Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

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) 21 Views 21
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33337 Replies


by Victor k

so we gotta wait until 65% of the Palestinians are killed before you give a ****?

bc I guarantee that I would try to stop the Jews being murdered when it got to 1% in Europe.

like the whole point is to not let it get to that stage. well for me. I kinda think you will be happy if it gets there.

People stop dying when the Palestinians give up on their doomed Reconquista. You cant have it both ways. You emphatically say "no justice, no peace" and cheerlead the Palestinians war effort, then get outraged when they die. Guess what, people die in wars. Wars suck.

Palestinians aren't ever going to get "justice" as you see it. And if they keep fighting for it, they are going to die**. It is what it is.

But guess what. 99% of people displaced (including the ancestors of most of the Jews living in Israel right now) never got justice. But most of them do get peace when they accept reality and make the best of things. Malcom X (and you) got it completely backwards. It is a catchy slogan, but it isn't how the world works.

Time for the Palestinians give up on "justice" and start living life instead. And for people like you to wake up and start actually caring more about people, and less about "justice"

**Who knows. Despite large number of them dying in their reconquista, maybe they will eventually wear the Israelis out, and reconquer Israel. But a lot of them are going to die in the process. And frankly, they seem ok with being martyred, as they have their faith their God will see them through the other end.

by gs3737 k

As Rafiki said, Holocaust inversion is anti-semetic. Which is why you used it, bc you hate Jews.

Gessen is just one. I could bring out quotes from many Jews using the holocaust to compare what Israel did or has done. Einstein even made the comparison.

just bc your great grandparents got murdered does not give you the right to murder.

I dont think black Americans should be able to murder and enslave me and my family even though they suffered a great crime. (and absolutely deserve reperations).

and in this analogy it isnt even apt. the Israelis are murdering people whos ancestors had nothing to do with the holocaust. its beyond belief. it makes no sense at all.

This whole post is so utterly insane, I don’t even know where to begin…

by Dunyain k

People stop dying when the Palestinians give up on their doomed Reconquista. You cant have it both ways. You emphatically say "no justice, no peace" and cheerlead the Palestinians war effort, then get outraged when they die. Guess what, people die in wars. Wars suck.

Palestinians aren't ever going to get "justice" as you see it. And if they keep fighting for it, they are going to die**. It is what it is.

But guess what. 99% of people displaced (including the ancestors of most of the Jews

can you name a single people that were given freedom and peace without fighting for it?

I mean look at the West Bank. you think those shepards and villages are resisting? they chose peace and now settlers armed by the govt and with military chaperones are doing pogroms.

in Gaza, you think that they are all of a sudden going to let the people travel freely to get medical treatment, to play sports, to get an education, to fisih in the sea? cmon man, you arent dumb.

by Victor k

can you name a single people that were given freedom and peace without fighting for it?

The Japanese fought for fascism, raped pillaged and robbed other populations, never repented, and got freedom anyway: that's how unique and better than any other in human history the American empire is.

by Victor k

Gessen is just one. I could bring out quotes from many Jews using the holocaust to compare what Israel did or has done. Einstein even made the comparison.

just bc your great grandparents got murdered does not give you the right to murder.

I dont think black Americans should be able to murder and enslave me and my family even though they suffered a great crime. (and absolutely deserve reperations).

and in this analogy it isnt even apt. the Israelis are murdering people whos ancestors had nothi

Vic the Arabs genocided Jews for 1400 years.

But aside from that, Israelis aren't genociding anyone currently, they are just defending themselves from terrorists

by Victor k

can you name a single people that were given freedom and peace without fighting for it?

Of course. All the Jews that were displaced over the last 2,000 years found (relative) freedom and peace by moving on. Certainly not by "fighting" against insurmountable odds. The Jews of Medina were murdered by the Islamists down to the last man, so they never found any freedom and peace. But that was a singular case of brutal genocide. From the Roman to the Spanish to Russian to the German to the Arab pogroms, many Jews found freedom and peace by moving on to either Israel or the US.

by Luciom k

Vic the Arabs genocided Jews for 1400 years.

But aside from that, Israelis aren't genociding anyone currently, they are just defending themselves from terrorists

they have killed probably 100k people and reduced 90% of the country to rubble. they arent defending themselves from terrorism and takes like this will be akin to holocaust denial in the upcoming centuries.

by Victor k

still waiting for you to condemn the terrorism in the West Bank. almost 500 people have been killed. but we know that they arent real people to you.

Sure I'll condemn it again: it's awful.

