Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..



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) 20 Views 20
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33269 Replies


And existence is pain, baby! git some

Islam - in its radical forms, we've been over this before - can get done. If that breeds more, they can get done.

Diplomacy won't work. Next

by metsandfinsfan k

We exist to call out your lies and misuse of the word genocide

genocide is just a shorthand term. we could just call it the mass burning alive of children, beheading of children, and burying alive of children. this is your ideology. this is who you are. this is what you exist to do.

by metsandfinsfan k


Started with the Palestinians and arab nations not accepting the partition plan and now pretending that did and that Israel is occupying the the land that they agreed to

what started that?

by PointlessWords k

what started that?

God creating the heavens and the earth. Then everyone turned into an *******.

by PointlessWords k

what started that?

I mean

The arab nations sided with hitler, so i an not surprised they didn't want Israel to be a state

Good question

by metsandfinsfan k

I mean

The arab nations sided with hitler, so i an not surprised they didn't want Israel to be a state

So Israel wasn’t a state nor a territory but Palestine was a territory

So who started it?

by metsandfinsfan k

I mean

The arab nations sided with hitler, so i an not surprised they didn't want Israel to be a state

the Arab nations overwhelmingly support Israel and are complicit in this [strike]genocide[/strike] mass murder of children via burning alive, beheading, burying alive, sniping, starving.

if the Nazis won, you would be allied with them. I mean, you already did ally with the leftovers.

by PointlessWords k

So Israel wasn’t a state nor a territory but Palestine was a territory

So who started it?

It was one territory with jews and Palestinians
Britain then gave the Palestinians 70% of the land. It's called jordan
. They then partotioned what was left. Arabs said no. And now pretend that said yes

by Victor k

the Arab nations overwhelmingly support Israel and are complicit in this [strike]genocide[/strike] mass murder of children via burning alive, beheading, burying alive, sniping, starving.

if the Nazis won, you would be allied with them. I mean, you already did ally with the leftovers.

Egypt jordan uae
Maybe saudi

Who else is an ally of Israel

Lol vic

What country was jesus born in

by formula72 k

God creating the heavens and the earth. Then everyone turned into an *******.


lol the Hasbara is just bad. its like you guys dont even try anymore.

Listened to a real interesting Sam Harris podcast on the topic of urban warfare. And he brought in an expert of urban warfare, a gentleman who spent 25 years in the military including 2 tours in Iraq; and then transitioned into a civilian career teaching urban warfare at West Point. And as part of his research he has intensively studied every urban battle that has happened in the modern era and gone to pretty much every hotspot to study the craft, including multiple trips to Ukraine and Israel. Anyways, some interesting tidbits from the podcast.

First off, he wanted to stress that it is completely impossible to have any reasonable estimates on Palestinian casualties in real time. The Health Ministry numbers are just taken from thin air. He said after the Battle of Mosul, which featured similar types and number of casualties, a year later the Iraqi authorities still didn't have very reliable estimates. There is just no way to know, or even have any idea, in real time. That is not to say Hamas are purposefully over-exaggerating. Maybe they are, maybe they aren't. Maybe they are grossly under exagerating. But every time they give us a number it should be stressed it is just an imaginary number.

Second, he wanted to dispel the notion that if Israel just bombs less, or uses smaller bombs, it will mean less Palestinian casualties. FWIW, this podcast was taped before the current issue with the US not providing bombs, so his statement wasn't in direct response to this, but just dispelling a general notion. As a counter example, he said the Battle of Manilla the US didn't drop any bombs because MacArthur didn't want to destroy the city or kill any American POWs, and the civilian death toll was still tremendously high.

In urban warfare the only way to minimize civilian casualties is to get the civilians away from the fighting. That is it. There is no other tactic you can employ that will move the needle much. And he says Israel is actually taking unprecedented steps in this regard. Between dropping leaflets, sending texts, emails, providing directions, etc. And he says it is actually working. Even if you take the most extreme guesstimates from Hamas of civilian casualties, it is still an extremely small number given the population density, the amount of urban land captured, and Hamas's own tactics.

The point is war is brutal, and urban combat in densely populated cities is especially brutal; and the only way to keep civilian casualties low is to not fight wars at all. But the notion Israel could bomb less, or use smaller bombs, and capture the same land with less civilian casualties, there is nothing to suggest this is true. If you want to argue Israel shouldn't invade and capture Gaza at all, then fine. But they idea they could more humanely meet their current military objectives is not realistic.

Third, he wanted to point out that what a lot of people dont realize is that this is the first time in modern warfare, where the short term goal of the enemy combatant, in this case Hamas, is to get their own civilian population killed. Other than their own survival, Hamas has no other objectives. They are not trying to hold land, they aren't trying to capture land, they aren't really even trying to sabotage Israel forces (eg through suicide bombing or cutting supply lines); they are just trying to get as much of their own population killed as possible to win the PR war.

He pointed out that even ISIS, which did little to keep their population out of harms way, had actual military objectives. They were actually trying to capture and hold land. Hamas has no objective to capture or hold any land. Their goals are purely political. For example, he pointed out that during the lull in the fighting during the earlier hostage exchanges, Hamas purposefully told refugees to go to areas where they anticipated Israel would attack next. Which is consistent with their actions the entire war, including their choice to not allow any civilians in any of their 400 miles of underground tunnels under any circumstance.

There is more, but that is enough for now. I have to go do something. Anyways, take of this what you will.

Is the cleanup on the isle if five ?

Quality journalism there

First off, he wanted to stress that it is completely impossible to have any reasonable estimates on Palestinian casualties in real time. The Health Ministry numbers are just taken from thin air.

they have names and id numbers and bodies. thats how they Health Ministry lists them. jfc you listen to the biggest liars on the planet and have no ability to analyze anything.

like, theres a reason the numbers have hardly changed in months, its bc they cant even count them anymore bc there are no hospitals left to take the bodies.

do you understand why there are so many videos of people carrying their children in plastic bags to the hospitals? or the donkey carts carrying piles of dead bodies? the Health Ministry requires this to list them as dead.

so the guy is correct actually. but not in the way that you think. the numbers are immensely higher.

Third, he wanted to point out that what a lot of people dont realize is that this is the first time in modern warfare, where the short term goal of the enemy combatant, in this case Hamas, is to get their own civilian population killed.

say the line

every accusation is a confession. its the Israelis that gleefully kill their own people. we all watched the videos.

It's the hour for Kurtz' wisdoms.

The Horror, will you lead us in prayer?

Dunyain Goat

Zionists really respecting Jews in this comment thread

very normal society

pretty sure thats BOIDs if I had to guess tbh

I call bullshit.

lots of kids dying. this will no doubt warm the hearts of many in this thread.
