Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

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) 21 Views 21
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33350 Replies


by Luciom k

the bet is:

1) if no military Israeli presence in Gaza on election day, nobody wins

2) if any military presence (can put a quantitative threshold but we would need to nominate a third party judge to adjudicate in that case) ->

2a) out of the currently approx 2.3m Palestinians in Gaza, if at least 1.5m are alive anywhere on this planet, I win and you perma quit from here (no money loss).

2b) less than 1.5m are alive, I lose, 1k I put in escrow goes to UNRWA (or another pro palestianian org you can na

I was going to suggest another exile bet if you were entertaining them. But I like you here. It's like watching an insect that has been parasitized by another insect- fascinating.

Who are the competent posters here on the pro Israeli side? if that's not too much of an oxymoron? Then again I'm not much of a prize these days. I got into an exile bet with a prominent poster years ago who was this disgustingly compromising centrist who thought he was progressive, just the worst tepid pool of third way, civility politics advocate standing for nothing ultimately but his own mediocre lifestyle. I could tell he wasn't much of a prop player, almost felt bad but he hated me so much it was weird. If he was in here now he would be spouting Whitehouse talking points, that is to say, straight hasbara, nonstop. But he would concede the basic facts, or at least ignore them, so as not to seem too outside the margins of the forum. He was so gutless.

Anywho the question stands who are the competent pro Israel posters? I'm trying to go through this thread but I'm encountering a lot of what you might call unshared perceptions of reality.

by Deuces McKracken k

Strange unexpected things happen. Israel is in full insane mode. What if they brandished their nukes or let one off in a false flag? A few years ago there was a lot of citigues of the Right as like a death cult. Sometimes those analogies seem a bit stretched, but fascists have a way of flaming out spectacularly. They are going to keep going at Lebanon next. The rampaging just doesn't seem to stop once a country goes down this road. We decided to let Germany be a country. We decided to let Japan

if Israel dropped a few nukes then rafiki would be in here telling us it was the Palestinians fault for not bending the knee in the 60s and Dunyain would be blaming the Mooslems for doing war in 897 AD.

there really is no bottom for these people. they have been conditioned for blood of Palestinians since birth.

mets would proly say it did a good job destroying the tunnels but I dont even think a nuke does that.

I can't imagine a scenario where Israel's nuclear attack is anything other than a dirty bomb that they blame on Iran. In that scenario the state department and Whitehouse would be getting their statements directly from Israel, and those would be parroted in near real time by the deluded posters here. And the best part would be all the immediate evidence would be exploded (not that evidence has a terribly significant role in thinking these days). They would be giving out propaganda attributed to intelligence agencies, like there was a suspicious spike in "chatter" among the Iranian command right before detonation.

well I disagree with that. going down the rabbit holes of hypotheticals we can probably devise a scenario like you describe, but I do not think Israel would want to shift culpability. a big part of what they are doing is meant to be punishment and deterrent. killing without credit is not on their minds. plus, they are clearly not ashamed of this.

anyway, I shouldnt have mentioned it. its not really relevant.


897 AD son

We've solved for the exhumation of a corpse to stand trial

by PointlessWords k

Israel shouldn’t exist but it does. I don’t expect that to change no matter how immoral of a state they are

Ewww. You do realize this take is on the same side as the Klan, right?

by Deuces McKracken k

Israel is in full insane mode.

This is true. Go to a little after 19 min in this video. A US Marine veteran of Falluja talks about many of the things that the Israelis are doing all wrong. (I know the headline is about the bridge, they talk about Israel later in the video)

Israeli supreme court bans funding for religious schools whose students don't enlist in the armed forces

by campfirewest k

Ewww. You do realize this take is on the same side as the Klan, right?

This is true. Go to a little after 19 min in this video. A US Marine veteran of Falluja talks about many of the things that the Israelis are doing all wrong. (I know the headline is about the bridge, they talk about Israel later in the video)

Should Nazi Germany have existed?

How about Nazi Japan?

Nazi Italy?

Nazi France?

by Deuces McKracken k

You understand that Hamas is a response to a brutal military occupation, right? They aren't really "in power". The Israelis control the number of calories consumed per person in Gaza. That, among numerous other conditions, means Israel is in power. Hamas are the people who are, among other things, organizing and carrying out some level of resistance to Israel's illegal military occupation. But any people will form resistance to being oppressed and ethnically cleansed and every other vile thing I

How safe is israel if they end the occupation?

Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
You understand that Hamas is a response to a brutal military occupation, right? They aren't really "in power". The Israelis control the number of calories consumed per person in Gaza. That, among numerous other conditions, means Israel is in power. Hamas are the people who are, among other things, organizing and carrying out some level of resistance to Israel's illegal military occupation. But any people will form resistance to being oppressed and ethnically cleansed and every other vile thing Israel has done to these people.

