Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..



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) 20 Views 20
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33296 Replies


by Rococo k

I imagine that both people were talking about multiple posters.

Of those offences the least bad surely is posting actual photos of the war we are all here to talk about?
Yes there are photos of dead children because that's what is going on there. It's not gratuitous and if people can't face the consequences of the policies they support they do have a scroll wheel and an ignore button they should be encouraged to use.

We are adults here and don't need disturbing but relevant images hidden for us.

Schlitz has been by far the worst but people rightly make allowances for him.

by Luckbox Inc k

I assumed it was this post. Perhaps I'm wrong but the timing was right.

I couldnt tell if Trolly was directing it at me or schlitz. holmfries def meant me.

I was like damn et tu Luckbox?

I think we can all understand that military action causes horrific violence without seeing the photos.

If someone argued for the death penalty, I think we could understand and appreciate the argument without seeing a lot of graphic crime scene photos of people who were disemboweled by serial killers. If someone argued for a ban on semi-automatic weapons, I think we could understand and appreciate the argument without seeing a bunch of people whose faces were shot off by that Las Vegas hotel shooter.

But each to his own, I guess.

by Luckbox Inc k

The baby pictures are the reality of what is taking place.

I definitely don't like seeing it but they should hardly be some ban worthy offense.

And when people make posts like "kill them all", then that includes babies and they thus they support the killing of babies.

by jalfrezi k

Of those offences the least bad surely is posting actual photos of the war we are all here to talk about?
Yes there are photos of dead children because that's what is going on there. It's not gratuitous and if people can't face the consequences of the policies they support they do have a scroll wheel and an ignore button they should be encouraged to use.

We are adults here and don't need disturbing but relevant images hidden for us.

Schlitz has been by far the worst but people rightly make allowanc


and the pics are bc most of this thread is denying that things are happening.

by Victor k

I couldnt tell if Trolly was directing it at me or schlitz. holmfries def meant me.

I was like damn et tu Luckbox?

I think you've handled yourself better than I would in the face of unrelenting personal attacks.

i mean, i've said quite a few times now that my preferred solution is for israeli citizens to all move to montana tomorrow and create a salt lake city/utah type scenario but with less magical underwear. within a few generations it'll be the best place in the world to live and raise a family.

after a while no one in their right mind would want to go back to the desert to be surrounded by a quarter of a billion people of whom a significant portion consider it their number one holy duty to eliminate jews, especially as its going to be 55 degrees in the shade over there soon enough

but, given that isn't happening, my second preferred option is for hamas to be destroyed, and i accept that this involves the tragedy of innocent civilian deaths

your preferred option is for the war to cease and for israel and hamas to live happily ever after. in fact, this means the rape and murder of israeli civilians, and you should grow up and acknowledge it

by BOIDS k

i mean, i've said quite a few times now that my preferred solution is for israeli citizens to all move to montana tomorrow and create a salt lake city/utah type scenario but with less magical underwear. within a few generations it'll be the best place in the world to live and raise a family.

after a while no one in their right mind would want to go back to the desert to be surrounded by a quarter of a billion people of whom a significant portion consider it their number one holy duty to eliminat

Sonora, MX would have the most EV. Anyone can already travel to Montana they just don't want to because it's freezing.

by BOIDS k

within a few generations it'll be the best place in the world to live and raise a family.

Weird. Almost sounds like a superiority complex there. Would Muslims be free to live there to benefit from the world's greatest society?

by BOIDS k

its going to be 55 degrees in the shade over there soon enough

That might be the likeliest outcome - wait for it to become uninhabitable and everyone to be a refugee.

by BOIDS k

your preferred option is for the war to cease and for israel and hamas to live happily ever after. in fact, this means the rape and murder of israeli civilians, and you should grow up and acknowledge it

Well, no, my first preferred option would have been for a one state solution with no Apartheid. Then Israeli settlers not taking land in the WB in contravention of International Law with the UN turning a blind eye to it, but those are both impossible now.

by Luckbox Inc k

I think you've handled yourself better than I would in the face of unrelenting personal attacks.

This is almost certainly not true. You have been the subject of some very virulent personal attacks over the years, but I think you mostly respond in a measured way. (I often agree that your views are off-the-wall, and sometimes offensive, but that's beside the point.)

by Luckbox Inc k

Sonora, MX would have the most EV. Anyone can already travel to Montana they just don't want to because it's freezing.

Of the people I know who support rapists, Vic is definitely the most graceful

by Rococo k

This is almost certainly not true. You have been the subject of some very virulent personal attacks over the years, but I think you mostly respond in a measured way. (I often agree that your views are off-the-wall, and sometimes offensive, but that's beside the point.)

The only people who could ever be offended by my views are those people so in love with the ruling class that they treat them as family-- which for sure is a lot of people but it's not because anything I've ever said is offensive in and of itself. Arguing that the media sometimes lies and that there are bad people in high places is not something that people should be offended by,

Acled’s analysis of more than 550 campus protests through 3 May found two instances of property damage serious enough to disqualify the demonstration as peaceful: protesters at Portland State University who shattered glass and damaged furniture and computers during their occupation of a campus library, and protesters at Columbia University who broke windows during their occupation at a campus building, both on 30 April.

550 college protests in the US studied. 548 are peaceful. NY Post and all the Conservative outrage media shows you a million pictures of the two and you're outraged

by microbet k

550 college protests in the US studied. 548 are peaceful. NY Post and all the Conservative outage media shows you a million pictures of Portland State (one of the two).

