Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

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) 22 Views 22
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33517 Replies


by microbet k

I consume the media in this thread and I've seen the counts of antisemitic incidents and the posters of hostages ripped down. But show me leftists killing Jews. And Jihadis are right wing bro.

I thinks its better to identify things with more than a couple categorial cabals. Jihadis are jihadis, same with jews, nazis and such. Because it just ends up with each side calling each other names out of spite that really has no real connection to anything thats going on.

by formula72 k

I thinks its better to identify things with more than a couple categorial cabals. Jihadis are jihadis, same with jews, nazis and such. Because it just ends up with each side calling each other names out of spite that really has no real connection to anything thats going on.

Not sure if you are arguing about whether or not Jihadis are right wing, but there's just no basis to call them leftist. They are not leftists in the economic sense, not in the political sense and not in any culture war sense either.

Honestly wtf

by microbet k

Not sure if you are arguing about whether or not Jihadis are right wing, but there's just no basis to call them leftist. They are not leftists in the economic sense, not in the political sense and not in any culture war sense either.

It has more to do with the oversimplification of a complex subject. Like comparing capitalism to communism in 2024 or when right wingers scream socialism to make it look bad towards something that was enacted 100 years ago. Or calling jews nazis or lefties commies, it just dumbs **** down. But thats the way it is now.

More wtf

ya genocide is ugly. but opposing genocide is antisemitic and will make Trump win. so you better suppress those thoughts teflon.

by formula72 k

It has more to do with the oversimplification of a complex subject. Like comparing capitalism to communism in 2024 or when right wingers scream socialism to make it look bad towards something that was enacted 100 years ago. Or calling jews nazis or lefties commies, it just dumbs **** down. But thats the way it is now.

The discussion was whether the left or the right is more threatening to Jews rn, so I don't know how to participate in that without using that generalization. When I talk about the right that threatens Jews I'm talking about the tiki torch trump kind of people who shot up the synagogue. I think when rafiki is talking about the left he's talking about protestors at Harvard or something, but I want to make sure he's not calling Osama Bin Laden a leftist.

he legit thinks Harvard students and online twitter leftists are going to do the holocaust bc they are mad that Israel is holocausting Palestinian animals. the level of indoctrination in these people's minds is unprecedented. he wasnt even schooled in Israel. can you imagine how bloodthirsty those guys are? well you dont even need to imagine it bc you can scroll their tiktoks and telegrams and look at the pics from Shifa.

like, apparently they all think that Joe Biden and the dems who have given Israel every single thing they have needed and expressed that there are no red lines are antisemitic or something.

Let's hope Hamas doesn't get into the European Hospital then

by Victor k

he legit thinks Harvard students and online twitter leftists are going to do the holocaust bc they are mad that Israel is holocausting Palestinian animals. the level of indoctrination in these people's minds is unprecedented. he wasnt even schooled in Israel. can you imagine how bloodthirsty those guys are? well you dont even need to imagine it bc you can scroll their tiktoks and telegrams and look at the pics from Shifa.

like, apparently they all think that Joe Biden and the dems who have

Victor, if Israel isn't allowed to eradicate hamas, it will be Hamas and it's allies who will do the Holocaust 2.0 as they explicitly stated to be their goal for decades.

Leftists are just enablers of that. You either allow any act to eradicate Hamas (and every other enemy of Israel).with no mercy, no qualms, no ifs, no buts, or you are an enabler of holocaust.

reality disagrees. I think you are letting your bloodlust cloud your judgment.

by Luciom k

Victor, if Israel isn't allowed to eradicate hamas, it will be Hamas and it's allies who will do the Holocaust 2.0 as they explicitly stated to be their goal for decades.

Leftists are just enablers of that. You either allow any act to eradicate Hamas (and every other enemy of Israel).with no mercy, no qualms, no ifs, no buts, or you are an enabler of holocaust.

You would fit in well with the RWNJs here in the US

by microbet k

The discussion was whether the left or the right is more threatening to Jews rn, so I don't know how to participate in that without using that generalization. When I talk about the right that threatens Jews I'm talking about the tiki torch trump kind of people who shot up the synagogue. I think when rafiki is talking about the left he's talking about protestors at Harvard or something, but I want to make sure he's not calling Osama Bin Laden a leftist.