The American slavers had a good run here because they were able to indoctrinate a slave, born into slavery, into the worldview of the slavers, that black people were clever beasts ordained by God to serve whites. You can convince a toddler of almost anything. But the Israelis have no use for Gazans and they are not going to be among them enough to propagandize them into accepting the occupation. By saying that all resistors to occupation, which is assumed to be indefinite, and all its evils will be killed you are essentially saying just kill everyone. It's not like if you kill all of Hamas then the remaining people will stop being people, stop resisting a torturous and illegal occupation.

Microbet and Crossnerd,

For the record I am supposed to be completely agnostic about this distorted, dishonest, dehumanizing posting that could be something straight out of an updated Elder Protocols of Zion; and outraged over Lucium's posting, correct?

by campfirewest k

Ewww. You do realize this take is on the same side as the Klan, right?

This is true. Go to a little after 19 min in this video. A US Marine veteran of Falluja talks about many of the things that the Israelis are doing all wrong. (I know the headline is about the bridge, they talk about Israel later in the video)

not the worst analysis.

amazing that he said they killed 5 civilians every day at Mosul checkpoints.

by PointlessWords k

Should Nazi Germany have existed?

How about Nazi Japan?

Nazi Italy?

Nazi France?

You're trying to make a false equivalency.

by Victor k

not the worst analysis.

amazing that he said they killed 5 civilians every day at Mosul checkpoints.

It's nice to hear real talk on some of these subjects.

Ok why should Israel have been made in 1942 ?

by campfirewest k

You're trying to make a false equivalency.

It's nice to hear real talk on some of these subjects.

as far as facts go, they are much aligned with what I post in this thread than what others post.

THERE is a contant falsification of events going on here.
FIRST bibi and the LUKAD party wanted hamas and funded them.
THEN these same guys that they propped and funded, shocker, attacked them.

this was all wanted, so they can get more land in the west banks. and now were now, israel going nuts over something that they instigated themselves.

by Dunyain k

There is literally one Jewish nation in the entire world; and everything that nation does that one could be critical of, you could find 20 other examples of similar behavior. So when posters go out of their way to single out this one Jewish nation, to completely dehumanize them using completely false statements, and most of the posters in this thread are completely agnostic about this; given history this is much more morally disturbing to me than anything Lucium has posted.

But that is just me.

This is pretty much the post right here.

Btw being in living memory of the Holocaust and calling Jews "Nazis" is a special kind of savage. You have to either really know very little about the Holocaust, or just want to strike a special kind of style point. It's a totally unnecessary angle to the issue.

by rafiki k

This is pretty much the post right here.

Btw being in living memory of the Holocaust and calling Jews "Nazis" is a special kind of savage. You have to either really know very little about the Holocaust, or just want to strike a special kind of style point. It's a totally unnecessary angle to the issue.

btw that's what Putin does as well claiming he acts to fight purported Ukrainian Nazis (given the Ukrainian president is, in fact, a Jew), and that's what connect this otherwise similarly unrelated conflicts, and that's why it's almost always the same people who side with Palestine that side with Russia.

by washoe k

THERE is a contant falsification of events going on here.
FIRST bibi and the LUKAD party wanted hamas and funded them.
THEN these same guys that they propped and funded, shocker, attacked them.

this was all wanted, so they can get more land in the west banks. and now were now, israel going nuts over something that they instigated themselves.

How does this lead them to getting more land in the west banks?

by rafiki k

This is pretty much the post right here.

Btw being in living memory of the Holocaust and calling Jews "Nazis" is a special kind of savage. You have to either really know very little about the Holocaust, or just want to strike a special kind of style point. It's a totally unnecessary angle to the issue.

if they dont want to be compared to Nazis then maybe they should stop doing genocide.

comparison is the way we understand the world.

Masha Gessen made that comparison after winning the Hannah Arendt award. Im pretty sure they know a lot more about it than you.

by rafiki k

This is pretty much the post right here.

Btw being in living memory of the Holocaust and calling Jews "Nazis" is a special kind of savage. You have to either really know very little about the Holocaust, or just want to strike a special kind of style point. It's a totally unnecessary angle to the issue.

Gosh I wonder which one it is.

First, did the Palestinians deserve to be kicked out of their ancestral lands ?

by Metod Tinuviel k

How does this lead them to getting more land in the west banks?

When there's a divided leadership between Hamas and the PA, Israel can say there is no partner for a comprehensive peace and hence no concessions needed in the WB

This was the explicit plan. There's cites somewhere above in the thread.
