Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..



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07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33347 Replies


but the ongoing genocide and murder of a child every 10 minutes is not insane and morally bankrupt amirite?

by rafiki k

I'm never going to get anywhere near this thought process, but Jihadists are definitely the furthers possible thing from our system of values and beliefs. Like someone in France, Ecuador, Australia, Canada, pick your place. They fear death, they fear it for their families, etc.

The concept of a true suicide bomber, or someone willing to put their family in harm's way, is just so other-worldly when it comes to consolidating our world views.

In that sense, that tiny subset of Muslims is truly just

Ya cause WW2 and D - day never happened. And the US never had suicide bombers either

Lmao learn your history. You are very smart.

by Victor k

but the ongoing genocide and murder of a child every 10 minutes is not insane and morally bankrupt amirite?

by Bluegrassplayer k

When you can't really defend something you just attack a position even if the other person doesn't support that position, or you just attack the person.


by Bluegrassplayer k

People are (correctly) disgusted that slavery was only abolished 160 years ago...

Only 18 years ago is a little late to wake up to the fact that suicide bombs aren't a good thing.

To be fair, I guess it's progress though. Maybe in another 18 years people will learn that murdering concert goers is terrorism, although the fact this thread can't agree on that doesn't bode well.

Slaverys not abolished. Are you lying or ignorant?

you spend all of your time in this thread criticizing the Resistance. so yes, that is your position.

not once have you criticized Israel for what it is doing.


Interesting to hear that you've finally come out in support of Russia though.

by Victor k

you spend all of your time in this thread criticizing the Resistance. so yes, that is your position.

not once have you criticized Israel for what it is doing.

Seriously? BGP has done that plenty in here.

saying stuff like Israel needs to get more aid in or Israel needs to kill less civilians is not actual criticism. the premise is wrong bc it leaves the assumption that Israel has any right to do any of this stuff.

it ignores that the whole point of Israel's conduct is to deny people aid and to kill as many children as possible.

Victor you don't want Israel to win lol. You don't want Hamas to be crushed, and Palestinians simply to fully stop all form of violence with no ifs and buts.

So everything you ask for should not be listened to, even if it vaguely overlaps with stuff said by someone who actually wants Israel to win.

Israel not only has a right to do anything to make Palestinians incapable of ever again pulling a 10 7: it has a fundamental moral imperative to do so. That's the premise.

And btw disagreement with that premise should be criminalized, in war you don't have the luxury of stanning for our enemy while living among us.

ofc I dont want Israel to win. just like I would have rooted against the Nazis. I am not a fan of genocide.

by rafiki k

I'm never going to get anywhere near this thought process, but Jihadists are definitely the furthers possible thing from our system of values and beliefs. Like someone in France, Ecuador, Australia, Canada, pick your place. They fear death, they fear it for their families, etc.

The concept of a true suicide bomber, or someone willing to put their family in harm's way, is just so other-worldly when it comes to consolidating our world views.

More racist claptrap. Of course there's nothing remotely so American as the idea of bravely dying for your country, the heroic guy who's willing to sacrifice everything for America is a part of basically every war movie. The Vietnamese and Japanese used the same kind of tactics against America and no one thinks their values are incomprehensible. The suicide bomber who tried to kill Hitler is regarded as a hero, not an insane monster who worshiped death, etc. etc.

As always, it's alien and monstrous when they do it because we have to other these human beings we're fighting.

I'm sure someone could correct me but didn't the suicide missions in the West not really begin until WWI when they just didn't realize that charging into machine guns with bayonets wasn't really the best idea, but by the time the US entered the war they knew better, and before WWI those sorts of suicidal attacks weren't really an option because firepower wasn't quite there yet?

by Luckbox Inc k

I'm sure someone could correct me but didn't the suicide missions in the West not really begin until WWI when they just didn't realize that charging into machine guns with bayonets wasn't really the best idea, but by the time the US entered the war they knew better, and before WWI those sorts of suicidal attacks weren't really an option because firepower wasn't quite there yet?

Just looking it up...the first known suicide attacks were Jew on Jew.

"The first-century AD Jewish Sicarii sect are thought to have carried out suicidal attacks[23] against Hellenized Jews they considered immoral collaborators."

Could you use a diff word than “Jew” cmon bro wtf

by microbet k

Just looking it up...the first known suicide attacks were Jew on Jew.

"The first-century AD Jewish Sicarii sect are thought to have carried out suicidal attacks[23] against Hellenized Jews they considered immoral collaborators."

It's hard to imagine a more essential Western value than sacrificing yourself to kill a bunch of people you're at war with, goes all the way back to Greek culture --which is where Persian, Jewish, and eventually Christian cultures all pick up the idea. I mean, kind of silly in general to imagine any of these cultures as being alien and incomprehensible in their values when we've been cribbing each other's notes for thousands of years.

by Luckbox Inc k

I'm sure someone could correct me but didn't the suicide missions in the West not really begin until WWI

Ever hear of a fellow called John Brown?

Americans have/had special forces suicide bombers with mini nukes strapped to their backs.

by PointlessWords k

Could you use a diff word than “Jew” cmon bro wtf

Well, as they say, verter zol men vegn un nit tseyln, but still, prolly not.

by Bluegrassplayer k

People are (correctly) disgusted that slavery was only abolished 160 years ago...

Only 18 years ago is a little late to wake up to the fact that suicide bombs aren't a good thing.

To be fair, I guess it's progress though. Maybe in another 18 years people will learn that murdering concert goers is terrorism, although the fact this thread can't agree on that doesn't bode well.

I think both sides want to be heard. Palestinians want their deaths to be seen as results of IDF terrorism and IDF wants the same.

by Victor k

you spend all of your time in this thread criticizing the Resistance. so yes, that is your position.

not once have you criticized Israel for what it is doing.

Instead of arguing about the past, why don’t you ask bgp to clarify his current criticisms?

well I expressed to him multiple times that suicide bombing is not necessarily bad. he called such an idea morally bankrupt.

but as Trolley incisively explained it, hes wrong.

I mean it’s usually morally wrong.

Trolly proved it was a western ideal. I’m not sure he argued about morality

Perhaps not every bombing ever in history was bad, but "bombing is bad", suicide or not, is a pretty good rule of thumb.

by microbet k

Perhaps not every bombing ever in history was bad, but "bombing is bad", suicide or not, is a pretty good rule of thumb.

You might be the first person to establish a morality baseline itt. Everyone else is using relative morality.

You guys are seriously defending indoctrinating young people so that they can sacrifice their lives to bomb buses in a premeditated terrorist attack. This is being done with extremely faulty logic like "It's not always bad, what if they suicide bombed Hitler during WW2?"

Those buses weren't full of Hitlers, no matter what your Tankie Twitter propaganda has told you. They were not even full of soldiers, or armed combatants. These were terrorist events.

The comparison to soldiers choosing to sacrifice themselves, during a war, to save their comrades is incommensurable. You all are not serious people.

by microbet k

Perhaps not every bombing ever in history was bad, but "bombing is bad", suicide or not, is a pretty good rule of thumb.

Maybe if protesters bomb a school you'll take notice