Jews are generally part of left wing society, so (intra-tribe) discrimination from the left is going to be felt as more threatening. That is how human psychology works. Jews generally are going to feel much more threatened by widespread intimidation and discrimination on college campuses that results in 0 casualties much more than the once in every 10 year right wing synagogue attack that kills a couple Jews.

by TeflonDawg k

More wtf

Plenty of WTF to go around

Recent polls of Palestinians:

We asked the respondents what they thought of Hamas’ decision to launch the October the 7th offensive given its outcome so far, a vast majority (72%) said it was a correct decision

by microbet k

Where is there any evidence that Biden is losing the Jewish vote? Can't find any polls.

I expect he will still do well among Jews, but will lose some Jews because of too many bombs sent to Israel and some other Jews because he said things about Israel killing too many people.

Lots of Jews at both kinds of protests/rallies in the USA.

He'll lose sone for not vetoing the last resolution

But the only jew i know of who was going to vote for biden and now isn't is Alan Derschowitz

by microbet k

How have leftists hurt Jews in North America? I got the one case of a pushing fight in LA where someone fell and hit their head. Compare that to the right and Pittsburgh.

You continuing to ignore what is happening on college campuses is sad

by microbet k

Dude who murdered 11 people in the Pittsburgh synagogue

"HIAS [Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society] likes to bring invaders in that kill our people. I can't sit by and watch my people get slaughtered. Screw your optics, I'm going in."

Jews will not replace us? Sound familiar?

Not sure what that has to do with policy and votes

by metsandfinsfan k

You continuing to ignore what is happening on college campuses is sad

2nd most targeted group in America. African Americans are first

by PointlessWords k

2nd most targeted group in America. African Americans are first

There are 5 times as many black people in America than jews

And that's including jews who don't identify as jews and nobody knows are jews

by metsandfinsfan k

Not sure what that has to do with policy and votes

It has to do with who is a danger to Jews in North America and it's the people who shoot Jews because they are Jews and they are all right-wingers. All of them.

by metsandfinsfan k

You continuing to ignore what is happening on college campuses is sad

I have one child who graduated from one of the most famously lefty Universities in the US last year and another still in college and neither report any antisemitism from the left, both are very against the bombing of Gaza and one has been to several protests.

If I thought my children were in danger from the left it would concern me. The only negative attention either of them have gotten for being Jewish is one of them was harassed by skinheads on a bus...just because she looked Jewish to them.

Perhaps neither here nor there, but one of them has a Palestinian roommate (in the dorms, happened by chance).

The Jewish vote used to be a slam dunk Dem vote but hasn't that been shifting for 20 years now since the evangelicals figured out they have common ground in supporting Israel where the left has always had a soft spot for the Palestinians? Karl Rove can probably take some credit for that. Also Trump moving the embassy to Jerusalem must have bought some brownie points where the Dems would have never considered such a thing.

by 5 south k

The Jewish vote used to be a slam dunk Dem vote but hasn't that been shifting for 20 years now since the evangelicals figured out they have common ground in supporting Israel where the left has always had a soft spot for the Palestinians? Karl Rove can probably take some credit for that. Also Trump moving the embassy to Jerusalem must have bought some brownie points where the Dems would have never considered such a thing.

The Jewish population is very small, so the actual Jewish vote isn't very significant. But Jews generally have tremendous financial and social influence and capital, that has mostly favored the Democrat side, with some exceptions like Sheldon Adelson.

I actually dont know if there has been any appreciative shift to the Republican Party. It seems even Jews that feel alienated from the Democrat's Party progressive/antisemitic shift still are not very aligned with the current Republican Party on its core platforms (isolationism, racism, anti-abortion).

by 5 south k

The Jewish vote used to be a slam dunk Dem vote but hasn't that been shifting for 20 years now since the evangelicals figured out they have common ground in supporting Israel where the left has always had a soft spot for the Palestinians? Karl Rove can probably take some credit for that. Also Trump moving the embassy to Jerusalem must have bought some brownie points where the Dems would have never considered such a thing.

Biden beat Trump 77 to 21 among Jews.

by microbet k

Biden beat Trump 77 to 21 among Jews.

2020 Trump election not the best example and I'm not saying there is some huge shift to the right but it's not as much of a slam dunk for the Dems as the past.
