Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

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) 21 Views 21
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33308 Replies


by Victor k

Im not saying they arent telling the families their people died. I am saying they arent telling the public the proper number.

you think Russia does? or Ukraine? why would anyone believe any country during [strike]war[/strike] genocide time? esp not the country that has told the most ludicrous lies of recent memory? ya the people that still talk about beheaded babies and mass rape are totally telling the truth now.

and yikes

a tangential point is that iran is absolutely the worst place in the world to build an underground nuclear facility, and you dont want to be within one hundred miles of one of those things if and when things get jiggiy

by mongidig k

The Palestinians kill randomly. They torture randomly. The Israelis go after specific targets who deserve to get liquidated. Also, how stupid are the Palestinians thinking they can attack Israel and things will get better for them? Life has progressively gotten worse for these people and it's there own fault. If they ever decide to act civilized they will be treated as civilized people. They need a smart leader who realizes that fighting back is futile.

I actually dont disagree with the bolded. the Israeli butchers absolutely intended to kill all of those women and children and innocent men. they love killing innocent Palestinians, its their thing. and you clearly love that they die.

by BOIDS k

tehran proper's population is about 8 million, and its building code hasn't been updated since about 850AD

Pretty bigoted thing to say. Tehran is a modern city.

by mongidig k

The Palestinians kill randomly. They torture randomly. The Israelis go after specific targets who deserve to get liquidated. Also, how stupid are the Palestinians thinking they can attack Israel and things will get better for them? Life has progressively gotten worse for these people and it's there own fault. If they ever decide to act civilized they will be treated as civilized people. They need a smart leader who realizes that fighting back is futile.

When describing the Middle East and how the people who live there have acted the last 1,000 years or so, many have brought up the following fable. In this case, the glove certainly seems to fit.

A scorpion wants to cross a river but cannot swim, so it asks a frog to carry it across. The frog hesitates, afraid that the scorpion might sting it, but the scorpion promises not to, pointing out that it would drown if it killed the frog in the middle of the river. The frog considers this argument sensible and agrees to transport the scorpion. Midway across the river, the scorpion stings the frog anyway, dooming them both. The dying frog asks the scorpion why it stung despite knowing the consequence, to which the scorpion replies: "I am sorry, but I couldn't resist the urge. It's my character."

by microbet k

Israel has reason to lie about Gazan deaths and it's pretty unreasonable to expect them to be telling the truth about it.

Them telling the truth about dead Israeli soldiers has nothing to do with Jewish religious customs and frankly that sounds anti-semitic. USA doesn't lie about how many dead American soldiers there were in Iraq or Afghanistan either. They would get caught in those lies very easily and it would be very public.

do you realize how many lies Israel has gotten caught telling in the last few months? why do you think it would matter if they got caught with one more?

by microbet k

Pretty bigoted thing to say. Tehran is a modern city.

it's true, look it up: earthquake resistant structures are not a thing in tehran. what you are looking at there is a big pile of rubble with three million dead people under it if an 8.0 hits

In November, 2022, Tehran mayor Alireza Zakani was quoted as saying that publishing a list of unsafe buildings in the city would cause residents to flee, adding that “if the list is published, no one would remain in Tehran.”


High-rise construction started multiplying in Tehran in the 1990s, during the mayoral tenure of Gholamhossein Kharbaschi. Tree after tree was cut down and old green areas in northern Tehran disappeared, making room for residential and commercial buildings, mostly high-rises. As north Tehran filled up, other less affluent parts of the capital also succumbed to the building boom. Iran’s economic woes and high inflation contributed, as real estate was considered a safer investment than putting Iranian currency into the bank.

Many buildings were constructed without attention to proper construction standards. Narrow streets and alleys now bristle with high-rises that could cause enormous casualties should they collapse. Yet the construction boom has not slowed.

Faramarz, a Tehran-based civil engineer who has been active in the construction sector since the early 1990s, and who spoke to the author of this article on condition that his last name be withheld, said, “Some of those buildings were not built fully legally, but were built anyway amid the corruption craze of the boom—with neglect, bribery, or a bit of both.”

by Victor k

do you realize how many lies Israel has gotten caught telling in the last few months? why do you think it would matter if they got caught with one more?

we don't care. Israel is our ally and if they think lying is useful they should lie.

Israel should win at any cost, and enemies of Israel should all be killed. it's not complicated

by Victor k

do you realize how many lies Israel has gotten caught telling in the last few months? why do you think it would matter if they got caught with one more?

