Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..



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) 21 Views 21
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33349 Replies


bro proly still believes the 40 beheaded babies. ofc he aint clicking.

lol who was the one itt saying how amazing this Biden order was back in Feb?

I ofc pointed out that it only went after like 4 people and wouldnt matter. how is he always right they ask? just a mystery at this point.

by PointlessWords k

I agree. Israel shouldn’t belong in the international community. They shouldn’t be a state

They shouldn't belong to any international association that keeps antisemite countries in yes.

And we shouldn't in the west as well.

Saudi Arabia has the chair for women rights in the UN right now.

Iran chaired human rights in the past.

The UN is a joke that has to be dismantled.

We should stop the theater and go allin on our military might, you either do the west bidding or you disappear from the map.

by 57 On Red k

They won't, of course, but loss of prestige and diplomatic support are serious even though Israel can militarily carry on alone. They've even managed to annoy the Irish, who are minded to intervene against them at the ICJ, which is fairly unusual.

Hmm 57, the Irish are uber-pro Palestine since forever, possible the most anti Israel western country in the last 30+ years.

If the hawks here can't even keep 57 and grizy supporting them, they should really have a rethink if possible. Also Tien.

I still support all out war on Hamas.

I do not support Israeli treatment of civilians in Gaza.

by grizy k

I still support all out war on Hamas.

I do not support Israeli treatment of civilians in Gaza.

why do you believe gazeans are being starved, which source do you use to come to that conclusion? because normal (ie sources that have never even hinted of being pro Hamas) sources don't claim that

by Luciom k

why do you believe gazeans are being starved, which source do you use to come to that conclusion? because normal (ie sources that have never even hinted of being pro Hamas) sources don't claim that

The ICJ? The UN?

by microbet k

If the hawks here can't even keep 57 and grizy supporting them, they should really have a rethink if possible. Also Tien.

57 and Tien have been pretty good.

by Luciom k

why do you believe gazeans are being starved, which source do you use to come to that conclusion? because normal (ie sources that have never even hinted of being pro Hamas) sources don't claim that

Get a grip.

Gazans aren’t braving gunfire and drowning to reach aid because they are bored and well fed. They are desperate and starving.

You can’t simultaneously believe that Hamas is hoarding supplies/aid and Gazan civilians aren’t starving given the amount of aid Israel is letting through.

Therr is no way Gazans are getting more than a thousand calories a day on average and there is a good chance we are talking about less than half of that.

by Victor k

57 and Tien have been pretty good.

And before Oct 7th (or shortly thereafter) you've pretty rarely agreed with them, right?

certainly not with their conclusions or ideologies.

by grizy k

Get a grip.

Gazans aren’t braving gunfire and drowning to reach aid because they are bored and well fed. They are desperate and starving.

You can’t simultaneously believe that Hamas is hoarding supplies/aid and Gazan civilians aren’t starving given the amount of aid Israel is letting through.

Therr is no way Gazans are getting more than a thousand calories a day on average and there is a good chance we are talking about less than half of that.

some gazeans who can't access the food withheld by Hamas risk starvation but there is enough food to feed every one of them.

there are easily 2k/calories per person available.

if someone starves, it's exclusively because of Hamas.

And Hamas DESPERATELY NEEDS to convince people like you, gazeans are suffering because of Israel. that's literally the only way Hamas can survive, if people like you fall to their lies and so the majority shifts to allow free for all aid into Gaza (which means massive power boost to Hamas, which controls aid once it's inside Gaza).

they are spending their whole propaganda effort to convince you of that.

they are using every friend they have (and they have MANY) to push that narrative.

we are fighting enemies who have friends everywhere including in the west, but mostly in the UN.

again, which source are you using to claim how many calories palestianians have access to? remember that only sources who spent their entire life on the right side (pro Israel every time) can be trusted.

by Victor k

The ICJ? The UN?

any source where there is anyone inside who ever stanned pro Palestine can be discarded (for any topic not only this, being pro Palestine is like tattooing a swastika on your forehead: you can never be part of civil society ever again).

lol at ICJ or UN which include countries who want to genocide Israel, is this a joke?

by Luciom k

We should stop the theater and go allin on our military might, you either do the west bidding or you disappear from the map.


