Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..



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These are our baselines. We're not reinventing the wheel here. If you aren't sure if something is acceptable to post, its better to ask first. If you think someone is posting something that violates the above guidelines, please report it or PM me rather than responding in kind.

To reiterate some of the points:

1. No personal attacks. This is a broad instruction, but, in general, we want to focus on attacking an argument rather than the poster making it. It is fine to say a post is antisemitic; it is not okay to call someone an antisemite over and over. If you believe someone is making antisemitic posts, report them or PM me. The same goes for calling people "baby killers" and "genocide lovers". You are allowed to argue that an action supports genocide or that the consequences of certain policies results in the death of children, but we are no longer going to be speaking to one another's intentions. It is not productive to the conversation and doesn't further any debate.

2. Racist posts and other bigoted statements that target a particular group or individuals of such groups with derogatory comments are not allowed. This should not need further explanation.

3. Graphic Images need to be in spoilers with a trigger warning.

4. Wishing Harm on other posters will result in an immediate timeout.

5. Genocidal statements such as "Kill 'em all" etc, are no longer permissible in the thread.

If anyone has any questions about the above, please PM me. I don't want a discussion about the rules to derail the content of this thread. If anything needs clarifying, I will do that in this thread.

Please be aware this thread is strictly moderated[/quote]

) 21 Views 21
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33353 Replies


by Luckbox Inc k

Glad to see you're putting in some work and keeping the ban lengths reasonable.

Putting in work is probably an overstatement.

Good point. Even throwing around the label genocide doesn't really get leftists or Muslims very excited. You would have a hard time finding very many Muslims or leftists who give a single **** about any of these.

Jew hatred is the animating factor in the outrage. The more things change, the more they remain the same.

its just not fair that we cant do a genocide too without criticizing

like Im pretty sure the Janjaweed in Darfur didnt give a **** if suburban Americans criticized them or were upset about their genocide. you guys want to do genocide and want everyone to love you for it. thats why you are insane.

A lot of genocides , like the Palestinian one, are perpetrated by American Allies.

by PointlessWords k

A lot of genocides , like the Palestinian one, are perpetrated by American Allies.

I read this first as American Airlines.

by Victor k

this is a pretty ugly way to view the world.

It disgusts you that jews survive even though you and other antisemites have tried to annihilate us for millennia? So so ugly

by Dunyain k

Good point. Even throwing around the label genocide doesn't really get leftists or Muslims very excited. You would have a hard time finding very many Muslims or leftists who give a single **** about any of these.

Jew hatred is the animating factor in the outrage. The more things change, the more they remain the same.

The animating factor isn't Jew hatred but American allegiance. If this whole thing wasn't putting a blowback target on our backs, people would care a whole hell of a lot less. We're no longer post-9/11, we're in the proto phase of the next 9/11.

by metsandfinsfan k

It disgusts you that jews survive even though you and other antisemites have tried to annihilate us for millennia? So so ugly

no I think it is very unhealthy to view the world as if everyone wants to kill you.

thats how we end up with the horrors going on in Gaza and the WB. but I think appealing to your humanity in that case is futile bc you support the carnage there.

I dont want to annihilate you. I dont give a **** about you. you are basically another white racist as far as I can tell. and I got plenty of them as family and friends that I dont want to murder.

Victor thinks it's disgusting that Jews think people have always wanted them dead but they persevere

Microbet I'm guessing you still find that antisemitic?..

Cv gets suspended for losing his temper but vic can keep lying about me loving genocide or cv loving genocide


by The Horror k

The animating factor isn't Jew hatred but American allegiance. If this whole thing wasn't putting a blowback target on our backs, people would care a whole hell of a lot less. We're no longer post-9/11, we're in the proto phase of the next 9/11.

Meh. You can make the argument of American allegiance for a lot of conflicts neither leftist or Muslim activists care much about at all.

Our relationship with Saudi and our involvement in the Saudi conflict with the Houthis is a pretty good parallel, except for the amount of human suffering of the Yemen population is actually exponentially more than the Palestinians. And the energy around the outrage from the left and Muslim world isn't 1/1,000,000 the outrage concerning the Palestinians.

