Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

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) 18 Views 18
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

32162 Replies


by Bluegrassplayer k

You're grossly overestimating how much is reliant on USA's. They have an extremely capable defense industry. Without aid they would still have plenty of ammo, they would just be reliant on less efficient, more person to person, means and not have anything holding them back.

They wouldn't run out of all ammo.

Your analysis is also completely backwards. Israel would not just wait to get exterminated.

China and Russia will be more than happy to trade weapons for Israeli tech.

That’s assuming Israel doesn’t guilt Germans and the French into supporting it first.

Push comes to shove, Israel will glass Gaza

Video: IDF shoots down some kids on the West Bank then deliberately drives over one of the bodies.

by chillrob k

Or, they could decide to use their nukes. Or poison gas (I don't know if they actually have that, but it would be quite ironic).

Or they could drive tanks over everything in the cities. Or instead of slowing down the supply trucks, they could set every single one of them on fire.

Or, hey, maybe they could burn up all the cities with Jewish space lasers. MTG seems to think they have them.

It's incredible that you guys actually seem to the current situation is the actual worst case scenario. Gaz


Israel depends on American support for their survival, they're already pushing the boundaries of that support as-is with 22,000 dead, if they start dropping nuclear weapons, that goes away very quickly and they become international pariahs.

by Bill Haywood k

Video: IDF shoots down some kids on the West Bank then deliberately drives over one of the bodies.

You can see huge rifles dropped as they ran away

Let's ignore context just assume it war idf shooting some kids for jollies

by Bill Haywood k

Video: IDF shoots down some kids on the West Bank then deliberately drives over one of the bodies.

One of them did have an AK

by grizy k

China and Russia will be more than happy to trade weapons for Israeli tech.

That’s assuming Israel doesn’t guilt Germans and the French into supporting it first.

Push comes to shove, Israel will glass Gaza

youd like that wouldnt you

by Bill Haywood k

Video: IDF shoots down some kids on the West Bank then deliberately drives over one of the bodies.

You really are turning into a clown. They are guerrilla soldiers carrying assault rifles, going to kill Israeli troops, and they lost that skirmish (we can hope, we dont know what preceded that clip, maybe they got an Israeli soldier first). There is a giant assault rifle literally lying on the ground next to one of the shot down militants.

Like, what was the plan exactly? Did you assume no one would click on the link to see your description was nonsense?

by Bill Haywood k

Video: IDF shoots down some kids on the West Bank then deliberately drives over one of the bodies.

I mean, it does seem relevant that they were armed.

great job bill

by Trolly McTrollson k

I mean, it does seem relevant that they were armed.


But slowly driving over the body is excessive.

And there's plenty of other vids of wanton killing of kids doing nothing.

videos come out every day of executions. no one makes a comment when they get posted.

when a freedom fighter gets point blank executed and then his body mutilated, the usual sicko liberals are in here quick to point out that he deserved it.

now justify this one

by Dunyain k

You really are turning into a clown. They are guerrilla soldiers carrying assault rifles, going to kill Israeli troops, and they lost that skirmish (we can hope, we dont know what preceded that clip, maybe they got an Israeli soldier first). There is a giant assault rifle literally lying on the ground next to one of the shot down militants.

Like, what was the plan exactly? Did you assume no one would click on the link to see your description was nonsense?

How do you know they weren’t civilians?

tell me more about how Israel doesnt intentionally kill civilians. tell me more about how precisions bombs save lives.

by PointlessWords k

How do you know they weren’t civilians?

In the middle of a war how do you think one side should treat groups of young men from the other side armed with assault rifles patrolling the streets .

Graphic content under spoiler:


like, this is why I have respect for Dun. hes like, yep they deserve it. the mealy mouthed libs like BGP and chillrob who act like this **** isnt intentional, ubiquitous, and explicitly endorsed and abetted by the USA are the ones who infuriate me.

by Bill Haywood k


But slowly driving over the body is excessive.

And there's plenty of other vids of wanton killing of kids doing nothing.

Is amaz how you spend your time looking for idf atrocities while ignoring what they are up against

Your resp is okay but there's other videos?

You should be ashamed of yourself

by Bill Haywood k


But slowly driving over the body is excessive.

