.

by Victor k

It took them over 15 years to fulfill the contract. There was nothing forcing them to send the weaponry right now.

Usually the contracts have set timeframes, they are not delivered in one lump sum, and are instead delivered in multiple batches over a pretty long time. So it taking 15 years to fulfill doesn't mean much. (If it's even fulfilled now, it's possible that this was just one of the batches)

It is possible that USA moved up the timeframe to supply Israel now instead of later, which would mean a lot in regard to this discussion.

The US has a ton of practice withholding shipment of sold/paid for weapons.

Israel claims this was initiated in July. Biden's remarks showing his disapproval are very recent. I'm not expert, but I am guessing delaying practices typically begin much earlier in the production process.

Also that is yet another different argument from what was originally stated. Biden continuing with this order does not necessarily show that Bibi has his approval to do whatever he wants in Rafah.

Gallant did come over and meet with the state department a few days ago. he goes home and they kill like 10 Lebanese paramedics while bombing 2 different medical centers, massively air strike Aleppo, and then announce they are going into Rafah soon. oh and get a guarantee for more weapons too. hmm, proly all a coincidence.

Yeah there's no way Israel was going to do that before Gallant came...

well no, they would not do that if they didnt have the weapons for it.

by Bluegrassplayer k

There is a misunderstanding ITT and elsewhere that this means that Israel will not be able to conduct an offensive against Rafah. They absolute will still be able to, but they will do it with (even) less precision, (even) less restraint, and at a far higher risk of causing a larger conflict.

And now apparently the misunderstanding has expanded to Israel doesn't even have the weapons to kill 10 paramedics on their own...

Israel has the weapons for these operations.

I am sure Gallant gave some assurances on how they will go into Rafah, and I have no idea if they will follow through, going by their previous lack of restraint in this conflict probably not. Suggesting that Biden is giving the OK for every single person killed is pretty ridiculous.

by Dunyain k

There is literally one Jewish nation in the entire world; and everything that nation does that one could be critical of, you could find 20 other examples of similar behavior. So when posters go out of their way to single out this one Jewish nation, to completely dehumanize them using completely false statements, and most of the posters in this thread are completely agnostic about this; given history this is much more morally disturbing to me than anything Lucium has posted.

But that is just me.


by Bluegrassplayer k

And now apparently the misunderstanding has expanded to Israel doesn't even have the weapons to kill 10 paramedics on their own...

Israel has the weapons for these operations.

I am sure Gallant gave some assurances on how they will go into Rafah, and I have no idea if they will follow through, going by their previous lack of restraint in this conflict probably not. Suggesting that Biden is giving the OK for every single person killed is pretty ridiculous.

bruv, why do you act so dense? ofc they have the weapons for a single missile strike. but they wouldnt be wasting weapons and escalating a war in Lebanon if they werent sure that more were coming.

I do not act dense. I take your posts at face value because after a year of drawing far less drastic conclusions than this and having you hide behind the excuse of "I never directly said that" you have taught me that this is the only way to read your posts.

Going back to your original post on the purchased arms being transferred, you mentioned Rafah, but not Lebanon.

I agree that arms are being sent now in order to help prevent a fullscale war with Hezbollah. I don't think Israel would refuse to enter Rafah if they did risk a fullscale war with Hezbollah though. I also don't think this proves that Biden supports whatever Bibi does in Rafah (what you claimed in your original post), it shows that Israel understands tge situation and their leverage over Biden.

by 5 south k


Ignoring they would never allow themselves to have a belligerent enemy on their border where this could happen, how do you think China or Russia would respond to a Stone Age raid by one of their neighbors that killed 1000, with 200 more being captured, followed up by 20,000 rockets fired into China or Russia.

I am pretty confident if an entity like Hamas tried a similar tactic against China or Russia, they would have been completely destroyed a long time ago, and the death toll would be considerably higher than 30,000.

The truth is it really is absurd how Israel has been forced by its "allies" to live for decades with belligerent forces right on their borders constantly attacking them, especially when they have the means to stop it anytime. It is really hard to come up with a comparable situation. But I am pretty confident that we would not be finding more moral responses from nations like China or Russia.

Following the cessation of the last war, Hezbollah agreed not to pass a certain latitude South and attack Israel. However, Hezbollah is well past that lattitude and is constantly attacking Israel to the effect that complete cities in northern Israel have had to evacuate.

In any sane world, Israel would and should have declared total war against Hezbollah a long time ago and eradicated them from the border. The fact that Hezbollah is doing all of this, and clowns like Victor are getting faux outraged at Israel to minimally responding to this absurd situation just demonstrates how absolutely crazy this whole situation is.

