Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

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) 20 Views 20
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33263 Replies


by Victor k

I dont think you want to compare the treatment of the Jews for the last 1400 years between the Christians and Muslims. I dont think it will support your points very well.

From pretty much Day 1, Muslim history has been one long chain of persecution of Jews. The only significant thing about 10/7 was that this time the Jews were able to fight back. The Muslim Arabs have been pulling **** like that for the last 600 years.

That Christians were slightly worse for long stretches of that time doesn't change any of this or absolve the Muslim Arab people of antiquity or today of moral culpability for their horrible behavior.

hmm, well wikipedia disagrees at least

this part is especially good.

it really seems to me that you guys are trying to offload the white Euro oppression and antisemitism onto the Muslims. but like most things from Biden and the libs, its all just lies.

by Victor k

hmm, well wikipedia disagrees at least

this part is especially good.

it really seems to me that you guys are trying to offload the white Euro oppression and antisemitism onto the Muslims. but like most things from Biden and the libs, its all just lies.

Yes Victor,

Cherrypicking one line of Wikipedia completely negates hundreds of years of real, recorded history. You got me there.

by The Horror k

Isn't this what Pilate did? Kill babies in the fear they will become enemies one day.

uh or it was King Herod, but either way, yes. The good book is uncanny like that. He told Barabbas that those that take up the sword will die by it, so He acknowledges therein that there will always be someone to meet it. Love thy neighbor as thyself is almost inconceivable. The situation is grim, baby. The distress of nations, with perplexity.

by Dunyain k

Couldn't you argue this is a 2 way street. That Arabs have spent the last 1400 years (and especially the last 80) radicalizing Jews against them, and are now reaping what they sow.

I know the understood unspoken narrative is that whites/Jews are adults with moral agency; and that Arabs/browns are children incapable of moral agency.

But I dont personally think this worldview leads toward any productive outcome. And I think history would back this up. I think the liberal world needs a frame shi

Your racist ramblings aside, show me the guilt of the children. Collective punishment for Arab children is what you support. I get it. I wish more people itt were as honest as you.

Again, and I shouldn't have to repeat myself, but I will because there are a lot of people itt: I support a ground invasion by the Israelis to take out Hamas for good and I oppose a ceasefire; I just reject the indiscriminate killing of women and children because I view them as hostages, too.

by Schlitz mmmm k

uh or it was King Herod, but either way, yes. The good book is uncanny like that. He told Barabbas that those that take up the sword will die by it, so He acknowledges therein that there will always be someone to meet it. Love thy neighbor as thyself is almost inconceivable. The situation is grim, baby. The distress of nations, with perplexity.

Ah, yes, Herod. The king. That makes sense.

by Victor k

hmm, well wikipedia disagrees at least

this part is especially good.

it really seems to me that you guys are trying to offload the white Euro oppression and antisemitism onto the Muslims. but like most things from Biden and the libs, its all just lies.

ISIS? They're busy killing infidel of every variety


Apostate Prophet. Watch it, Vic, and cope

He was raised in Islam. yhtsi the trajectory of apostasy!

by The Horror k

Your racist ramblings aside, show me the guilt of the children. Collective punishment for Arab children is what you support. I get it. I wish more people itt were as honest as you.

Again, and I shouldn't have to repeat myself, but I will because there are a lot of people itt: I support a ground invasion by the Israelis to take out Hamas for good and I oppose a ceasefire; I just reject the indiscriminate killing of women and children because I view them as hostages, too.

Good, because there isn't any indiscriminate killing of civilians in Gaza.

But of course minimizing your soldiers causality is morally far superior than minimizing foreign civilian casualties, it is a moral imperative for any country to value its own citizens far more than non citizens or it ceases to exist.

It's incredible you ask for Jewish soldiers to die more in order to have fewer Palestinian civilians dead, no country in the history of world would operate under that perverted and immoral logic

by Luciom k

Good, because there isn't any indiscriminate killing of civilians in Gaza.

But of course minimizing your soldiers causality is morally far superior than minimizing foreign civilian casualties, it is a moral imperative for any country to value its own citizens far more than non citizens or it ceases to exist.

It's incredible you ask for Jewish soldiers to die more in order to have fewer Palestinian civilians dead, no country in the history of world would operate under that perverted and immoral log

Well, I would say the US has operated this way. But those were wars of empire several thousand miles from the homeland, that we mostly lost. I suspect if/when there was an existential threat, the threshold for minimizing enemy civilian casualties would lower tremendously.

by Dunyain k

Yes Victor,

Cherrypicking one line of Wikipedia completely negates hundreds of years of real, recorded history. You got me there.

