Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..



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1. No personal attacks. This is a broad instruction, but, in general, we want to focus on attacking an argument rather than the poster making it. It is fine to say a post is antisemitic; it is not okay to call someone an antisemite over and over. If you believe someone is making antisemitic posts, report them or PM me. The same goes for calling people "baby killers" and "genocide lovers". You are allowed to argue that an action supports genocide or that the consequences of certain policies results in the death of children, but we are no longer going to be speaking to one another's intentions. It is not productive to the conversation and doesn't further any debate.

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) 21 Views 21
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33342 Replies


by Bluegrassplayer k

This is the first time I've complained about the minute timer for reporting posts.

How did reporting those posts work out for you

by metsandfinsfan k

There's no genocide

Israel doesn't want the land. Israel is trying to get rid of Hamas. There have been civilian casualties along the way. How many? Who knows we aren't counting any of them as military in victors eyes

All Israelis over 18 are military. All gazans are civilians

I mean i guess by those rules, sure it's a genocide

as a teacher at a high school, do you think you are better educated, educated equally, or less educated than professors at universities?

If israel wants to make everyone in gaza a target, they should help gaza have required military service, just like Israel does.

by grizy k

Arab-Israelis are doing way better than the vast majority of Arabs in the region.

Up to a point. They tend to live in poorer neighbourhoods and they're aware of being on sufferance. And West Bank Arabs of course don't benefit from citizenship at all. And 14,000 East Jerusalem Palestinians have had their residency rights revoked (often on spurious grounds so that Jews could take over their properties, as mentioned before).

Netanyahu and his kind have suggested that, once there are 'enough' Jews around (this presumably means attracting more Americans who want to 'make Aliyah'), Arab Israelis can have their citizenship revoked en masse. In 2020 Netanyahu suggested to Trump that a start on this proposal should be included in US 'peace' plans. Arab Israelis are obviously aware of all this and obviously aren't going to like it much. In the end an ethnostate is an ethnostate.

Hwy 880 in california blocked for a free palestine thingy. No better way to gain support than to attack the proletariats from getting paid.

by Victor k

Gessen is just one. I could bring out quotes from many Jews using the holocaust to compare what Israel did or has done. Einstein even made the comparison.

Despite Victor's tendency to overcook things, and the universal internet tendency to attribute to Einstein things he never said, Einstein and other luminaries did in fact sign a 1948 letter to the New York Times comparing the monster Begin and his Herut party to Fascists and Nazis. The connection to Zionism in the present day may be tendentious, but perhaps not altogether non-existent.

Text of the letter:-

Everyone with a brain knows the white European Jews came back to displace the brown middle eastern semites that lived there for thousands of years

by Victor k

you so desperately want me to say something antisemitic so that you can handwave away all of the truth I have spoken.

you dont need to support genocide. alternatively, you can just support genocide and just embrace your Nazi side like so many others in this thread.

Um, don't you mean "to say something else antisemitic "? "Eintzgrupen, lebenstraum, go full Hitler on M.E. Untermenschen"- all you do is say anti Semitic things. You have to be aware such comparisons are offensive to Jews in particular, yet you persist and seem to do so with an undisguised glee. Then there's the whole "different type of species" thing you let slip. You're clearly an anti Semite, the Nazi comparisons are just too consistent. Sucks to be you.

by corpus vile k

Um, don't you mean "to say something else antisemitic "? "Eintzgrupen, lebenstraum, go full Hitler on M.E. Untermenschen"- all you do is say anti Semitic things. You have to be aware such comparisons are offensive to Jews in particular, yet you persist and seem to do so with an undisguised glee. Then there's the whole "different type of species" thing you let slip. You're clearly an anti Semite, the Nazi comparisons are just too consistent. Sucks to be you.

What you just said is offensive to Jews.

Trying to stop genocide is what Judaism is all about.

And lo and behold, Einstein said some shiit to someone or another.

victor should have been banned from this forum long ago.

nah Ill keep pointing out the atrocities being committed on an hourly basis. if it makes you feel bad then you could, in fact, not support them.

by Victor k

nah Ill keep pointing out the atrocities being committed on an hourly basis. if it makes you feel bad then you could, in fact, not support them.

all you do on this forum is troll people. trolls should be banned.

