Israel/Palestine thread
Think this merits its own thread...
Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..
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To reiterate some of the points:
1. No personal attacks. This is a broad instruction, but, in general, we want to focus on attacking an argument rather than the poster making it. It is fine to say a post is antisemitic; it is not okay to call someone an antisemite over and over. If you believe someone is making antisemitic posts, report them or PM me. The same goes for calling people "baby killers" and "genocide lovers". You are allowed to argue that an action supports genocide or that the consequences of certain policies results in the death of children, but we are no longer going to be speaking to one another's intentions. It is not productive to the conversation and doesn't further any debate.
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Mongrel hordes chasing after a Christian woman apparently yhtsi
I’ll ignore the offspring comment, bc you’re clearly a sad, sick man who isn’t remotely capable of parenting.
well I could say the same thing about all the Israelis who raised kids doing genocide right now
the difference is that if I ever unfortunately find myself with offspring then I can guarantee that they wont do genocide. funny how that works.
well I could say the same thing about all the Israelis who raised kids doing genocide right now
the difference is that if I ever unfortunately find myself with offspring then I can guarantee that they wont do genocide. funny how that works.
Except you love genocide. And I’d imagine your kids will too.
Do everyone a favor and don’t procreate.
which genocide have I supported gs? you are on gradeschool level retorts at this point. Im rubber ur glue?
which genocide have I supported gs? you are on gradeschool level retorts at this point. Im rubber ur glue?
You would love if it Hamas had their way and eliminated all the Israelis.
Hamas are trying to commit a genocide (an actual genocide) they’re just unable to carry it out.
If they were able to, you’d be in heaven.
oh so thats why it is ok to murder kids. I didnt realize that. gotta murder kids playing foosball bc otherwise Hamas will eliminate Israel.

I think the one kid is flipping the bird so is cool to take them all out. and I am sure you are teaching your kids to hunt down any of their cousins not pictured who may have escaped.
Nice strawman.
I said you’d love it if Hamas/Palestinians eliminated all the Israelis. By your lack of a response, I can safely assume that the above is correct.
Like I said, you’re a genocidal monster.
the dead pics dont really bother me anymore. its the pics of the kids alive that give me a twinge.
not the same twinge that gs and his ilk feel. I get sad. they get hard.
Nice strawman.
I said you’d love it if Hamas/Palestinians eliminated all the Israelis. By your lack of a response, I can safely assume that the above is correct.
Like I said, you’re a genocidal monster.
see this doesnt work. bc my side is not murdering children every hour. my side doesnt murder children. see how that works?
your side gets absolutely apoplectic if they see a Gazan child smiling.

see this doesnt work. bc my side is not murdering children every hour. my side doesnt murder children. see how that works?
your side gets absolutely apoplectic if they see a Gazan child smiling.
It does work that way. Hamas has stated they want to commit genocide on the Israeli people. And you would absolutely love it.
As I’ve said many times…you don’t hate genocide, you just hate genocide when it’s not Jews being killed.
Keep crying that you won’t get your wish, you sick, Jew-hating genocidal maniac.
Hamas is not committing genocide nor do they want to commit genocide. nice try tho. you are not the victim. its not 1943. its time to stop using someone elses misery to justify your blood lust.
That's the most foul, cruel and bad-tempered yarmulke you ever set eyes on!
It does work that way. Hamas has stated they want to commit genocide on the Israeli people. And you would absolutely love it.
As I’ve said many times…you don’t hate genocide, you just hate genocide when it’s not Jews being killed.
Keep crying that you won’t get your wish, you sick, Jew-hating genocidal maniac.
Do you support the genocide of Palestinians?
bro, you supported murdering all of the people in that pic. just own it. its fine. I wont think any less of you.
I totally understand why people support the genocide of Palestinians. Muslims are weird and the religion is barbaric, so it's easy to dehumanize them. What I don't understand is the shame to admit it while being so argumentative and apologetic.
I totally understand why people support the genocide of Palestinians. Muslims are weird and the religion is barbaric, so it's easy to dehumanize them. What I don't understand is the shame to admit it while being so argumentative and apologetic.
its bc his is a coward. its why I have much respect for Lucium and Dun. and more recently rafiki who has finally embraced his inner hate and honesty.
dont worry, gs will come around soon.
So.. the last few pages of peerless profundity were mostly about uh how peaceful the protests are. But the horde following the woman and her police escort in no way invalidates any of that post-truth noise. nothing of lesser value.
You shan't pass go
looks like gs took a roadtrip down to NJ today