Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

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) 21 Views 21
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33342 Replies


pretty much all of the societies that have done a genocide with the nearly full participation of all citizens

I gotta apologize though, it seems Hamas really has been storing heavy weaponry in schools.

Following the withdrawal of ISF from Khan Younis on 11 April, UNRWA alongside other UN agencies participated in a UN inter-agency assessment mission. The mission concluded there are significant challenges in operating safely due to the presence of unexploded ordnance (UXOs), including 1,000-pound bombs inside schools and on roads.

Presented without comment

A good comment is that those children should be saved instead of killed and a good question is what will save those children, more or less fighting?

by rafiki k

Presented without comment

want me to link all the pics from Purim of Israelis dressing up like torturers and mass murders?

Yes we should have a contest to see which group's warrior kids are the cutest

Bill, between an "education" in Gaza and an education in Israeli, Haredim aside, I think we both have to be totally honest about which resembles cultist brainwashing that in any of our countries would resemble child abuse, and which one is the other thing.

They are not the same.

This war is in part being fought so that children in Gaza in 50 years can aspire to a highest paid job that isn't "martyr", the present highest paid job.

Hamas fitting child sized suicide fests in their underground chambers right now should tell you what you need to know.

by microbet k

Happens in every society. Certainly any society at war (say Ukraine or Russia or even among many outsiders who follow that war closely). Certainly happens in hyper-nationalist societies like the USA. But what society did you mean by "that"? Where is gs3737 from?

New York

Well, just keep bombing those schools until PSAT scores improve, I think that was W Bush's education policy.

by Trolly McTrollson k

Well, just keep bombing those schools until PSAT scores improve, I think that was W Bush's education policy.

Well that is effectively what our nations collectively did to the Nazis

Nobody is rooting for dead kids. But some are going to die in the war that makes it so that the next regime doesn't do what those photos show. "Hitler youth" was the same sort of abuse.

by rafiki k

Bill, between an "education" in Gaza and an education in Israeli, Haredim aside, I think we both have to be totally honest about which resembles cultist brainwashing that in any of our countries would resemble child abuse, and which one is the other thing.

They are not the same.

This war is in part being fought so that children in Gaza in 50 years can aspire to a highest paid job that isn't "martyr", the present highest paid job.

Just completely indoctrinated for hate and dehumanization. Zionism is so grotesque.

by rafiki k

Bill, between an "education" in Gaza and an education in Israeli, Haredim aside, I think we both have to be totally honest about which resembles cultist brainwashing that in any of our countries would resemble child abuse, and which one is the other thing.

They are not the same.

This war is in part being fought so that children in Gaza in 50 years can aspire to a highest paid job that isn't "martyr", the present highest paid job.

Hamas fitting child sized suicide fests in their underground chambe

Israel is totally full of brainwashing as is the US and probably Canada. We make 5 year olds recite a pledge every morning ffs.

Listen to him. Genocide vic knows all about being grotesque, hateful and indoctrinated .

by gs3737 k

New York


which one is you?

by rafiki k

Well that is effectively what our nations collectively did to the Nazis

Nobody is rooting for dead kids. But some are going to die in the war that makes it so that the next regime doesn't do what those photos show. "Hitler youth" was the same sort of abuse.

Comparing everything, especially Hamas to the Nazis is dumb. LOTS of wars have ended without annihilating one side. Nazi Germany was THE most powerful country in the world probably until late 1943.

by Victor k


which one is you?

lol you’re really an unrelenting *******.

I do have to give you credit for being sooooo committed to be a hateful ignoramus.

by microbet k

Comparing everything, especially Hamas to the Nazis is dumb. LOTS of wars have ended without annihilating one side. Nazi Germany was THE most powerful country in the world probably until late 1943.

Considering nobody had killed as many Jews in a day as the Nazis before Hamas on Oct 7, I'd say they're doing a really good job trying to emulate them. Don't forget, the region has emulated/learned from the Nazis for a long time now, and that's just FACT now. Their affinity for their thinking is a matter of record going back to the Mufti and then every year thereafter.

Hitler's 'Mein Kampf' found in Hamas base in Gaza - Israeli President Herzog
'The terrorist studied again and again the ideology of Adolf Hitler to hate the Jews, to kill the Jews.

That's real recent (months old). You want it to be one way Micro. But it's the other way.

Micro if you walked into Gaza tomorrow with a USD passport and a star of David around your neck, I hope you know you're a dead man (most likely). You know, right?

A best seller in the Palestinian Authority areas, HItler's vile book is a guide studied by Hamas terrorists.

