Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..



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) 21 Views 21
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33378 Replies


by 57 On Red k

The fond notion of Israel, pretty much the most contested spot on Earth, being some kind of secure 'lifeboat' for Jews is pure fancy.

It's deeply cynical ethnonatioalist ideology. Every ethnic group naturally hates every other, you're only safe if you bunker down in your own little ethnostate with guys that look like you. It's trash and the rest of the world is rejecting it, Russia is running itself into the ground trying to ethnically cleanse its vassal states, Israel is becoming a pariah state. It's the multi-ethnic, pluralist societies that are actually the strongest. Micro's grandkids will not be fleeing southern California for the safety of Israel, it's the other way around.

by Victor k

just like how Israel doesnt care about international law and human rights, I dont care about you guys

Not quite the same, ya genocidal Jew-hater.

by rafiki k

To me the interesting thing isn't that it's France. It's WHY it's France.

In contrast to some other countries, France has a peculiar and distinctive attitude to immigrants from its former colonies, as you may be aware. I'd guess that permanent exclusion from being accepted as 100% French may play a part in alienating people, leading to resentment and anger. And as usual Jewish people may be one of the targets.

Plus of course there's been the rise of the far right.

by jalfrezi k

I hadn't heard this so looked it up. There has been a marked increase in Jewish people emigrating from France to Israel, and anecdotal (though unverified because numbers are hard to obtain) evidence from London's Jewish communities of French Jews arriving in greater numbers.

Maybe we should talk less about anti-Semitism in London and more about it in France.

wtf would a Jew want to talk about anti-Semitism with a Jew-hating **** like you?

by jalfrezi k

In contrast to some other countries, France has a peculiar and distinctive attitude to immigrants from its former colonies, as you may be aware.

You did put it politely, so I won't be shitty about it: I'm a French citizen. That particular complicated melting pot is one I have a lot of firsthand experience with.

2050 France will be 12-15% Muslim, I guess 12% being the floor. By 2100, you really won't want to be Jewish there. That'll be a wrap. I guess assuming our bot overlords don't get us first, lol

I'm equally guessing that by 2050 most of the small percent of radical Islamists in the UK will have been assimilated into moderate Muslim citizens like the vast majority of Muslims here are now.

Your question of why France is pertinent and I do think exclusion is at its heart.

We might not agree on politics very much Rafiki, but I think you'd feel very welcome in the UK if things became too unpleasant there.

by rafiki k

You did put it politely, so I won't be shitty about it: I'm a French citizen. That particular complicated melting pot is one I have a lot of firsthand experience with.

2050 France will be 12-15% Muslim, I guess 12% being the floor. By 2100, you really won't want to be Jewish there. That'll be a wrap. I guess assuming our bot overlords don't get us first, lol

For 1300 years Christians were much worse to Jews than Muslims. For 80 years Muslims have been worse to Jews. And you think the problem with Muslims is intractable. Perhaps a Palestinian state would change things. And if your supposition is that there can never be peace and Jews will just always fight Muslims in Israel, then Israel is not the safety valve that you think it is.

by jalfrezi k

We might not agree on politics very much Rafiki, but I think you'd feel very welcome in the UK if things became too unpleasant there.

I do a lot of work there, I like it! I know most of England and Scotland. Never been to Ireland. I never thought I'd care about Wales, but obv now I'd go to Wrexham for a day or two.

I think you'd generally trade food and women with most of us. But otherwise, pretty cool place.

Incidentally, the Gideon Falter incident in London has turned out to be, quelle surprise, a bit different from the way Mr Falter portrayed it.

Apart from the fact that Mr Falter had already tried to provoke the demonstrators by ploughing through their midst in the opposite direction while wearing a kippah and carrying a prayer-shawl bag with a Magen David on it, and getting no reaction, which no doubt disappointed him, since he was there to film an agitprop video, it is evident that the police repeatedly offered to escort him across the road, where he supposedly wanted to go, but by a different route while avoiding the demonstrators, and he kept refusing. He blames the police for not arresting the demonstrators who took advantage of his obvious police protection to call him 'Scum' and 'Nazi', but if the few police on the spot just then had arrested them and taken them off into custody, they wouldn't have been able to stay and protect Mr Falter, which they evidently took to be the priority.

In today's London Evening Standard, Jewish columnist Tanya Gold says, 'I stood at a counter protest a few weeks ago' -- this was an organised counter-demo with appropriate police protection -- 'holding a picture of Carmel Gat, a hostage in Gaza. The crowd moved over, they screamed, they mimed throat slitting. To me, they looked raging or ecstatic, and the ecstasy disturbed me. We needed the double line of police officers that we were granted for protection. I have no doubt that, were they not there, we would have been attacked. That day the police were excellent -- when we pointed out antisemitic signs, they arrested those holding them.'

by corpus vile k

Hey Jal, is this another Zionist agent provocateur?

These liberal terrorist loving universities need to be demolished. How is this hate speech allowed in this country? What are we doing here? Tom Cotton may have it right that every day citizens need to take matters into their own hands.

He couldn't provoke the demonstrators, but he could provoke the cop. Cops are the antisemites. Ban them.