Because a lot of Israelis will not believe they are lying about the other things or they might even support lying about it. Them not counting Gazans buried in rubble? That's to be expected. But the Israeli government denying that an Israeli's family member has been killed in Gaza would be a problem and if it were widespread it would be a very big problem for the Israeli government that could not be hidden.

Boids, I don't think it's true that building codes in Iran haven't been updated since 850. I'm sure there are lots of codes. Are they as good as Tokyo? Obviously likely not. An 8.0 is a huge earthquake and maybe a lot of them would fall. Maybe you were just taking poetic license with the 850AD part.

lads, no need to quarrel. suggest you focus on the fact that you both dream of the destruction of israel, and all the common ground that entails 👍

by microbet k

Maybe you were just taking poetic license with the 850AD part.

sharp as a ****ing stick of butter this one

by microbet k

Because a lot of Israelis will not believe they are lying about the other things or they might even support lying about it. Them not counting Gazans buried in rubble? That's to be expected. But the Israeli government denying that an Israeli's family member has been killed in Gaza would be a problem and if it were widespread it would be a very big problem that could not be hidden.

I am talking about the overall deaths. ofc they arent denying to a family that their family died. but they can tell a family their dude died and then not put it in the total.

you've taken a wrong turn somewhere in life if you find yourself inventing dead jews on the internet to make yourself feel better

by Dunyain k

When describing the Middle East and how the people who live there have acted the last 1,000 years or so, many have brought up the following fable. In this case, the glove certainly seems to fit.

Israelis have finally realized there is no circumstance that they could trust living side by side with Palestinians.

by BOIDS k

you've taken a wrong turn somewhere in life if you find yourself inventing dead jews on the internet to make yourself feel better

I dont think Russia or Ukraine or telling the truth about their deaths either. you know, bc I am consistent and not a white supremacist like yourself.

by Victor k

I dont think Russia or Ukraine or telling the truth about their deaths either. you know, bc I am consistent and not a white supremacist like yourself.

It's a lot easier to lie when the numbers are 6 figures than when they are 3.

no one gets credit for being right. but we will know at some point.

by BOIDS k

lads, no need to quarrel. suggest you focus on the fact that you both dream of the destruction of israel, and all the common ground that entails 👍

That's about as much honesty as anyone should expect from you.

by BOIDS k

you've taken a wrong turn somewhere in life if you find yourself inventing dead jews on the internet to make yourself feel better

you have spent the last 6 months inventing raped Jews so I am not sure you are in a position to judge here

by microbet k

Israel has reason to lie about Gazan deaths and it's pretty unreasonable to expect them to be telling the truth about it.

Them telling the truth about dead Israeli soldiers has nothing to do with Jewish religious customs and frankly that sounds anti-semitic. USA doesn't lie about how many dead American soldiers there were in Iraq or Afghanistan either. They would get caught in those lies very easily and it would be very public.

This, but more than this.

Israel having big casualty numbers theoretically helps the reciprocity argument the world uses against it, not the other way around. Them shrinking numbers never makes sense when their big issue is being Goliath.

But more than that, and you HAVE to be Israeli for this: They notify the families very quickly (hours), but directly before the media gets it (with the speed of burials in particular). From that point on they are all celebrated as heroes in their communities. There is no hiding this, it's just the opposite. Total transparency is essential or the whole thing falls apart. Israel even has a system in place to make sure the requisite 10 men are always present at the Minyan for Shiva Prayers. For those of you unaware, the 7 days after the burial are the Shiva period. The Minyan service is held daily during that. That means you need 10 men there every day, for every one of the dead. Post Oct 7th you can imagine the total chaos to find 10 men as everyone is being mobilized into the army and you had so many dead being discovered in groups of 50 a day kind of thing. So they used volunteers and apps to have people shuffling around to cover off all the prayers for the dead. And likewise for the dead soldiers since, as so many men were away from home.

I've mentioned this before, but I lived at a Chabad for a semester (because I needed housing) and told them not to bother me (meaning wake me up at sunrise) unless I was the 10th Jew.

by rafiki k

This, but more than this.

Israel having big casualty numbers theoretically helps the reciprocity argument the world uses against it, not the other way around. Them shrinking numbers never makes sense when their big issue is being Goliath.

But more than that, and you HAVE to be Israeli for this: They notify the families very quickly (hours), but directly before the media gets it (with the speed of burials in particular). From that point on they are all celebrated as heroes in their communities. The

ya except for the third time, I never said the families werent informed.

incidentally, why do liberals lie so much?
