Israel/Palestine thread
Think this merits its own thread...
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American Jews are a tiny, tiny minority that mostly live in non-swing states, plus a large chunk of them are progressive; it makes zero political sense to care about this voting bloc. The GOP's pro-Israel stance is 100% driven by Christian Evangelicals to target Christian Evangelical voters.
If you're Biden you're much more worried about Gen-Z voters and Muslims living in swing Midwest states.
Genocide Joe is outraged at the bombing . If only he had some power to do something like stop sending them the bombs?
American Jews are a tiny, tiny minority that mostly live in non-swing states, plus a large chunk of them are progressive; it makes zero political sense to care about this voting bloc. The GOP's pro-Israel stance is 100% driven by Christian Evangelicals to target Christian Evangelical voters.
If you're Biden you're much more worried about Gen-Z voters and Muslims living in swing Midwest states.
Go by donor dollars and influence, and you're going to find a different story. Now in fairness a lot of Jewish Biden donors are quite pleased with his recent stance.
Btw I think all Biden has done is manage to please no one in the USA. Neither the pro nor anti Israel groups feel well served presently. Typically the sign of a waivering position.
Btw I thought Israel's admission on the strike was pretty fair? They messed up big.
I've seen some interesting discussions on how they probably won't have any choice but to change up how the command structure works for such strikes. Big task ahead of them. I think everyone feels this was a big turning point. Maybe those 7 lives save a lot of future ones. You hope anyway.
I am not sure what more they want from Biden. hes given no red lines and provided all the weapons and money needed for the extermination campaign. what else do they want? sign his name on the bombs like Pence did? maybe just go ahead and execute a few doctors? or bulldoze some children in their tent?
The problem is this is 6 months in, and it's been happening the entire time. They're either maliciously killing the aid workers or incompetent. Either way food isn't going to enter under these circumstances. Admitting to something doesn't really do much.
The problem is this is 6 months in, and it's been happening the entire time. They're either maliciously killing the aid workers or incompetent. Either way food isn't going to enter under these circumstances. Admitting to something doesn't really do much.
It doesn't get the press, but aid workers are being attacked by Palestinians too, normally gangs/tribes/Hamas trying to steal the aid. So yeah, not an ideal situation; although obviously the reports of famine are being way overblown for political reasons.
It doesn't get the press, but aid workers are being attacked by Palestinians too, normally gangs/tribes/Hamas trying to steal the aid. So yeah, not an ideal situation; although obviously the reports of famine are being way overblown for political reasons.
Hamas distributes the aid and protects from armed gangs. However this protection is gone bc Israel kills all of the policemen and civil protection bc they consider anyone to be Hamas.
Hamas is not murdering aid workers and distributers.
Looks like policy to me. The rules of engagement are intentionally very wide to achieve a bloody result. Maybe if more than 200 UNRHA workers and journalists hadn't been killed this would be credible.
I read that the first vehicle was hit by a missile, then the people who came to save them were hit by a missile, then the ones who came to help them were rocketed. Not a mistake.
American Jews are a tiny, tiny minority that mostly live in non-swing states, plus a large chunk of them are progressive; it makes zero political sense to care about this voting bloc. The GOP's pro-Israel stance is 100% driven by Christian Evangelicals to target Christian Evangelical voters.
If you're Biden you're much more worried about Gen-Z voters and Muslims living in swing Midwest states.
The biggest individual donors to democrats (according to in 2022 cycle were:
1) George Soros (178.8M) -> Jew
2) Michael Bloomberg (50.3M) -> Jew
3) Bankman-Fried (40.7M) -> Jew
4) Fred Eychaner (35.8M) -> not Jew
With military tech now im going with them knowing it was an aid truck. Theres absolutely a revenge element to a degree here in this war. Both sides hate each to a level that i couldnt understand.
2020 Trump election not the best example and I'm not saying there is some huge shift to the right but it's not as much of a slam dunk for the Dems as the past.
You are focusing way too much on voting and elections, and way too little on who has social currency and how they choose to use it.
As far as votes go, losing black and hispanic males is a much bigger concern for the Democratic Party than Jews, or even Arabs. I have been saying this for 8+ years in various iterations of this forum, but generally lower educated, poorer people are much more xenophobic, racist, isolationist, conspiratorial minded. And liberals have been pushing the incorrect narrative this is something unique to poor, uneducated whites. And we are seeing in real time that by leaning into these pathologies, the Republican Party is beginning to capture lower SES blacks and hispanics.