And there's plenty of other vids of wanton killing of kids doing nothing.

So at 2 in the morning in the middle of a war zone obviously very near to enemy troops a group of young men are milling around in the middle of the street, and one of them is kneeling down to admittedly light something on fire, and you are just going to take it at face value they were just hanging around and lighting stuff in the middle of the street on fire at 2 AM for warmth?

You should be like Victor and just stick to just posting propaganda with no "evidence" if this is the kind of "evidence" you are giving us.

by Dunyain k

In the middle of a war how do you think one side should treat groups of young men from the other side armed with assault rifles patrolling the streets .

I wasnt asking about that. I asked if they were civilians or not.

I would shoot them of course.

I was told Rules of engagement in Iraq after curfew from 03-07 was shoot on sight. Not sure if Israel has the same policy but probably.

by PointlessWords k

I wasnt asking about that. I asked if they were civilians or not.

I would shoot them of course.

I dont consider them civilians. But I have no idea if they technically are or not according to "rules of warfare"

by Dunyain k

I dont consider them civilians. But I have no idea if they technically are or not according to "rules of warfare"

Well you’re either a civilian, an enemy militant, a non combatant , or you could be a terrorist. Guerilla fighters are civilians I think? Time to find out

I think those are the names we use when describing the differences between civilians and enemies in the 21st century.

So you’re saying groups of men with guns that aren’t in the military are different than civilians

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

In terms of who is a combatant and who isn't, things are more murky than that. Around Christmas the IDF found the new (to Hamas) model suicide vests being altered to fit children. Some people were shocked by that, but I think it's not particularly shocking in the context of the radicalization of the last 20 years across various conflicts in the region. They aren't inventing this method or anything like that.

People have to remember that Sinwar is as hardline a radical as you can go within Hamas. Hamas is effectively something like 6 different groups of people across a half dozen countries. But Sinwar is the most radical of all the voices inside Hamas. He was just an enforcer originally, he went to jail for killing Palestinians, I'm not sure people know that. He didn't go to jail for killing Jews. He killed and tortured Palestinians suspected of cooperating or being friendly with Israel. In jail he was part of the faction of Hamas that runs from the prison system.

His views inside Hamas are the most extreme of the bunch if you can view that on a spectrum. Part of the reason negotiations have been so hard is because of how splintered all the various voices of Hamas are. Even the leadership outside the country and the ones in various key strategic countries didn't know exactly what Sinwar had planned and when. So right now they can negotiate one thing with Hamas outside Israel, but having that then take place inside Gaza is a whole other thing (which is why every negotiation is violated by Hamas in the end).

Sinwar takes the very long term view that it doesn't matter what happens today, he doesn't need results for Gaza today. He needs only to extend the struggle so the next generation of martyrs can step in. So truly I believe he's ok sacrificing all of it.

And that brings us to what Bibi set out as the framework for peace (and you'd think 2 state if it can happen correctly from the center-left):

"We must destroy Hamas, demilitarize Gaza and deradicalize the whole of Palestinian society"

#1 and #2 they can do. #3 only the Saudis and others can do. You need to get someone like Sinwar out, and bring in someone not interested in suicide vests for children. The second you value your kids enough to not strap them up with bombs, you can begin a process similar to denazification (which obviously had its own warts).

by PointlessWords k

I was told Rules of engagement in Iraq after curfew from 03-07 was shoot on sight. Not sure if Israel has the same policy but probably.

by Dunyain k

So at 2 in the morning in the middle of a war zone obviously very near to enemy troops a group of young men are milling around in the middle of the street, and one of them is kneeling down to admittedly light something on fire, and you are just going to take it at face value they were just hanging around and lighting stuff in the middle of the street on fire at 2 AM for warmth?

You should be like Victor and just stick to just posting propaganda with no "evidence" if this is the kind of "evidence"

its not a war zone. it was in the West Bank.

and Dun, you cant name a single thing that I have posted that is false. I post facts while the Zionist genocide supporters just post conjecture like all the bullshit that Rafiki and mets post.

I do respect you bc you are honest enough to just come out and say that you support the murder of children. the others support it but are just too much of chickenshit liars to actually say it.
