Israel/Palestine thread
Think this merits its own thread...
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That's what I'm talking about different people having different reasons for saying Hamas is strong. Something like 250 Israeli soldiers have been killed since 10/7 and maybe 50 or even more of those from friendly fire. That's in 6 months of fighting.
your numbers are wrong. a lot more have been killed.
Yeah, sure. wtf that means. That region is gonna become increasingly unlivable for climate change. And the real-life agitation of large numbers of Islamists will remain another deleterious force in the region.
Iran is colder than the optimal climate for human beings, check it.
Islamists like any religious extremists are a disgrace but Iran is more "logic" than most observers admit
ok I wasnt talking about attacking them. I am saying in this war, the ground troops did well against Israel. and ofc the tunnels had a lot to do with it. just like Israeli tanks and technology have a lot to do with their abilities.
bro they killed paramedics and children and old people.
According to the Hamas health ministry.
Iran is colder than the optimal climate for human beings, check it.
Islamists like any religious extremists are a disgrace but Iran is more "logic" than most observers admit
Mostly right. THE fundamental conflict in the ME now is over oil and natural gas and the principle adversaries/competitors are Iran and Saudi Arabia (and those aligned with it USA/Europe).
Iran is colder than the optimal climate for human beings, check it.
Islamists like any religious extremists are a disgrace but Iran is more "logic" than most observers admit
That's fine. I'm sure that's the case. There are brilliant people everywhere, in all societies. Different idioms, they all face the same challenges: human frailty, all the deadly sins.
I listened to a podcast that said Palestinians are more ethnically Jewish than the European and American Jews that came in 1947
Arab Muslim Palestinians are genetically a mix of Arab, Persian and Levant (indigenous). But Ashkenazi Jews are mostly European genetically (most closely related to Italians interestingly). Palestinian Muslims are undoubtably more closely related genetically to the original Jews of the Levant 2,000 years ago than Ashkenazi Jews today.
But the closest genetic descendants are Christian Levant Arabs and Beduin.
Then what's the number and source? Israel lying about dead Gazans is to be expected, but thinking Israel is not reporting deaths of Israeli soldiers is ridiculous.

I have no single source. no one knows the numbers for sure. but a lot of things dont pass the smell test like when the Resistance is posting daily videos of tanks getting blasted from close range by Yassin rockets and there rarely seems to be corresponding casualties.
or when Israel almost never admits to casualties unless the Resistance posts a video and then they really have no choice.
its one of the reasons that the Resistance often films the medivacs as proof that their attack caused casualties. strangely, they never shoot these helicopters. if KKKKHHHHHamas were the bloodthirsty Jew haters that most of this thread would have you believe then it seems they would relish the easy shot at a helicopter but they just dont shoot at medical personal. compare that to Israel who literally attacks hospitals and executes doctors.
That's fine. I'm sure that's the case. There are brilliant people everywhere, in all societies. Different idioms, they all face the same challenges: human frailty, all the deadly sins.
well tbh Iran is one of the 10-15 original cradles of humanity (agriculture and stuff). they are not a random place. they are are a pillar of humanity as we think of it today.
2000-2500 years ago they were at the frontier of technology.
I still have hope they can overcome this temporary disaster , and many people agree with me, unlike other places, iranian population is absolutely top level and in a single generation they could come back to the first world if they solve the theocracy problem
Then what's the number and source? Israel lying about dead Gazans is to be expected, but thinking Israel is not reporting deaths of Israeli soldiers is ridiculous.
Israel cant really lie about Gaza death because they have no clue. How would Israel have a clue how many dead Gazans there are?
But yeah, given Jewish religious burial customs (which curiously Israeli's seem to adhere to despite mostly being secular), it would be pretty impossible to lie about deaths.
I guess Victor has become a babe in the woods, and suddenly doesn't understand the definitions of the words wounded, dead or casualty. Funny how that happens when it is ideologically convenient.
not especially relevant to all this, but some important things to note about iran is that it is a big spaghetti bowl of highly active tectonic plates, tehran proper's population is about 8 million, and its building code hasn't been updated since about 850AD

It’s gotten to the point where I almost feel bad for genocide vic. His intense hatred of Jews seems to have permanently damaged his brain.
