Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..



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) 21 Views 21
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33405 Replies


and yes, I am quite sad over the dead babies and even adult fighting age males. I do understand that you find their murder delicious.

by Victor k

and yes, I am quite sad over the dead babies and even adult fighting age males. I do understand that you find their murder delicious.

Once again, since you’re not very smart, I’ll type slowly for you.

You trying (and failing) to get me to admit I’m a genocidal freak like you is what’s delicious.

It’s awful that Palestinian kids are dying.

You salivate at the prospect of Israelis dying.

That’s what makes you genocide Vic.

Im telling you guys, they stole antisemitism

also, those must be some crazy brave Jews bc if you read a gs or rafiki post you would think they get thrown in ovens if they set foot near a Muslim on campus. weird.

by Victor k

Im telling you guys, they stole antisemitism

also, those must be some crazy brave Jews bc if you read a gs or rafiki post you would think they get thrown in ovens if they set foot near a Muslim on campus. weird.


Would love to see where I wrote this.

It's a stateside counter-penetrate operation. The captain will brief me at 0500, then I'll brief you guys, and we're outta here yarmulkes-pinned-back at 0630.

in 40 years everyone will agree with these kids

well I mean, it was copium in 1972 for anyone who didnt support murdering Vietnamese. so it still copium now.

this wont work. kids arent scared of this misplaced label anymore.

Was it copium on Oct 7th?

Don't answer. I know. Settler colonialism, occupation..etc

Killing in the name of

Thoughts on Rushdie and the Bishop last week?

my thoughts are dun cur

gs is apoplectic that this guy is still alive.

Jehad lmao. F him

we dont die we multiply


Ya done been radicalized, son. Congrats

hope no one raises their offspring to end up acting like this guy jfc

Mommas, don't let your babies grow up to be joohadis

by Victor k

looks like gs took a roadtrip down to NJ today


More information has come about the Faltering attempts to innocently cross the road right through the middle of a demonstration lol.

A copper pointed out he could swerve the crowded demo and cross the road a little further down (as any normal person probably would ) but Falter was adamant he had to cross it right there.

lol @ this idiot.

Trying to cross the road at that point = provocative to the point of arrest.

by gs3737 k

lol @ this idiot.

Trying to cross the road at that point = provocative to the point of arrest.

Nazir Afzal is a UK lawyer who became the youngest person to be appointed as assistant Chief Crown Prosecutor for the Crown Prosecution Service (which determines the cases that go to court). So, yes when it comes to the law he does know what he's talking about, unlike you, a random fanatical Zionist on the internet.

by jalfrezi k

More information has come about the Faltering attempts to innocently cross the road right through the middle of a demonstration lol.

A copper pointed out he could swerve the crowded demo and cross the road a little further down (as any normal person probably would ) but Falter was adamant he had to cross it right there.

More information has come about Rosa Parks attempt to sit on a bus right in the middle of white supremacists , while coloured rows where available in the back (and any normal person of colour would have sit there), but Parks was adamant she had to sit right there

by gs3737 k

This isn’t even an Israel issue. Revoking citizenship for political beliefs is pretty extreme.

I’m gonna assume killing those people if they don’t leave the country was a dark joke. If not, yikes.

Not exactly political belief, rather taking the side of an enemy country (like Begum)