I of course believe, like Palestinians, the Yemen are mainly responsible for their own situation, and they are reaping what they are sowing. But we know the left and Muslim activist crowd certainly doesn't believe this, and if the left and Muslim world was actually just outraged by "American allegiance," there is certainly no reason they wouldn't be just as concerned about the Yemeni population as the Palestinians.

We are strong military and economic partners with Turkey, and honestly minus what happened in Rwanda they are pretty much the modern world kings of genocide, and have been for the last 100+ years. And no shits given by leftists or the Muslim world.

We give tons of military aid to Qatar, and our main military installation in the Middle East is in their nation. And they literally used human slaves to build soccer stadiums, and no shits given by the left or Muslim activists

The list really is endless. Sorry, "American allegiance" is not a good explanation. Maybe "hatred of western civlization" itself works better, as many of our "allies" are not perceived by the left as part of the western world, whereas Israel is.

But honestly, Jew hatred is the simplest explanation for what is going on, especially from the Muslim world, and hence probably the most accurate.

by metsandfinsfan k

Victor thinks it's disgusting that Jews think people have always wanted them dead but they persevere

Microbet I'm guessing you still find that antisemitic?..

I did not use he term disgust or any of its derivatives.

I said "ugly" and "unhealthy". and not in reference to perseverance but rather to the idea that people are always out to kill you.

nobody is trying to kill you mets. nobody ever has been.

This is the second or third time I've seen where someone was banned for reacting in the manner that the months-long provoking intended.

by Bluegrassplayer k

This is the second or third time I've seen where someone was banned for reacting in the manner that the months-long provoking intended.


No offense, but I'm not really interested in you second guessing the modding of this forum unless you want to do it yourself.

I have offered to mod the two threads I participate in on several occasions now.

corpus spends every other post calling anyone who doesnt agree with Israel's right to murder Gazans an antisemite. and he most likely got banned for repeatedly calling Jalfrezi a misogynistic slur.

and Jal has only recently started posting in this thread.

so as usual, your ability to comprehend a situation is completely wrong.

Also worth noting that Bowser looked at what I said last time and reversed his ban after looking at the greater context.

by Bluegrassplayer k

I have offered to mod the two threads I participate in on several occasions now.

you are one of the most biased people on the forum and an authoritarian to boot (lick). probably a bad fit considering how wrong you often are.

That's a ban worthy "contentless attack". There's been probably 10+ of these I've reported.

Also lol at claiming bias and calling me an authoritarian when I critiques the authority in this forum, because that authority is silencing criticism of you.

by Bluegrassplayer k

I have offered to mod the two threads I participate in on several occasions now.

I never saw you make that offer. I don't know if modding just two threads is possible, but if you want to clear that with Bobo, or even better, take over the modding entirely, that's fine with me. I don't want this job.

by Bluegrassplayer k

That's a ban worthy "contentless attack". There's been probably 10+ of these I've reported.

Also lol at claiming bias and calling me an authoritarian when I critiques the authority in this forum, because that authority is silencing criticism of you.

you can criticize me all you want. I dont try to get you banned even when you lie your face off.

your whole campaign to become a mod is so you can ban me bc I have made you look foolish for years.

by Bluegrassplayer k

That's a ban worthy "contentless attack". There's been probably 10+ of these I've reported.

Also lol at claiming bias and calling me an authoritarian when I critiques the authority in this forum, because that authority is silencing criticism of you.

It sounds like you are highly confident that you would do a better job than me. I strongly encourage you to tell Bobo and Spew that you want to take over. If they are cool with it, I'm gone.

by Rococo k

I never saw you make that offer. I don't know if modding just two threads is possible, but if you want to clear that with Bobo, or even better, take over the modding entirely, that's fine with me. I don't want this job.

this is bullshit. the forum is doing fine. BGP wants to silence any opinions that differ from his.

by Rococo k

It sounds like you are highly confident that you would do a better job than me. I strongly encourage you to tell Bobo and Spew that you want to take over. If they are cool with it, I'm gone.

make me mod and I wont do **** but ban spambots.

I wont even ban the people like gs and cv and BGP who repeatedly slander me.

bc I actually have conviction and consistency and morals.