I think the real trolls are the people going around saying Hamas uses human shields and al Shifa was a base and Israel is targeting only fighters.

by Victor k

I think the real trolls are the people going around saying Hamas uses human shields and al Shifa was a base and Israel is targeting only fighters.

like a broken record, trolling again, with the same material.

All gazans are civilians
All israel are military
Jew haters good
Zionists bad (make sure to say Zionist instead of Jew to claim "i have jewish friends"

by metsandfinsfan k

Biden needs to stop playing both sides

"We fully support Israel"
"We will not help with a retaliation against iran"

If biden was less flip floppy this attack wouldn't have happened

And even if our administration thinks Israel should not retaliate, which is fine, you don't publicly announce that. Clueless Joe

Israel is like the guy with short man syndrome who likes to get drunk and start fights, then depend on his friends to bail him out. Biden will help out his re-tarded friend, but doesn't want to encourage him to start more trouble.

by PointlessWords k

as a teacher at a high school, do you think you are better educated, educated equally, or less educated than professors at universities?

I'm less biased

If israel wants to make everyone in gaza a target, they should help gaza have required military service, just like Israel does.

Contrary to what you and Victor and others keep saying, Israel is not part of the Gaza government. Hamas had full control of Gaza

I said had because Israel ain't leaving until hamas is out of power

But israel has been in no position and has nothing to do with the gaza military. Which does exist

Pointless how many gazan military do you reckon have died in this?

by campfirewest k

Israel is like the guy with short man syndrome who likes to get drunk and start fights, then depend on his friends to bail him out. Biden will help out his re-tarded friend, but doesn't want to encourage him to start more trouble.

the guy with short man syndrome doesn't win one vs all existential fights when everyone else is laughing at him.

he doesn't win with less troops, aircrafts and tanks with minimal losses disintegrating the horrific coalition of monsters intended to genocide his family and distant relatives.

winning the 6 days war matters. it's a permanent feature in post world war 2 human history. it means something. a lot actually. it means Jews in the middle east aren't joking around.

no sindrome, just an objective superiority proven time and again on the battlefield against horrific monsters who wanted them all dead.

by NittyOldMan1 k

all you do on this forum is troll people. trolls should be banned.

nah we need anti-Semite trolls around, having updates on the narratives they are pushed to take is useful.

History is littered with those who started wars they were so sure would go well for them.

Good lesson to learn

by PointlessWords k


you dont want israel to be in a war against palestine? So youre pro palestine

You’re not very sharp are you??

I really didn’t want Hamas to murder and rape all those Israelis. I really don’t want Hamas’s stated goal to be the eradication of Israel and the Jews.

Since those things happened, Hamas started this war.

by corpus vile k

Um, don't you mean "to say something else antisemitic "? "Eintzgrupen, lebenstraum, go full Hitler on M.E. Untermenschen"- all you do is say anti Semitic things. You have to be aware such comparisons are offensive to Jews in particular, yet you persist and seem to do so with an undisguised glee. Then there's the whole "different type of species" thing you let slip. You're clearly an anti Semite, the Nazi comparisons are just too consistent. Sucks to be you.

for them the actual camps are something that only exists in "boring" movies, because the people aren't even killed immediately rather we have to waste time looking at how they tried to cope with that horror, just to be genocided anyway at the end.

many of them don't even admit a ton of Jews were killed in those camps.

they still hate capitalism and the modern world, some Jews have high ranking roles in media, finance and industry, and so they hate them deeply as a symbol of capitalism.

Marxism, radical leftism in general is *inherently anti-Semite*. there is no peace, no normal life, for Jews in the world of the left.

by PointlessWords k

Everyone with a brain knows the white European Jews came back to displace the brown middle eastern semites that lived there for thousands of years


by gs3737 k

You’re not very sharp are you??

I really didn’t want Hamas to murder and rape all those Israelis. I really don’t want Hamas’s stated goal to be the eradication of Israel and the Jews.

Since those things happened, Hamas started this war.

Hamas murders and rapes a lot of Muslims as well
