Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

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07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33349 Replies


Originally Posted by PointlessWords
Jews and Muslims have the same god

by Luciom k

You can get the death penalty in several muslim-majority countries if you say that as a Muslim.

Absolute ignorant nonsense. Just stupid.

The Koran is very explicit in praising the God of Abraham and explicitly states that the Torah is the foundation of Islam. The Koran is a later message from God.

by PointlessWords k

No that’s not what the definitions said, try again. Or quote where you got this information from.

No i don't have any duty to explain anything to you.

Feel thankful that for now you can side with an enemy of the country you are living in without legal repercussions because it might not last.

by Bluegrassplayer k


Anecdotal is not a bad word. When discussing a particular thing like this, having an anecdote is extremely powerful, especially when people are making ridiculous blanket statements like "kibbutzes are military outposts". Having even one anecdote disproves that.

They don't need to be experts in order to provide far better information than poor interpretations of wikipedia articles that don't really seem to go into what we're discussing (probably because wikipedia doesn't waste time on explainin

So you have less credentials than I do and you are not an expert in either of these realms. You also are not Jewish, and have never been involved in armed conflict.

When we argue, please remember these things.

by Luciom k

No i don't have any duty to explain anything to you.

Feel thankful that for now you can side with an enemy of the country you are living in without legal repercussions because it might not last.

Yea I’m happy to be an American. Palestine nor Israel are enemies of the USA. You sir, are a very smart person


which two realms?

-massive pogrom in the West Bank
-massive airstrikes killing a ton of civilians
-airstrikes killing the civil policeman who had been organizing aid
-airstrike on journalists with amputation, not sure about deaths yet but probably
-massive repression in Germany including arresting of at least one Jew

theres a reason these guys are in here quibbling over semantics and blanket statements and calling anyone who doesnt support Israel an antisemite.

by microbet k

Everything is somewhat militarized in Israel. Highways are built to double as landing strips for fighter planes, almost all the buildings have bomb shelters, most people are conscripted. Kibbutzim are one of the least military organizations in Israel, but they are still part of a very military society that some people refer to as "Fortress Israel".

This would imply that the entire country is a valid military target according to the deranged logic of "human shields" that Netanyahu employs.

by Trolly McTrollson k

This would imply that the entire country is a valid military target according to the deranged logic of "human shields" that Netanyahu employs.

Trolly with the swoop in to hit the nub of the matter. Well done.

by Victor k

-massive pogrom in the West Bank
-massive airstrikes killing a ton of civilians
-airstrikes killing the civil policeman who had been organizing aid
-airstrike on journalists with amputation, not sure about deaths yet but probably
-massive repression in Germany including arresting of at least one Jew

theres a reason these guys are in here quibbling over semantics and blanket statements and calling anyone who doesnt support Israel an antisemite.

This is the comment which brought up this conversation:

by Bluegrassplayer k

There's been a consistent trend ITT of both sides trying to justify their side's monstrous actions by painting the other side as awfully as possible, while completely overlooking their side's awful behavior.

You've proven it over and over again. You are the one trying to quibble over semantics so that you can justify a terrorist act and call it something it isn't. I mean FFS part of your logic for why it's not a terrorist attack is this:

by Victor k

its still questionable how much civilian murder they did

Think about it!

Trying to justify your own vile comments by pretending that you're being called an antisemite because you're on a different side (a side I'm not really on btw) is ridiculous. (And fwiw it's multiple people who have noticed this.) You have been out of control with the antisemitism the past few days. You were insulting a woman who dedicated her life to a cause that you believe in, and did more for that cause than you ever will, on account of her being a Jew. It wasn't because of her actions, because her actions are far greater than yours. It wasn't because she belonged to groups with the word Zion in them (not that that still isn't extremely prejudiced on your part) because we already discussed that Zionism didn't mean the same thing then. There's one factor remaining, and you still have not addressed that you've insulted her, and are trying to justify her death at the hands of terrorists.

I do not recommend basing your own morals on Bibi's moral compass (or lack thereof).

by PointlessWords k

They were military installations, but are no longer. Now they are paramilitary installations.

they were farms, and are currently farms

by PointlessWords k

You do realize we are discussing the military/paramilitary operations of kibbutzes.

they are farms

by PointlessWords k

TKibbutzes are places arms are stored correct?


by Trolly McTrollson k

This would imply that the entire country is a valid military target according to the deranged logic of "human shields" that Netanyahu employs.

That's what Hamas does regularly even when there is no war, with Hamas supporters calling it a resistance effort.

They throw rockets at civilians.

They even brag ITT about how good their home made rockets are at killing Israeli civilians.

Hamas and radical islam terror more in general operates under the logic that any western or Israeli civilian is a fair target.

by BOIDS k

they were farms, and are currently farms

they are farms


Being a farm isn’t exclusive of being a paramilitary base

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by Luciom k

That's what Hamas does regularly even when there is no war, with Hamas supporters calling it a resistance effort.

They throw rockets at civilians.

They even brag ITT about how good their home made rockets are at killing Israeli civilians.

Hamas and radical islam terror more in general operates under the logic that any western or Israeli civilian is a fair target.

Did Palestine give up or something after they got overthrown by the Israelis who beat the British out of the region?

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A factory is not a paramilitary base...

"It" is singular...

BGP. Both sides are awful. Which side is worse? Pretty simple

by Bluegrassplayer k

A factory is not a paramilitary base...

"It" is singular...

It’s a legitimate military target. Call it whatever you want

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

by Luciom k

Hamas and radical islam terror more in general operates under the logic that any western or Israeli civilian is a fair target.

The IDF operates under the logic that a few Hamas guys running around with small arms makes it valid to obliterate a maternity ward. I have to wonder what the peanut gallery here would say if a designated dual-use fighter jet runway/highway with civilians driving on it got blown up. I guess it's their fault for irresponsibly having children in a warzone, like Mets says.

by PointlessWords k

It’s a legitimate military target. Call it whatever you want


How about the ones that were actually attacked on October 7th?

kibbutzes are big farms with a bunch of elderly jews doddering around

by Bluegrassplayer k


How about the ones that were actually attacked on October 7th?

I don’t know. Do they meet the legal standard as listed above?

Wouldn’t it be nice if Israel just killed the leaders of Hamas and then immediately began the peace process like the US did in Iraq?

by PointlessWords k

I don’t know. Do they meet the legal standard as listed above?


Well they have communications used by the military, seems like they are legitimate targets to me.

"harm caused to protected civilians or civilian property must be proportional" Are you really going to argue that because they have communications they are valid targets and Hamas met this criteria even though they massacred the civilians there?

The fact that you're even quoting the Geneva Convention is ridiculous because it clearly states the entire operation is illegal as it didn't have a clear military purpose. There is no greater military campaign. Punitive strikes are not legal. There was no attempt to distinguish between military and civilian; in fact Hamas even went out of their way to ensure they killed more civilians.