Anyways, you should move these posts to a place where they aren't so disruptive.

by Dunyain k

Of course. All the Jews that were displaced over the last 2,000 years found (relative) freedom and peace by moving on. Certainly not by "fighting" against insurmountable odds. The Jews of Medina were murdered by the Islamists down to the last man, so they never found any freedom and peace. But that was a singular case of brutal genocide. From the Roman to the Spanish to Russian to the German to the Arab pogroms, many Jews found freedom and peace by moving on to either Israel or the US.

so your solution is for the Palestinians to move to the USA?

by Victor k

they have killed probably 100k people and reduced 90% of the country to rubble. they arent defending themselves from terrorism and takes like this will be akin to holocaust denial in the upcoming centuries.

In the upcoming centuries, either people like you win, in which case it's better to be dead than alive anyway, or people like me win, in which case no, we won't remember an attempt to defend yourself as a crime.

by Bluegrassplayer k

Sure I'll condemn it again: it's awful.

it sure is. but what should be done?

by Victor k

so your solution is for the Palestinians to move to the USA?

That is one option. Or they could just forsake violence, throw out all the terrorists, allow Gaza to actually be rebuilt properly, and make it a functional city state. A lot of options would be on the table if the violence stopped.

I dont think any of these options will happen as the Palestinians are addicted to Jihad, and the world is addicted to providing it for them; but it would be a pretty simple process if/when the Jihad stopped. No justice, but lots of peace. Which is generally how these things work.

UNHCR estimates there are over 100 million displaced people in the world. This doesn't even count the hundreds of millions that are descendants of displaced people that have naturalized in a new home.

Pretty much none of these hundreds of millions of people are ever going to fight their way back to where they came from. It really is bizarre how completely ignorant you are about how the world actually works and have created this fiction where displaced populations that lost wars 100 years ago fight their way back and reconquer it.

Sure, the Reconquista happened and Israel happened. But these are the exceptions, not the rule.

by Victor k

they have killed probably 100k people and reduced 90% of the country to rubble. they arent defending themselves from terrorism and takes like this will be akin to holocaust denial in the upcoming centuries.

More lies and Jew hate.

Genocidal vic at it again…

Victor, do you consider yourself a "real Jew" who thoughtfully critiques your community by drawing comparisons about shared trauma that resonate with the community, or do you belong more to the category of those who compare Jews to Nazis merely to insult and provoke? I see nothing constructive from your comparisons of Jews to Nazis.

I especially question your sincerity when you insult "real Jew" victims of terrorist acts for not meeting your standards of what constitutes a good Jew, despite their actions being undoubtedly more selfless and beneficial to your cause than anything you have done or will likely ever do.

This is the first time I've complained about the minute timer for reporting posts.

by Luciom k

and there never was any genocide in Gaza either.

Hypothetically speaking, what's the minimal course of action that would consist of a genocide in Gaza?

No one cares.

The tunnel-dwelling penetrates - despite y'all's unflattering appraisal of their capabilities - could tunnel into Israel. Minimizing the threat of rockets from the south, etc etc. Israel is moving forward with various security measures, however imperfect

Israelis have an app on their phones that notifies asap of rockets lmao

by Dunyain k

Pretty much none of these hundreds of millions of people are ever going to fight their way back to where they came from. It really is bizarre how completely ignorant you are about how the world actually works and have created this fiction where displaced populations that lost wars 100 years ago fight their way back and reconquer it.

Sure, the Reconquista happened and Israel happened. But these are the exceptions, not the rule.

What makes Israelis exceptional?

Look into it. Jews have done a lot of things, won a lot of awards in various disciplines.

Alas lol PR isn't one

What does that have to do with Israel?

Conflating the two is anti semitic, you know.

But seriously, in every thing give thanks.

by jalfrezi k

What does that have to do with Israel?

Conflating the two is anti semitic, you know.

i note that you feel the need to pick up on this and not on victor doing a himmler impression one page back. card marked

by Bluegrassplayer k

Victor, do you consider yourself a "real Jew" who thoughtfully critiques your community by drawing comparisons about shared trauma that resonate with the community, or do you belong more to the category of those who compare Jews to Nazis merely to insult and provoke? I see nothing constructive from your comparisons of Jews to Nazis.

I especially question your sincerity when you insult "real Jew" victims of terrorist acts for not meeting your standards of what constitutes a good Jew, despite their

they dont meet my standards for being a decent human if they are supporting the current genocide and engaging in it. nothing about being a good or bad Jew which I ofc dont care about.

I find the comparison apt. so did Masha Gessen. and many others, including many Jews.
