Israel/Palestine thread
Think this merits its own thread...
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that is terrorist fanfiction
Y’all are so ignorant it’s appalling
“That dual purpose fed the early stereotype of a kibbutz resident, or a kibbutznik, as a combination of farmer and fighter — someone who was there to both "farm the land but also establish its borders and defend it," Leach said.”

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Israelis fought the British to take over Palestinian land
My only question is, did you guys know this and were lying when you said the Jews legally bought or were given Palestine?
Or did you guys not know and were repeating what you had been told?

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Because some of the most vile antisemitism and disinformation I've seen in some time continues here, you get this one from me before I rage log off
What is a kibbutz?
The word itself means "gathering" in Hebrew. Kibbutzim are a communal living situation unique to Israel. There are about 270 kibbutzim dotted across Israel.
At their heart, kibbutzim are small towns — typically with somewhere between 100 and 1,000 residents — historically centered around collective farms. In recent decades, some have come to thrive on modern industry and tourism.
If you think a Kibbutz is a "military" installation, CLEARLY you've never been to any. There's a reason the Northern Kibbutz in Israel are totally evacuated right now. THEY'RE ****ING CIVILIAN VILLAGES.
In an abandoned kibbutz in Israel's evacuation zone near the Lebanese border, Lior Shelef has stayed behind to keep watch as a reservist in a protection force. He still tends the cows and chickens, even as Hezbollah rockets keep coming closer.
The chicken coops had been damaged in a rocket attack and the frequent sound of explosions panics the animals.
Israel's northern region accounts for a third of the country's agricultural land, and about 73% of its domestic egg production is concentrated in the Galilee and Golan regions, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development said.
Enough is enough. Stop Israelsplaining to Israelis.
Honestly the gap between you guys and skinheads is dangerously low. And you don't even see it. Israel has soldiers all over it because its been fighting to survive from the word go. You can't use that to define a military installation. That makes the whole country a military installation.
They are old paramilitary installations
They support IDF and have weapons while being on contested land
Call them what you want, they meet the legal definition of groups that materially support the IDF and they have troops the IDF can call upon. Not to mention they are full of former IDF soldiers. Geneva convention says they are fair game.
But yea they are just a farm.
You’re a liar and you use your lies to support the murder of 50k+ Palestinians
Oh and you lied about the why if it all lmao
Yes most of Israel is a military installation as they invaded and then took over the local populations territory with help from foreign powers. It was a proxy war with the Brits helping the Palestinians and the polish helping the Israeli people.
A proxy war that never ended
Keep spreading lies tho
That makes the whole country a military installation.
Naftali Bennet just compared the country to Sparta so...
mates, its literally farms
Yes most of Israel is a military installation as they invaded and then took over the local populations territory with help from foreign powers. It was a proxy war with the Brits helping the Palestinians and the polish helping the Israeli people.
A proxy war that never ended
Keep spreading lies tho
This is true. And they lost and lost and lost like countless other peoples. Take the F'ing L and get all that new aid money and work towards making a society. Get international actors involved, make an agreement on borders and have the international community enforce it. Even after 10/7 Gaza will get a ton of international sympathy and opportunities.
Palestinians can continue their resistance and they will eventually wipe out Israel if they can hold Taliban level fortitude but it's probably going to take 100+ years. JFC, just give it up. You lost.
They have guns (they live spitting distance from Gaza, who can blame them). And if you're going to invade from Gaza these places can offer up resistance and need to an accounted for. Would be negligent as an invading force to circumvent them.
The music festival on the other hand...
They are or were anyway communes. Socialist. Not all farms. Some are/were built around some other industry. They are kind of dying off more less. People are aging and most of them are not really collectives anymore.
They aren't military, but Israel is very militarized and lots of people have weapons and most adults are or were in the military. I think all the kibbutzim in the area had what they called civilian defense teams.
One of the targets of 10/7 was Zikim the kibbutz and another was Zikim the military training base. They are not the same. The training base was built after the kibbutz nearby and was named after it.
TY microbet and rafiki for clarifying.
They have guns (they live spitting distance from Gaza, who can blame them). And if you're going to invade from Gaza these places can offer up resistance and need to an accounted for. Would be negligent as an invading force to circumvent them.
The music festival on the other hand...
It's hard to find this stat and the best I could find was the median age in kibbutzim was 53 in 1998 and increasing. Some of them are practically old folks homes.
I think the entire conversation whether Hamas is terrorists, or whether Kibbutz are legitimate targets, to be completely uninteresting. And does absolutely nothing to improve the situation.
What is important is realizing Palestinian society is sick, addicted to destructive nihilism and Jihad. And even if you want to say this is all the US, Israel's or Netanyahu's fault; it doesn't actually change anything.
Wheovers fault it is we got here, the remedy is the same. The Palestinian people themselves have no capacity for course correction. They are addicts and the rest of the world is their dealer; providing endless no string attached aid, weapons, and moral support. Like with any addict, the incentive structure must be completely changed, or there should be no expectation anything will get better.
The rest of the world has to step up and be better. Even if that means cutting the Palestinians off, and forcing them to accept peace under Israel's terms (which would be infinitely better for the people than the status quo, although obviously not good for their political project)
You're really not going to address this?
It's hard to find this stat and the best I could find was the median age in kibbutzim was 53 in 1998 and increasing. Some of them are practically old folks homes.
I remember an account from 10/7 of a grandfather driving 3hrs or something with his 9mm to check on his daughter and ended up putting in some work. Some of those 50+ guys are hard as nails.
It's hard to find this stat and the best I could find was the median age in kibbutzim was 53 in 1998 and increasing. Some of them are practically old folks homes.
Guess they are all dead now or soon to be dead, by this logic
America has 350 million people
What kinda places do we have with group armories and locked gates on govt funded outposts?
Hearing from people who actually know what they're talking about and then deciding they'd rather rely on their own poor interpretations of things they've cherry picked online to be the real truth is the most PW and Victor thing I think I've ever seen.