Could you imagine if Iran was funding a military on the border with Canada, while Canada just stood by and let it happen, that forced us to abandon entire cities on our northern border? And us basically doing nothing for months, and when we did minimally reply clowns like Victor getting outraged. It really is absurd.

by Dunyain k

Ignoring they would never allow themselves to have a belligerent enemy on their border where this could happen, how do you think China or Russia would respond to a Stone Age raid by one of their neighbors that killed 1000, with 200 more being captured, followed up by 20,000 rockets fired into China or Russia.

I am pretty confident if an entity like Hamas tried a similar tactic against China or Russia, they would have been completely destroyed a long time ago, and the death toll would be conside

The point is if. BGP has made a pretty strong argument that Russia is currently committing genocide in Ukraine. Imagine Russia doing something like this to a city of 2mil in Ukraine. Left, right and center media head's would be spinning.

by Bluegrassplayer k

I do not act dense. I take your posts at face value because after a year of drawing far less drastic conclusions than this and having you hide behind the excuse of "I never directly said that" you have taught me that this is the only way to read your posts.

Going back to your original post on the purchased arms being transferred, you mentioned Rafah, but not Lebanon.

I agree that arms are being sent now in order to help prevent a fullscale war with Hezbollah. I don't think Israel would refuse to

Israel is not trying to prevent a war in Lebanon. they are escalating

USA and the Biden state department say a lot of things. but in their actions, they are fully support Israel's genocide with no red line. and even in their meaningful statements such as claiming UN resolutions are non-binding and smearing Albanese as an anti-semite, its clear where they stand.

by Dunyain k

Following the cessation of the last war, Hezbollah agreed not to pass a certain latitude South and attack Israel. However, Hezbollah is well past that lattitude and is constantly attacking Israel to the effect that complete cities in northern Israel have had to evacuate.

In any sane world, Israel would and should have declared total war against Hezbollah a long time ago and eradicated them from the border. The fact that Hezbollah is doing all of this, and clowns like Victor are getting faux o

Hezbollah is shooting rockets to support Gaza and in response to the ongoing genocide. they didnt just start shooting them for no reason.

also, Israel cant go into Lebanon without getting their asses kicked. they tried that in 2006 and got wrecked. they would get even more effed up today.

so, as usual, Israel will retaliate against defenseless civilians. a strategy that has almost never worked in the history of warfar.

one would think this

but look at most of the liberals in this thread who think there is some rift between Biden and Israel

by Victor k

Hezbollah is shooting rockets to support Gaza and in response to the ongoing genocide. they didnt just start shooting them for no reason.

also, Israel cant go into Lebanon without getting their asses kicked. they tried that in 2006 and got wrecked. they would get even more effed up today.

so, as usual, Israel will retaliate against defenseless civilians. a strategy that has almost never worked in the history of warfar.

LOL. Even pretending like your first sentence is true, could you imagine if an entity like Hezbollah set up camp on the border with Canada to fire rockets into the US in response to Fallujah. Of course not, it would be absurd. It is completely absurd this whole dynamic exists at all.

Although looking at the landscape of Israel and its neighbors, I would be remiss to notice that the nations that decided to make peace with Israel are all more or less functional; and the ones that decided to ally with Iran and be belligerent are more or less failed states. Almost as if there is a lesson in there somewhere.

It takes a special level of copium to look at places like Yemen, Gaza, Syria and Lebanon and determine the belligerence is actually working out.

by 5 south k

The point is if. BGP has made a pretty strong argument that Russia is currently committing genocide in Ukraine. Imagine Russia doing something like this to a city of 2mil in Ukraine. Left, right and center media head's would be spinning.

Well, I certainly wasn't talking about the US MSM when I said certain posters in this forum (and more generally in the world) were singularly focused on Israel, and agnostic (or often supportive) of a lot else going on bad in the world.

by Dunyain k

Well, I certainly wasn't talking about the US MSM when I said certain posters in this forum (and more generally in the world) were singularly focused on Israel, and agnostic (or often supportive) of a lot else going on bad in the world.

I guess I assume that media rhetoric has a hand in shaping public opinion and the "if" scenario replacing Israel with Russia I'm guessing the vast, vast majority of posters would be losing their **** on Russia.

by Dunyain k

LOL. Even pretending like your first sentence is true, could you imagine if an entity like Hezbollah set up camp on the border with Canada to fire rockets into the US in response to Fallujah. Of course not, it would be absurd. It is completely absurd this whole dynamic exists at all.

Although looking at the landscape of Israel and its neighbors, I would be remiss to notice that the nations that decided to make peace with Israel are all more or less functional; and the ones that decided to ally

Gaza is not a nation. if they were a nation, then I would bet they would have peace with Israel.

Yemen and Lebanon were at peace with Israel until they started doing genocide. Lebanon is still at peace with them fwiw. and Yemen is doing remarkably well considering they just survived a semi-genocide.
