Israel/Palestine thread
Think this merits its own thread...
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You guys are seriously defending indoctrinating young people so that they can sacrifice their lives to bomb buses in a premeditated terrorist attack.
I am not.
The comparison to soldiers choosing to sacrifice themselves, during a war, to save their comrades is incommensurable. You all are not serious people.
Show your work.
blowing up a bunch of bricklayers and accountants on their way to work is different to a solider charging at an enemy machine gun post
i dont know how to make that any clearer, so if you are still struggling with the concept then someone else will have to have a go
Israel sent most of the troops home 2 weeks ago. They haven't invaded rafah. There's almost nothing going on this moment
So yes killing has slowed down tremendously
This was Micro's take the other day. I'm going to tend to count on his viewpoint the most here as it's going to be the least biased.
blowing up a bunch of bricklayers and accountants on their way to work is different to a solider charging at an enemy machine gun post
i dont know how to make that any clearer, so if you are still struggling with the concept then someone else will have to have a go
The bus attack that BGP mentioned killed 9 soldiers and 17 civilians. This is a much better ratio than Israel maintains.
No, not really. It was understood during WW1 that positions defended by barbed wire, magazine rifles and machine guns were extremely difficult to overcome. Artillery was employed as an equaliser, but it couldn't cut wire and only the heaviest shells could penetrate deep-dug bunkers. (The notorious British attack on the Somme on 1 July 1916, to try and relieve pressure on the French at Verdun, resulting in 21,000 dead, failed partly because the British didn't have enough super-heavy howitzers per
Well when the manpower isn't trained (USSR) and you can sacrifice a lot for "the common good", then it can work (Stalingrad) even with mobile warfare.
Or in Vietnam in a way
Right I am sure micro knows more about what is going on than the Palestinians who are living it
Victor, I haven't bothered sharing it since you won't believe it anyway, but there have been some math nerds who have looked really close at the numbers Hamas report as casualties. It's a pretty interesting study actually. Shows some serious potential for cooking the books if you math. Things that statistically can't make sense, which is actually why Hamas report the numbers differently now then before the study.
I know you remember how the books were cooked for Cast Lead. The first causalities reported were like 50-100 on the Hamas side (the IDF said closer to 700). Years later Hamas revised it up themselves to 700, which was the number the IDF had reported. The precedent for cooking the books is right there, we don't have to even go far back.
But hey, we can't ever question Hamas.
So yeah, I'm gonna trust Micro. He's as neutral as we've got right now in here.
Hamas doesn't do casualty numbers.

even the major news outlets kinda get it now. Like
More than 30,000 killed in Gaza, Hamas-run health ministry says
right bc media is a joke and will do everything to justify Israel's holocaust of Palestinians.
How to get rid of Hamas, a terrorist organization committed to freeing the Palestinian people
1) you free the Palestinian people
2) you help the Palestinians build a new government that protects them from death by Hamas and Israel
3) you help establish elections and you help get Hamas voted out of power
fella threatened with arrest in london for looking too jewish
So Victor, are we to believe that:
When Hamas hit their own parking lot with a missile, and suddenly the "Hospital" death toll of 600+ hit every news outlet inside an hour, that that number didn't come from Hamas? It came from....doctors counting bodies in a hospital inside an hour, on a strike at night? You'd need a day to pull 600 from the rubble.
The simplest answer is that Hamas controls those press releases, and released that one real fast (too fast). There isn't any other plausible answer. These guys are coming up on 20 years of ruling this place without any opportunity to replace them. We have to believe they control this too.
Like I said, Hamas definitely publicly revised the Cast Lead deaths from their side. They under counted by like 700%. That's a pretty big precedent for cooking the books. Nobody is saying people aren't dying. But Micro's assertion that far less are dying today, is very much true.
Hamas did not hit that hospital. even the Western media called bullshit. NY times etc.
this is a non western independent source so ofc they did a far more thorough job.
the press release is not the official count of dead. they have names (usually, quite a few babies have been killed before being named) and information and numbers for them. the ministry doesnt count people that get disappear.
so if anything its a massive undercount.
lie. the overwhelming consensus of credible investigations into the matter including the AP, human rights watch, channgel 4 news in the UK, the washington post, the NYT, and others, was that this was one of the many rockets of hamas & co which lands on the heads of palestinians. a handful of news outlets had to issue grovelling apologies over their coverage of the immediate aftermath of the incident, in which they wrongly suggested that israel was likely responsible
i understand that the sources listed are all far too jewy for you and that you prefer to get your news straight from the ayatollah - no need to remind us
lie. the overwhelming consensus of credible investigations into the matter including the AP, human rights watch, channgel 4 news in the UK, the washington post, the NYT, and others, was that this was one of the many rockets of hamas & co which lands on the heads of palestinians. a handful of news outlets had to issue grovelling apologies over their coverage of the immediate aftermath of the incident, in which they wrongly suggested that israel was likely responsible
i understand that the sources
Well you thought wrong. You can read the wikipedia to understand why.
I don't have time at the moment to spoon feed it to you with screenshots that you will magically forget within seconds.
Forensic Architecture is reputable btw. They have been used in many investigations.
fella threatened with arrest in london for looking too jewish
It's getting bad over there. It's becoming less safe for non Muslims especially Jews.
What people don't realize is that if Israel wasn't fighting these terrorists over there, these terrorists would be that much closer to attacking us over here. The world should be grateful for their fight against Muslim extremism. They are keeping us all safe.
What people don't realize is that if Israel wasn't fighting these terrorists over there, these terrorists would be that much closer to attacking us over here. The world should be grateful for their fight against Muslim extremism. They are keeping us all safe.
Wrong. It’s the opposite. See “blowback” and “collateral damage”. Also, “exponential growth”
Or genocide'd
You guys shouldn't have disturbed the thread after Vic's last post lmao
Y’all need to learn diff between exterminate and genocide.
Not interested. Though it does pack the sugar for you.