Eh not really. That infulence is still heavily concentrated in the Acela belt and not resonating with voters at all. Money helps in politics, but AIPAC can't buy it's way out of millions of Gen-Z kids watching ethnic cleansing unfold in realtime on Tik-Tok.
With military tech now im going with them knowing it was an aid truck. Theres absolutely a revenge element to a degree here in this war. Both sides hate each to a level that i couldnt understand.
Palestinian militants regularly use aid trucks as camouflage to move around. They have been for decades. No one is disputing this. What does seem to be happening that wasn't happening before is the IDF is quick to assume aid trucks are being used by militants, and not doing due diligence to confirm this before attacking them.
As I have said before in many ways, Israel has seem to undergone a paradigm shift where Palestinian Jihadi tactics of blending with civilians, using the civilian infrastructure as camouflage, and using civilians as shields is not working as a deterrent as it has for the last 80 years.
For good or bad, Israel has decided the current dynamics of how the 80 year conflict has been playing out are not acceptable. Palestinians, Hezbollah and other Islamists are not going to be able to just surround Israel and commit low level terrorism against Israel with relative impunity as they have in the past, using their own civilian populations as deterrents from counter attacks.
Is this shift in strategy going to be good for Israel? It seems unlikely, as the damage to its economy and international standing is going to hurt Israel much worse than theoretical security gains. But the last 80 years of psychological warfare by the Muslim world (on top of 1300 years of abuse) maybe they have just reached their breaking point.
Eh not really. That infulence is still heavily concentrated in the Acela belt and not resonating with voters at all. Money helps in politics, but AIPAC can't buy it's way out of millions of Gen-Z kids watching ethnic cleansing unfold in realtime on Tik-Tok.
do you really believe a 23y old pro-environment woman, terrified by the prospect republicans could ban abortion nationwide theoretically, terrified by the "transphobia" on the right and so on, wouldn't vote democrat where it matters because of tiktok videos about children dying in gaza?
If some californian young women as per above protest-vote against Biden it doesn't matter at all do you realize that? do you think young women in pennsylvania would protest vote against Biden because of Gaza given the above?
Moreover in the case of leftists protesting and not voting, you lose "half a vote". It's not like they move to Trump.
In the case of jews, they will not only vote for Trump if you abandon them, but use all their politicial, financial, social capital in Trump favor as well.
While gen-z protest voters are too busy making videos on tiktok or watching them among themselves
Eh not really. That infulence is still heavily concentrated in the Acela belt and not resonating with voters at all. Money helps in politics, but AIPAC can't buy it's way out of millions of Gen-Z kids watching ethnic cleansing unfold in realtime on Tik-Tok.
This is actually just as ominous for the future of the US as much as Israel. Antisemites are generally losers, as the cultural and individual level. Look at the nations and people that lean into antisemitism, and I'll show you a loser worldview. So it seems we are letting Chinese espionage through Tik Tok use this opportunity to turn our young people into losers. Not great.
Moreover in the case of leftists protesting and not voting, you lose "half a vote". It's not like they move to Trump.
In the case of jews, they will not only vote for Trump if you abandon them, but use all their politicial, financial, social capital in Trump favor as well.
While gen-z protest voters are too busy making videos on tiktok or watching them among themselves
It isn't obvious this is actually happening at any appreciable level. It actually seems centrist Democrats and Jews are sticking together for now, and it is alienating them from the progressive, younger wing of the Dem party.
It isn't obvious this is actually happening at any appreciable level. It actually seems centrist Democrats and Jews are sticking together for now, and it is alienating them from the progressive, younger wing of the Dem party.
Because the Biden admin isn't abandoning them yet.
But they are already financing candidates in the primaries that are pro israel ofc.
American Jews are a tiny, tiny minority that mostly live in non-swing states, plus a large chunk of them are progressive; it makes zero political sense to care about this voting bloc. The GOP's pro-Israel stance is 100% driven by Christian Evangelicals to target Christian Evangelical voters.
If you're Biden you're much more worried about Gen-Z voters and Muslims living in swing Midwest states.
700k Jews in Florida and 400k in Pennsylvania.


ya 90% my ass

murdering kids with no evidence based on AI
might as well use a dartboard to pick targets
ya 90% my ass
murdering kids with no evidence based on AI
Well this is exciting news for our resident eugenics enthusiasts.