If it bleeds it leads.

People don't want to see pictures of peaceful protests.

the only ones that get violent are bc of the police or the Zionist brownshirts like at UCLA

by microbet k

550 college protests in the US studied. 548 are peaceful. NY Post and all the Conservative outrage media shows you a million pictures of the two and you're outraged

I dont think anyone thinks this is Summer of Floyd level violence (yet, it is only May). Is anyone arguing the protests are particularly violent? I have argued authorities are violating civil rights laws in enabling some of the behavior, but that is about it.

by rafiki k

Of the people I know who support rapists, Vic is definitely the most graceful

This is grotesque libel and you should be ashamed of yourself.

Would you say you support blowing children up?

by jalfrezi k

The terror attacks were very bad but an inevitable result of talking people's land from them. How did you expect Palestinians to react after so many decades?

No one slates the ANC or PIRA, only Hamas because they are Muslims, the world's new de facto bogey men.

I slate the PIRA for Warrington, Birmingham and other atrocities they committed. Neither the nationalists being treated as second class citizens or a United Ireland was worth such things I also slate the likes of Winnie Mandela endorsing necklacing. See how easy that is? however, Neither the ANC or the Provos ever engaged in something as horrific as Oct 07
Neither ever had in their charters calls for the extermination of English people or white South Africans. The IRA never called for the actual annihilation of England.
Hamas do call for the extermination of Jews and the annihilation of a sovereign nation, when they're not endorsing the execution of gays and lesbians. That's why they're being slated ,it's nothing to do with them being Muslims and many other Muslim nations want absolutely no truck with them either.

If Hamas didn't display such absolute barbarism and didn't seemingly revel in it, they wouldn't be regarded as bogeymen to the point where other bogeymen are jealous of them, would they?
Act like a pos and you'll be regarded as such. That's why they're being slated.

by Rococo k

I think we can all understand that military action causes horrific violence without seeing the photos.

If someone argued for the death penalty, I think we could understand and appreciate the argument without seeing a lot of graphic crime scene photos of people who were disemboweled by serial killers. If someone argued for a ban on semi-automatic weapons, I think we could understand and appreciate the argument without seeing a bunch of people whose faces were shot off by that Las Vegas hotel sho

I think the photos serve as a useful reminder to people advocating an extreme Israeli response of exactly what it is they're in favour of.

by jalfrezi k

I think the photos serve as a useful reminder to people advocating an extreme Israeli response of exactly what it is they're in favour of.

Nope, it's just a cheap emotive shock tactic.

by corpus vile k

I slate the PIRA for Warrington, Birmingham and other atrocities they committed. Neither the nationalists being treated as second class citizens or a United Ireland was worth such things I also slate the likes of Winnie Mandela endorsing necklacing. See how easy that is? however, Neither the ANC or the Provos ever engaged in something as horrific as Oct 07
Neither ever had in their charters calls for the extermination of English people or white South Africans. The IRA never called for the actual

Hamas are beyond the pale, I agree. It's important to remember that terrorists don't arise out of nothing but almost always from a legitimate grievance, and the way to end the terror is usually to negotiate, so let's do that instead of demonising the Palestinian cause.

by corpus vile k

I slate the PIRA

This must be some Britishism.

"Slate" here means 'condemn' I suppose but it's not anything I've ever heard before. Is it common there?

by jalfrezi k

I think the photos serve as a useful reminder to people advocating an extreme Israeli response of exactly what it is they're in favour of.

by Rococo k

I think we can all understand that military action causes horrific violence without seeing the photos.

If someone argued for the death penalty, I think we could understand and appreciate the argument without seeing a lot of graphic crime scene photos of people who were disemboweled by serial killers. If someone argued for a ban on semi-automatic weapons, I think we could understand and appreciate the argument without seeing a bunch of people whose faces were shot off by that Las Vegas hotel sho

The difference here, as Vic pointed out, is that you have people here denying that atrocities are taking place. People aren't denying that serial killers do sick twisted stuff (and the Las Vegas event is a special example because it's super shady-- I would want to see the pictures but we won't ever).

by Luckbox Inc k

The difference here, as Vic pointed out, is that you have people here denying that atrocities are taking place. People aren't denying that serial killers do sick twisted stuff (and the Las Vegas event is a special example because it's super shady-- I would want to see the pictures but we won't ever).

I don't think anyone is denying civilian deaths.

by Luckbox Inc k

The only people who could ever be offended by my views are those people so in love with the ruling class that they treat them as family-- which for sure is a lot of people but it's not because anything I've ever said is offensive in and of itself. Arguing that the media sometimes lies and that there are bad people in high places is not something that people should be offended by,

I think others would find some of your specific comments offensive, such as Sandy Hook parents, in fairness.

by corpus vile k

Nope, it's just a cheap emotive shock tactic.

To some it may be one, to other people it may be the other.

by Luckbox Inc k

The only people who could ever be offended by my views are those people so in love with the ruling class that they treat them as family-- which for sure is a lot of people but it's not because anything I've ever said is offensive in and of itself. Arguing that the media sometimes lies and that there are bad people in high places is not something that people should be offended by,

Or it could be people who were personally affected by events that you claim were fake or psy ops, but let's drop this discussion. I actually was offering a modest defense of you as a poster.