Yeah, I remember you from chez's politics forum mongidig lol. What happened to your mates Juan Valdez and Toothsayer?

by Victor k

the thing that struck me about both of these videos was the normalcy. the casualness. people barely break stride after the bomb blast.

and in the second, the wife of the dude who just got blown up was like whatever. she did say "****ing".

Palestinians live for blowing things and people up. That dude should have known it was a trap.

no I dont think Palestinians blow much up at all. Israel, on the other hand...

Stop victim blaming Israelis, mongidig.

i still maintain that it's going to be crazy to see people try and walk back this genocide/ethnic cleansing support in a couple years. going to be some absolute insane retconning.

by Victor k

no I dont think Palestinians blow much up at all. Israel, on the other hand...

I think most Israelis are good peaceful people. The violent Israelis are the settlers. Also the fanatical Jews who live in fairy tale land.

There are some good Palestinians as well. These folks mostly live and work inside Israel. Many Gazans/Hamas take pleasure in watching Israelis die. I don't think most Israelis take pleasure in watching a Palestinian die. I don't blame Israel for taking brutal action against it's homicidal neighbors.

I completely get each side hating each other.

by Slighted k

i still maintain that it's going to be crazy to see people try and walk back this genocide/ethnic cleansing support in a couple years. going to be some absolute insane retconning.

Is it though? You look at wars all over the world the last 25 years, nobody went "genocide" on 5 digit or even 6 digit civilian death counts. We're doing it here because reasons, but we traditionally never really do.

A bunch of governing bodies definitely dropped the G word designation of the Bosnian war. When you look at that list of crimes (oddly pretty much resembling the Oct 7th list with rape etc), you can see why. Does anyone talk about it today? Not really. I don't even think we talked about it by the time 9/11 rolled around.

Now I wouldn't be THAT shocked if this war got special treatment. We'll see. It may depend on the outcomes for the region.

by rafiki k

Is it though? You look at wars all over the world the last 25 years, nobody went "genocide" on 5 digit or even 6 digit civilian death counts. We're doing it here because reasons, but we traditionally never really do.

A bunch of governing bodies definitely dropped the G word designation of the Bosnian war. When you look at that list of crimes (oddly pretty much resembling the Oct 7th list with rape etc), you can see why. Does anyone talk about it today? Not really. I don't even think we talked abo

i'm not sure everyone isn't going to look back on killing tens of thousands of innocent brown people fondly. some people in this thread included. but most people that want careers in politics or other decent places are going to be saying a lot of "i never intended to support this" and "i didn't know this would be the outcome" similar to Iraq/afghanistan.

by Slighted k

i'm not sure everyone isn't going to look back on killing tens of thousands of innocent brown people fondly. some people in this thread included. but most people that want careers in politics or other decent places are going to be saying a lot of "i never intended to support this" and "i didn't know this would be the outcome" similar to Iraq/afghanistan.

Most people are gonna look back and say it was a war and people died. There may be arguments about the true number of "innocent" people who died.

by 57 On Red k

Incidentally, the Gideon Falter incident in London has turned out to be, quelle surprise, a bit different from the way Mr Falter portrayed it.

Apart from the fact that Mr Falter had already tried to provoke the demonstrators by ploughing through their midst in the opposite direction while wearing a kippah and carrying a prayer-shawl bag with a Magen David on it, and getting no re

You stated earlier there was no cogent evidence that Jews in London were unsafe. Surely Tanya Gold's experience belies this?

by mongidig k

Most people are gonna look back and say it was a war and people died. There may be arguments about the true number of "innocent" people who died.

i'm sure you hope that's the case.

by Slighted k

i'm not sure everyone isn't going to look back on killing tens of thousands of innocent brown people fondly. some people in this thread included. but most people that want careers in politics or other decent places are going to be saying a lot of "i never intended to support this" and "i didn't know this would be the outcome" similar to Iraq/afghanistan.

The Houthis plunged Yemen into a civil war, economic collapse and famine that has killed hundreds of thousands and impoverished tens of millions so far, have tried to shut down global shipping with missiles, killed and kidnapping numerous sailors in the process; and far leftists are cheering it on while the rest of the world is agnostic. I could come up with 10 other examples like this. In theory this sounds like something people should are about now and in the future, but it is unlikely any every will.

People care about what the elites manufacturing opinion want them to care about. I dont think we can anticipate what that will be in the future. It is just as possible there will be a real Holy War between Islamofascists and the free world and people will be bemoaning that we didn't do more to help Israel in its fight against Islamofascism before things really got out of control.

by rafiki k

Is it though? You look at wars all over the world the last 25 years, nobody went "genocide" on 5 digit or even 6 digit civilian death counts. We're doing it here because reasons, but we traditionally never really do.

A bunch of governing bodies definitely dropped the G word designation of the Bosnian war. When you look at that list of crimes (oddly pretty much resembling the Oct 7th list with rape etc), you can see why. Does anyone talk about it today? Not really. I don't even think we talked abo

You prob ignore the obvious genocides. The US has at least two that are on going, death toll is low year after year yet the US is still genociding African Americans and native Americans

by corpus vile k

You stated earlier there was no cogent evidence that Jews in London were unsafe. Surely Tanya Gold's experience belies this?

Do you think one persons experience represents everyone’s?