In more recent years, Hitler’s manifesto has continued to enjoy considerable popularity in the Arab world. In 1982, Israeli troops found numerous Arabic-language copies of Mein Kampf in PLO strongholds that they overran in Lebanon. In 1999, the French news agency AFP reported that it was a bestseller in the Palestinian Authority-controlled territories, according to sales figures compiled by the most popular bookstore in Ramallah, the PA capital.

in translation, “Mein Kampf” has been a bestseller in the Arab world and Turkey, where anti-Semitic propaganda is pervasive in some circles. The World Jewish Congress, which has little sway in the Muslim world, has tried to get Amazon and iTunes to stop carrying Hitler’s screed, but the mega-company, whose owner Jeff Bezos recently purchased The Washington Post, has declined to reply to the request.

Tell me more about how they are NOTHING like the Nazis.



People in Gaza have as legitimate a reason to wage war against Israel as most any group has a reason to wage war on another group. That's nothing like the Nazis killing Jews. The stuff about Arabs and Hitler AND the whatever idiots on the street in a demonstration in NYC are just noise. In a war there will never be a shortage of dehumanization. Look at this objectively, like a political scientist, like a historian, like someone who understands what happens in wars and psychology and then, yes, it's clearly nothing like Nazi Germany and comparing the two is dumb.

Like you don't think I could go to ANY war ever - between France and England or the USA and Japan or Peru and Ecuador and not find all kinds of horrid ****?

by microbet k


People in Gaza have as legitimate a reason to wage war against Israel as most any group has a reason to wage war on another group. That's nothing like the Nazis killing Jews. The stuff about Arabs and Hitler AND the whatever idiots on the street in a demonstration in NYC are just noise. In a war there will never be a shortage of dehumanization. Look at this objectively, like a political scientist, like a historian, like someone who understands what happens in wars and psychology and t

Micro the reason you're wrong here is simple to me, so I get passionate.

This was already happening exactly like this in 1880, 1890, 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930, 1940

You've all convinced yourselves this is just revenge for the Nakba. My friend, they were killing us 100 years before the word Nakba ever existed, and hundreds of years even before that. You are zoomed into this moment in time. You are totally forgetting your people's history going way back before that. And in that time, just like now, they murdered us, pogromed us, chased us.

I get your Nakba guilt Micro. What I'm telling you is even if you remove it and change time, they hate us and try to kill us. Because history PROVES it. And go look at other countries in the region. Same fate!

There are people in this thread who get it. There are people who simply never will. Before there ever was an Israel, Muslims generally disliked and tormented Jews (let us agree that many didn't). All that Israel did was give a place for those Jews to defend themselves.

by rafiki k

Micro the reason you're wrong here is simple to me, so I get passionate.

This was already happening exactly like this in 1880, 1890, 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930, 1940

You've all convinced yourselves this is just revenge for the Nakba. My friend, they were killing us 100 years before the word Nakba ever existed, and hundreds of years even before that. You are zoomed into this moment in time. You are totally forgetting your people's history going way before that. And in that time, just like now, they mu

No, you've got me mixed up with other people. Someone who lives in Gaza was most likely born after 1967. It's got little to do with the Nakba and everything to do with Israel building walls around them, isolating them, having snipers shoot at them and generally being at war with them their whole life.

In fact, it's basically not reading my posts because something I go back to time and time again is how wars do resolve peacefully and lots of things change. People will move on from the Nakba to a large degree when Palestinians are not living in refugee camps, or carved up into unworkable cantons in the WB, or blockaded in Gaza.

And I'm not being that passionate really. I do care, but I'm being very calm and rational and objective.

by microbet k

No, you've got me mixed up with other people. Someone who lives in Gaza was most likely born after 1967. It's got little to do with the Nakba and everything to do with Israel building walls around them, isolating them, having snipers shoot at them and generally being at war with them their whole life.

In fact, it's basically not reading my posts because something I go back to time and time again is how wars do resolve peacefully and lot of things change. People will move on from the Nakba to a

I don't agree with you, but then do Hezbollah or the Houthies or Iran. What would you like to put up as their "reasons"?

The Houthies are FAR away. They hate us so much they have it on their flag. Imagine?

by rafiki k

I don't agree with you, but then do Hezbollah or the Houthies or Iran. What would you like to put up as their "reasons"?

The Houthies are FAR away. They hate us so much they have it on their flag. Imagine?

War and propaganda. This would not happen were it not for war. Imagine Israel became one state at some point. I know that's not imaginable now, but maybe it was possible to imagine that on say, November 3rd, 1995. If Gazans and West Bank Palestinians became Israeli Arabs, and, like the Black people in South Africa, did not immediately vote to remove all the former ruling class, then likely the Houthi flag would be different.

As things are, Arabs in Yemen and Jews on the streets of NYC call for a lot of murder.
