Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..



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) 21 Views 21
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33308 Replies


by rafiki k

Nobody wants to do that. But being rid of Hamas, Hezbollah, and generally radical jihadist groups in the region means a path to progress and prosperity that everyone can partake in. The region can move on from the bloody past.

the world can't until people like Victor exist though.

at some point in time, we have to fight against every single one of them as well.

every single one of them

by rafiki k

Nobody wants to do that. But being rid of Hamas, Hezbollah, and generally radical jihadist groups in the region means a path to progress and prosperity that everyone can partake in. The region can move on from the bloody past.

There will never be peace until the people in the WB and Gaza are being treated fairly by Israel. Only that will deflate the "radical jihadist groups". Killing people won't do it.

by microbet k

The only encouraging thing, if (perhaps a very big if) it is true is if the number of Gazan dead is really as flat for the last couple/few months as is reported.

Your bff isn't encouraged. You might not to console him while he whispers nazi tropes in your ear and you say, " he's not an antisemite, he just likes the shape of the swatzika"

by microbet k

There will never be peace until the people in the WB and Gaza are being treated fairly by Israel. Only that will deflate the "radical juhadist groups". Killing people won't do it.

Having a government that doesn't want to destroy Israel is the first step bro

You can be a lib and support Israel bro. It's okay i promise

by rafiki k

Saudi Arabia has publicly acknowledged its involvement in aiding the newly formed regional military coalition in defending Israel against an Iranian attack.
The statement referenced a report by KAN News detailing Saudi Arabia's participation in the joint military defensive operation, which successfully thwarted an Iranian assault on Israel.

There it is.

Such a unique

Some of the stuff on twitter regarding this has been really interesting. There was a viral story (almost certainly false) that a Jordanian princess personally downed 5 drones. Also a tweet from a Pakistani senator that was just a pic of the King of Jordan with the caption "Traitors' son of a traitor's son of a traitor" that got a lot of likes.

I feel like this is the perfect time for Israel to pull back, but Bibi is going to escalate.

by microbet k

There will never be peace until the people in the WB and Gaza are being treated fairly by Israel. Only that will deflate the "radical jihadist groups". Killing people won't do it.

I genuinely believe that if in 1948 the response had been "ok peace it is", we'd have no issues today. And the other Arabs in Israel are evidence of this. It's clearly possible.

So likewise I believe that if Palestinians put down all their weapons, inside of 5 years we'd have peace and prosperity for all. That requires deradicalization first.

It's this notion of endlessly fighting to "get it back" that makes this forever war. How many other places do you see this? What we're gonna do this 200 years later?

by rafiki k

I genuinely believe that if in 1948 the response had been "ok peace it is", we'd have no issues today. And the other Arabs in Israel are evidence of this. It's clearly possible.

So likewise I believe that if Palestinians put down all their weapons, inside of 5 years we'd have peace and prosperity for all.

if Palestinians put down all their weapons you are still bombed by the Lebanese.

by Luciom k

the world can't until people like Victor exist though.

at some point in time, we have to fight against every single one of them as well.

every single one of them

This this this

The people defending victor that claim they don't hate jews are making fools of themselves

by Luciom k

if Palestinians put down all their weapons you are still bombed by the Lebanese.

And the houthis. And iran

This isn't the time for complacency

by Luciom k

if Palestinians put down all their weapons you are still bombed by the Lebanese.

Ya but that's still a very very different strategic issue. Specially given distances to things.

I'll take wins where they'll come.

that doesnt even make sense. and many Jews oppose this genocide.

you guys are insane. the Houthis literally said they are only involved bc they feel it is their duty to fight against a genocide.

and Lebanon was not involved in Oct 7 and again are only involved bc Israel are committing heinous crimes on an hourly basis.

by metsandfinsfan k

Having a government that doesn't want to destroy Israel is the first step bro

You can be a lib and support Israel bro. It's okay i promise

When you treat all the people in an area unfairly for 38 years you shouldn't be shocked that they elect people who are hostile to you.

genocide is bad. except when Israel does it. and then if you oppose it then its antisemitism.

thats the argument you guys are making.

oh and lucium takes it a step further and wants to just go thought police on anyone who thinks hmm maybe Israel shouldnt be allowed to run people over with bulldozers, execute women and children, burn them alive, bury them alive, and starve them to death while posting the lamest tiktok videos.

lucium wants to murder anyone who isnt on board with full torture and murder of a captive civilian population.

by Victor k

you guys are insane. the Houthis literally said they are only involved bc they feel it is their duty to fight against a genocide.

and Lebanon was not involved in Oct 7 and again are only involved bc Israel are committing heinous crimes on an hourly basis.


by Victor k

genocide is bad. except when Israel does it. and then if you oppose it then its antisemitism.

thats the argument you guys are making.

liars lie

Luciom is suggesting that Victor and anyone he considers a leftist or cultural marxist or whatever be rounded up and killed but he's to cowardly to come out and say it.

sure seemed like he pretty much said it. hes said similar many times.

by microbet k

Luciom is suggesting that Victor and anyone he considers a leftist or cultural marxist or whatever be rounded up and killed but he's to cowardly to come out and say it.

I am suggesting we legislate to make it a death penalty level crime to favour our enemies. and btw that was the case normally, historically, in most societies.

which for you might be the same as what you wrote, but for me is very different.

I don't suggest people should act against the law. I ask for law to change to adhere with my preferences.

Marxism should be labelled as terrorism, and terrorism treated more or less as we treat it today

by microbet k

Luciom is suggesting that Victor and anyone he considers a leftist or cultural marxist or whatever be rounded up and killed but he's to cowardly to come out and say it.

Now do genocide vic.

by microbet k

Luciom is suggesting that Victor and anyone he considers a leftist or cultural marxist or whatever be rounded up and killed but he's to cowardly to come out and say it.

Keep whiteknighting him


Of course you want the state to do it, you're a totalitarian. But that makes it clear that if you had your way the state would execute Victor and perhaps everyone on 2p2 who thinks things like puberty blockers should be allowed for 17 year olds who identify as trans and their parents and doctors support the decision.

you cannot be free to live in our societies if you want to help our enemies (domestic or international), simple as that.

it's incredible we keep those people around tbh.

microbet gets it for neonazis who try to organize a coup but doesn't get it for Marxists who are anti-Semite (many millions of them in western societies) and spend all their efforts to help countries and groups that want our genocide.

Fine he has a right to his opinions (for now) but I have a right to my opinions as well.

by microbet k


Of course you want the state to do it, you're a totalitarian. But that makes it clear that if you had your way the state would execute Victor and perhaps everyone on 2p2 who thinks things like puberty blockers should be allowed for 17 year olds who identify as trans and their parents and doctors support the decision.

At least he's not defending victor

by metsandfinsfan k

Keep whiteknighting him

Keep palling around with the guy who literally wants tens of millions of Americans executed.