Lob some nukes and get on with the eventuality of the middle east of having pretty green glass covering most of it
that part of the post was referencing Lebanon in particular actually. but Im sure its all the same to you.
anyway, its not the Hamas Health Ministry in Gaza. thats not an entity that exists. you just made something up.
what we do know is that the Gazan Health Ministry has always released accurate numbers. this has been confirmed by international organizations and medical organizations and even Israel itself.
even the most dedicated to lying Hasbara have stopped with such weak and easily refuted bullshit months ago.
you guys come in here with the same easily debunked talking points. its trivially easy to be informed on this. but rather than do any research, analysis, reflection, or just cursory reading you repeat the same crap.
Israel cant really lie because they have no clue. How would Israel have a clue how many dead Gazans there are?
But yeah, given Jewish religious burial customs (which curiously Israeli's seem to adhere to despite mostly being secular), it would be pretty impossible to lie about deaths.
Israel has reason to lie about Gazan deaths and it's pretty unreasonable to expect them to be telling the truth about it.
Them telling the truth about dead Israeli soldiers has nothing to do with Jewish religious customs and frankly that sounds anti-semitic. USA doesn't lie about how many dead American soldiers there were in Iraq or Afghanistan either. They would get caught in those lies very easily and it would be very public.
well tbh Iran is one of the 10-15 original cradles of humanity (agriculture and stuff). they are not a random place. they are are a pillar of humanity as we think of it today.
2000-2500 years ago they were at the frontier of technology.
I still have hope they can overcome this temporary disaster , and many people agree with me, unlike other places, iranian population is absolutely top level and in a single generation they could come back to the first world if they solve the theocracy problem
far out, maaaan. I can dig it. Viva Iran!
Unsurprisingly it's the same people that forget that Israel has been occupying/terrorising the Palestinian people for 70 years. But if the Palestinians resist/fight back, it's called terrorism.
The Palestinians kill randomly. They torture randomly. The Israelis go after specific targets who deserve to get liquidated. Also, how stupid are the Palestinians thinking they can attack Israel and things will get better for them? Life has progressively gotten worse for these people and it's there own fault. If they ever decide to act civilized they will be treated as civilized people. They need a smart leader who realizes that fighting back is futile.
OK, but Boids appears to have made a valid point about building codes
Must be that theocratic death grip!
Israel cant really lie about Gaza death because they have no clue. How would Israel have a clue how many dead Gazans there are?
But yeah, given Jewish religious burial customs (which curiously Israeli's seem to adhere to despite mostly being secular), it would be pretty impossible to lie about deaths.
I guess Victor has become a babe in the woods, and suddenly doesn't understand the definitions of the words wounded, dead or casualty. Funny how that happens when it is ideologically convenient.
Im not saying they arent telling the families their people died. I am saying they arent telling the public the proper number.
you think Russia does? or Ukraine? why would anyone believe any country during [strike]war[/strike] genocide time? esp not the country that has told the most ludicrous lies of recent memory? ya the people that still talk about beheaded babies and mass rape are totally telling the truth now.
well tbh Iran is one of the 10-15 original cradles of humanity (agriculture and stuff). they are not a random place. they are are a pillar of humanity as we think of it today.
2000-2500 years ago they were at the frontier of technology.
I still have hope they can overcome this temporary disaster , and many people agree with me, unlike other places, iranian population is absolutely top level and in a single generation they could come back to the first world if they solve the theocracy problem
The cradle of humanity is not what it was 2500 years ago, due to climate change and over intensive agriculture. Iran is a big place where climate varies, but most of it today is New Mexico climate/rain levels.
A while ago I saw this real interesting graphic where the climates of different old world places were superimposed on the United States closest analogues. I remember the most interesting takeaway being how much colder Europe is than the US, but I also remember Iran being closest to the US SW.
The cradle of humanity is not what it was 2500 years ago, due to climate change and over intensive agriculture. Iran is a big place where climate varies, but most of it today is New Mexico climate/rain levels.
A while ago I saw this real interesting graphic where the climates of different old world places were superimposed on the United States closest analogues. I remember the most interesting takeaway being how much colder Europe is than the US, but I also remember Iran being closest to the
are you sure Iran is so hot? I had other data tbh.