Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..



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) 21 Views 21
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33349 Replies


by Victor k

Germany is back to doing genocide and arresting Jews again

What a coincidence that genocide vic posts about this without proper context.

so did you

by Victor k

around 30% of the people arrested for antisemitism in Germany are Jewish. .6% of the population is Jewish.

"Cancelled for alleged antisemitism" <> arrested

And ofc we have no reason to believe those stats

by microbet k

Israel has attacked Iran before and could attack Qatar and they have assassinated or captured people all over the world, but attacking Qatar would be a huge expansion of the war and Qatar is an (oil) ally of the US/Europe.

I am certain that Qatar is absolutely off limits to attack because that is where the U.S. Central Command is headquartered. Qatar is under US protection, the US isn't going to renege on that.

All of the US strategic interest in controlling the oil lanes is centered in Qatar. They're not going to endanger that. Israel doesn't get to threaten U.S. interests that flagrantly.

If you want to see US jets shooting down Israeli jets -- attack Qatar.

I believe the stats; the Germans are known for good record-keeping when they detain people.

by Luciom k

It's like attacking Qatar requires flying over KSA which isn't exactly easy for Israel

Well ****, might as well blow up a few refugee camps instead, those are nice soft targets.

Mossad has a million ways to off people. They wouldn’t use bombs. They can poison their food

or try to overdose them on fent. oh wait.

What is


Those damn Israelis trying to assassinate “freedom fighters.”

pogroms on unarmed oppressed exploited native residents in the West Bank. will BGP call this terrorism?

by Luciom k

How do you propose to achieve that?

A ground invasion

by rafiki k

Enough is enough. Stop Israelsplaining to Israelis.
Honestly the gap between you guys and skinheads is dangerously low. And you don't even see it.
Israel has soldiers all over it because its been fighting to survive from the word go. You can't use that to define a military installation. That makes the whole country a military installation.

How dare those Arabs put their countries around Israel...

by Trolly McTrollson k

The IDF operates under the logic that a few Hamas guys running around with small arms makes it valid to obliterate a maternity ward. I have to wonder what the peanut gallery here would say if a designated dual-use fighter jet runway/highway with civilians driving on it got blown up. I guess it's their fault for irresponsibly having children in a warzone, like Mets says.

It's on Hamas to defend their own people, so they're to blame, but 10/7 is also on Hamas, despite Israel not defending its own people.

by Luciom k

Hamas attack was an act of war which justifies Israel doing what it is doing in retaliation, and bombing even hospitals if Hamas uses them as hiding places and so on.

This may be justifiable to you, but there are no codes of ethics where this is justifiable.

And, again, it's also terrible policy, as Israel and the U.S. are just begging for blowback after accomplishing nothing.

blowback is always good for the powerful. it always tightens the grip of the fascist ruling class. look at 911.

Oh look, genocide vic has a friend…

all my friends hate genocide

by The Horror k

How dare those Arabs put their countries around Israel...

In hindsight I think it is clear the Europeans/Zionists didn't appreciate just how good a job the Turks had done governing the Middle East for the past few hundred years, and just how absolutely sucky, racist and backwards the Arabs were. Although the affinity of Arabs for Naziism probably should have been a warning sign.

It is a testament to the cultural strength, perserverance and ingenuity of the Jews that they were able to turn Israel into such a vibrant nation in the midst of such tribalism, racism and backwardness. Every member of the Jewish diaspora should be proud the Jewish people were able to emerge from the absolute tragedy of WWII and be able to build such a diamond of a nation in the middle of such a giant pile of coal.

I suspect that if we could do post WWII history over with the gift of foresight, everyone but the most ardent Zionists would have decided upon greener pastures.

didnt the Turks do some genocide too? what is it with you guys and supporting genocide? you come from Germany or something?

Turkey has been genociding Kurds for a long time now on a somewhat smaller scale, but yeah, they murdered a million or so Armenians.

But 30 thousand Palestinians and her emails?

When I say Turks, I meant the Ottoman Empire. I am sure the Ottoman Empire had plenty of atrocities (as all empires have), but the Ottoman Empire itself was much more cosmopolitan and diverse; as opposed to the modern nation of Turkey, which has more or less been devoted to a long term project of turning as much of the world as they can into an ethnostate.

Of course the Arabs had the same ambitions, hence the infatuation with Naziism; but because of their general backwardness and the presence of natural resources they still ended up dominated by Israel, Europe and Iran; despite their intentions.

Although despite being controlled in part by outside powers, the Muslim Arabs were still able to genocide most minority groups (with the exception of Israel) and turn the ME into a religious ethnostate.

Except Israel EVERY Arab country is much less diverse than it was 80 years ago, and that isn't an accident.

by Victor k

didnt the Turks do some genocide too? what is it with you guys and supporting genocide? you come from Germany or something?

You have a very selective perception of what genocide is. Guess what, if you do a bunch of pogroms and run a minority group out, and they dont stay and fight, or even if they do no one cares, that is still genocide.

Most of the Arab World (including pretty much everyone you would say are "based") has been extremely genocidal the last century. And not just Jews have been genocided, but Beduins, Kurds, Christians too, and probably some other groups I cant think of off the top of my head.

It is just no one cares. And it isn't ideologically convenient for you to think about it, so you don't.

Arab countries are terrible

Still doesn't justify over 30,000 people dead and 2 million homeless in Gaza

There's no way to work around Arab countries and Iran being horrific places or Islam as a terror to humanity, but there's no way to justify mass destruction of people and property like Israel has since 10/7

I don't support Israel's right to exist, but that isn't an endorsement of Islamic states

I'm an atheist

i have no dog in this race to death