I could quote a lot more. its kind of hard to believe that Muslims and Arabs treated Jews worse than white Euros. you know, considering the holocaust and pogroms. and the sick thing is that you want to use those white Euro crimes to attack the Arabs.

80k suposedly fleeing rafah while israel unsurprisngly hammers own on whats left of the town, killing a good chunck of innocents.

That iranian ex corporal who suggested hookers and blow instead of rockets and rocks should have been promoted to Lieutenant.

by Dunyain k

Yes Victor,

Cherrypicking one line of Wikipedia completely negates hundreds of years of real, recorded history. You got me there.


Vic, take the rest of the night off

by Schlitz mmmm k

ISIS? They're busy killing infidel of every variety


Isis isnt in Gaza and is no friend of Hamas nor its allies. I know they all are the same to you but its not hard to do a quick google search.

by formula72 k

80k suposedly fleeing rafah while israel unsurprisngly hammers own on whats left of the town, killing a good chunck of innocents.

That iranian ex corporal who suggested hookers and blow instead of rockets and rocks should have been promoted to Lieutenant.

Seems like as good a time as any for Hamas to give back hostages and lay down their arms, for the good of their people.

by Victor k

I could quote a lot more. its kind of hard to believe that Muslims and Arabs treated Jews worse than white Euros. you know, considering the holocaust and pogroms. and the sick thing is that you want to use those white Euro crimes to attack the Arabs.

You're implying the Arabs are innately better. So, take the L and the rest of the night off.

by Dunyain k

Seems like as good a time as any for Hamas to give back hostages and lay down their arms, for the good of their people.

I dont think it would end well for the Gazans if they surrendered their arms right now. my guess is that Israel would just execute most of the population and turn the rest into slaves.

by Victor k

I dont think it would end well for the Gazans if they surrendered their arms right now. my guess is that Israel would just execute most of the population and turn the rest into slaves.

My guess is there would be peace, the international community would rush in to rebuild Palestinian society, and they could form an actual functional state if they were so inclined.

by Dunyain k

Well, I would say the US has operated this way. But those were wars of empire several thousand miles from the homeland, that we mostly lost. I suspect if/when there was an existential threat, the threshold for minimizing enemy civilian casualties would lower tremendously.

In which war did countries put foreign civilian lives above their soldiers lives?

The USA used the A bomb to avoid having to invade Japan lol

by Victor k

I dont think it would end well for the Gazans if they surrendered their arms right now. my guess is that Israel would just execute most of the population and turn the rest into slaves.

They would execute Hamas people and the people of Gaza would finally be free.

by Luciom k

They would execute Hamas people and the people of Gaza would finally be free.

arbeit macht frei

Not a life-project that interested them, or it could've long been the case.

Their hatred for the jew has prevented it in Palestine and the wider caliphate, notwithstanding instances where decent people managed an uneasy coexistence. Small pockets of that exist everywhere for a time: Yugoslavia, the USA, Sweden.

I hear Malmo is a total shithole now, corrupted by something or another

by The Horror k

Your racist ramblings aside, show me the guilt of the children. Collective punishment for Arab children is what you support. I get it. I wish more people itt were as honest as you.

Again, and I shouldn't have to repeat myself, but I will because there are a lot of people itt: I support a ground invasion by the Israelis to take out Hamas for good and I oppose a ceasefire; I just reject the indiscriminate killing of women and children because I view them as hostages, too.

Hah. I read the first 3 words of this post and didn't even realize you were replying to me. We will have to agree to disagree my rambling are racist.

Correct me if I am wrong, but I am going to assume you dont have any military experience guiding your convictions Israel is tactically approaching this incorrectly. I suspect you are not even particularly versed reading what military experts have said on this subject. So I am not particularly persuaded you have the slightest idea what you are taking about.

Dont take it personally. I would feel equally pessimistic an Army general would have very good insights into your area of expertise.

If you have indeed done lots of reading and have an informed opinion on what tactically Israel should be doing, and what military objectives they could achieve following these tactics, and what the estimated bodycount (theirs and the Palestinians) would be following your plan, I would love to hear it.

I myself have no military acumen, so when people that do say Israel is doing what it can to minimize civilians casualties (mainly by telling the civilians to get away from the fighting as best they can), I have to accept their analysis is more correct than my own uninformed musings.

Israel is dropping 2k pound bombs on an area smaller than most USA metros. they arent minimizing anything. jesus man use some common sense.
