Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

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) 20 Views 20
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33297 Replies


by Victor k

they didnt murder 1200 Israelis. Israel killed some. and some were soldiers

and they didnt kidnap 250. many were soldiers and thus POWs.

But those nasty Jews killed 35000 civilians and no military right

by metsandfinsfan k

Micro wants Israel to give aid to gazans without attacking so that hamas can steal it and build more bombs

In the very post you are talking about I mentioned Israeli attacks. Really, what's up with the lying and trolling? Do you have any self-respect?

by microbet k

You've come out and declared your support for unprecedented death camps in all Western Nations. One would think that if you were going to lie on the forum you'd hide that. Maybe you are just a troll.

He wants to put nazis in camps
You want to white knight the nazis

by Victor k

they didnt murder 1200 Israelis. Israel killed some. and some were soldiers

and they didnt kidnap 250. many were soldiers and thus POWs.

Lebanon destroyed itself when they got into bed with Iran via Hezbollah. Like every other place that gets in bed with Iran.

If Lebanon had thrown out the PLO and Hezbollah and made peace treaties with Israel it would be in a much better spot right now. As is, it is basically a failed state.

by microbet k

Even that is relative. The Seige of Beirut lasted 7 weeks, killed 4-5000 people and destroyed 500 buildings.

In Gaza now it's like 150000 buildings destroyed.

the scale of this is unprecedented of course.

but its the same strategy. they target civilians and infrastructure to cause suffering.

It's ok mets. I understand that you are agitated. Understanding that people can be emotional and agitated is something I'm capable of. You might try it yourself.
Luciom isn't agitated. Dunno if he's trolling or if he's the fascist monster he portrays, but he's not upset.

by microbet k

In the very post you are talking about I mentioned Israeli attacks. Really, what's up with the lying and trolling? Do you have any self-respect?

Unless you have a time machine you are saying Israel should stop fighting, feed the gazans, and maybe the tooth fairy will free the hostages

by metsandfinsfan k

But those nasty Jews killed 35000 civilians and no military right

Israelis have killed a lot more than 35k civilians.

I dont know how many militants they have killed.

by Victor k

Israelis have killed a lot more than 35k civilians.

I dont know how many militants they have killed.

I thought you said the resistance can't be militants

by metsandfinsfan k

Unless you have a time machine you are saying Israel should stop fighting, feed the gazans, and maybe the tooth fairy will free the hostages

I didn't say Israel should stop fighting in that post.

by microbet k

I didn't say Israel should stop fighting in that post.

You won't say what they should do besides feed people


Even rafiki has posted about how Israel is ****ing things up. Almost all the regular conservatives have as well - like Tien, campfire, grizy, 57 etc. Man, you should get some perspective. You are only really agreeing with Kelhus and Luciom and maybe a couple others.

by metsandfinsfan k

You won't say what they should do besides feed people

I'm not in charge of targeting, but they should have picked the 150 targets that really were Hamas fighters instead of destroying 150000 buildings. There's a wide range of responses that aren't completely insane and they are outside of that range.

by microbet k

You've come out and declared your support for unprecedented death camps in all Western Nations. One would think that if you were going to lie on the forum you'd hide that. Maybe you are just a troll.

can't answer without risking a ban, but good try.

by microbet k

I'm not in charge of targeting, but they should have picked the 150 targets that really were Hamas fighters instead of destroying 150000 buildings. There's a wide range of responses that aren't completely insane and they are outside of that range.

does picking 159 "clear Hamas targets" (as if they existed without meat shields) guarantee with absolute certainty Hamas is done with forever? because that's the only goal at any cost, and a completely reasonable goal at that.

Hamas should cease existing at any cost, and it's morally imperative to help Israel achieve that with any means necessary.

then, the same is true for any human group anywhere on the planet sharing any idea with Hamas.

by Luciom k

can't answer without risking a ban, but good try.

I don't want you banned. I'm not trying to get you banned. But still, I think you should speak your mind and let the chips fall where they may. But then you love authority it seems so I guess you are just wired to obey.

by microbet k


Even rafiki has posted about how Israel is ****ing things up. Almost all the regular conservatives have as well - like Tien, campfire, grizy, 57 etc. Man, you should get some perspective. You are only really agreeing with Kelhus and Luciom and maybe a couple others.

I dont have a crystal ball to see the future. I dont know if this strategy will work out. But you dont either. But in case you didn't notice, the western world has been showing a lot of restraint in recent wars, and mostly losing. Which is fine, because it actually isn't that important that we win our wars. But Israel seems to think it is actually important to win this one, and your preferences give them a 0% chance of this happening.

by microbet k

I don't want you banned. I'm not trying to get you banned. But still, I think you should speak your mind and let the chips fall where they may. But then you love authority it seems so I guess you are just wired to obey.

no death camps exist in my model.

if someone is found guilty of a death penalty level crime in my model he gets executed in the appeal court within 10 minutes of the verdict.

I hate the idea you think I am in favour of wasting valuable resources keeping people who lawfully deserve to die alive for even a minute more than absolutely physically necessary.

I am deeply offended you thought I had camps in mind

by Luciom k

does picking 159 "clear Hamas targets" (as if they existed without meat shields) guarantee with absolute certainty Hamas is done with forever? because that's the only goal at any cost, and a completely reasonable goal at that.

Hamas should cease existing at any cost, and it's morally imperative to help Israel achieve that with any means necessary.

then, the same is true for any human group anywhere on the planet sharing any idea with Hamas.

Israel isn't fighting Hamas, it is fighting the Islamist Palestinian people of Gaza, who are intent on reconquering Israel at all costs. Hamas is just their will.

As long as the Palestinians insist on Jihad, and Iran and Qatar can keep funding it, and the rest of the world gives them unconditional aid to fight Israel and demand Israel to just let it happen, the 80 year conflict will continue indefinitely until either Israel or the Palestinians or destroyed.

Israel destroying Gaza actually has a chance to change this paradigm. Maybe Palestinians will decide Jihad really isn't worth it if the cost of attacking Israel is having their entire city state destroyed.

by Dunyain k

But in case you didn't notice, the western world has been showing a lot of restraint in recent wars, and mostly losing.

Iraq's relations with the West are better than they have been in 40 years and their per capita income is triple what it was before the invasion. It could have been handled a lot better and in a way that didn't spawn ISIS and cause turmoil in Syria, but by most measures USA did win in Iraq.

Syria is doing better and the war was not really with Syria, it was with ISIS, which is largely defeated.

US lost Afghanistan despite defeating the Taliban military in hours in 2001 because it kept supporting corrupt warlords who made life worse for many people than the Taliban did.

by Luciom k

no death camps exist in my model.

if someone is found guilty of a death penalty level crime in my model he gets executed in the appeal court within 10 minutes of the verdict.

I hate the idea you think I am in favour of wasting valuable resources keeping people who lawfully deserve to die alive for even a minute more than absolutely physically necessary.

I am deeply offended you thought I had camps in mind

Appeal court?

Where are you keeping people in between their original guilty verdict and the result of their appeal?

But, ok, as you wish - you are in favour of having millions of people summarily shot.

micro, google snippet gives me the same per Capita ppp GNI for Iraq in 2022 that they had in 2001

which metrics do you use for your claim? because not many countries in history especially with their demographic pyramid did so badly

by microbet k

, but by most measures USA did win in Iraq.

300,000 civilians died in the iraq war

this is what you guys support

I guess I'm assuming this is accurate