Again, I love that Luciom is here so that people can either be revolted by who they are agreeing with or have someone saying the quiet parts out loud. I wonder if anyone has tried coaching him to seem more normal in PMs.

Hey buddy, we all feel you, but ixnay on the arbagegay eoplepay.

I think hes just being a caricature to make pro-Westerners look bad

Israel shouldn’t exist but it does. I don’t expect that to change no matter how immoral of a state they are

by metsandfinsfan k

October 7 happened. So whether bibi helped prop up hamas or not, it still cannot and will not remain in power

You understand that Hamas is a response to a brutal military occupation, right? They aren't really "in power". The Israelis control the number of calories consumed per person in Gaza. That, among numerous other conditions, means Israel is in power. Hamas are the people who are, among other things, organizing and carrying out some level of resistance to Israel's illegal military occupation. But any people will form resistance to being oppressed and ethnically cleansed and every other vile thing Israel has done to these people.

The American slavers had a good run here because they were able to indoctrinate a slave, born into slavery, into the worldview of the slavers, that black people were clever beasts ordained by God to serve whites. You can convince a toddler of almost anything. But the Israelis have no use for Gazans and they are not going to be among them enough to propagandize them into accepting the occupation. By saying that all resistors to occupation, which is assumed to be indefinite, and all its evils will be killed you are essentially saying just kill everyone. It's not like if you kill all of Hamas then the remaining people will stop being people, stop resisting a torturous and illegal occupation.

This preoccupation with Hamas is beyond cynical. You just can't do stuff like genocide and ethnic cleansing outside the context of a war, so Hamas is singled out as some great evil force inducing this barbaric counter attack. In truth this is what Israel always wanted to do. They don't care about Hamas outside of as a thin excuse for their barbarism.

by microbet k

Again, I love that Luciom is here so that people can either be revolted by who they are agreeing with or have someone saying the quiet parts out loud. I wonder if anyone has tried coaching him to seem more normal in PMs.

Do you think Dunyain, Mets, rafiki et al are at all revolted though? My friend, I have bad news..

by PointlessWords k

Israel shouldn’t exist but it does. I don’t expect that to change no matter how immoral of a state they are

Strange unexpected things happen. Israel is in full insane mode. What if they brandished their nukes or let one off in a false flag? A few years ago there was a lot of citigues of the Right as like a death cult. Sometimes those analogies seem a bit stretched, but fascists have a way of flaming out spectacularly. They are going to keep going at Lebanon next. The rampaging just doesn't seem to stop once a country goes down this road. We decided to let Germany be a country. We decided to let Japan be a country. If we get to that point with Israel I don't know what would happen but I know there would be a lot of people, including people adamantly supporting Israel right now, who would have to voice their annoyance with this little country that constantly has to rile up the whole world with their ugly, violent racism. Way more people are totally sick of Israel right now than admit it.

Israel’s war on Gaza live: Netanyahu says army ‘preparing to enter Rafah’

Israel’s prime minister tells relatives of soldiers held in Gaza that only military pressure will secure their release, and the army is “preparing to enter Rafah”.
“We conquered the north of the Gaza Strip and Khan Younis,” Netanyahu said in a statement, adding a ground invasion of southern Rafah city is coming next.

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) issues two new measures accusing Israel of acts of genocide in its ongoing military campaign in Gaza.
In its legally binding order, the ICJ told Israel to take measures “without delay” to ensure “the unhindered provision” of basic services and humanitarian assistance, including food, water, fuel and medical supplies.

by microbet k

Again, I love that Luciom is here so that people can either be revolted by who they are agreeing with or have someone saying the quiet parts out loud. I wonder if anyone has tried coaching him to seem more normal in PMs.

Imaging being in a thread where Victor has 2700+ posts, including countless posts making blatant statements along the lines of "Isralies are a nation of Nazis and fully support murdering, raping, genociding, etc.," being completely agnostic about all these posts; and then getting morally outraged at Lucium's posting.

There is literally one Jewish nation in the entire world; and everything that nation does that one could be critical of, you could find 20 other examples of similar behavior. So when posters go out of their way to single out this one Jewish nation, to completely dehumanize them using completely false statements, and most of the posters in this thread are completely agnostic about this; given history this is much more morally disturbing to me than anything Lucium has posted.

But that is just me. You do you.
