Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

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) 20 Views 20
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33263 Replies


why doesnt israel get the hostages out?

by rafiki k

You can definitely get in and out of Gaza. It's $350-$400, or a Passport (which is more of a process).

its 350-400 or a passport? what is that?

These are pre Oct 7th. So do I think it could be nice? Ya, I think it could be something special. But it takes buy in from everyone.

by jalfrezi k


Israel can end it very easily by announcing a cease fire and either reverting to pre-1967 or holding talks for the setting up of a state of Palestine.

But it's always complaining about the neighbours, who don't like Israel much either, unsurprisingly.

And the same is true of Hamas, Bibi said it a few days ago:

-Hamas surrenders
-Hamas leadership live in Exile (don't even do jail time)
-Hamas drops their weapons
-Return the hostages

The war is over. Done.

by washoe k

its 350-400 or a passport? what do you get for it?

$350 got you into Egypt.

by rafiki k

I'll take South Africa a million times over Nazi Germany, but I just want to point out. In Israel:

- There are no laws mandating segregation in public facilities
- Israel doesn't have laws that discriminate/classify by ethnicity
- There aren't interfaith marriage laws that I know of like there were in SA
- Arab citizens of Israel have full and equal citizenship rights
- Arab citizens may vote, they may hold office, and serve at all levels of government. There are Arabs in the Knesset
- Arab Israelis h

I appreciate posts like these that bring facts to bear to support an argument. I’m not saying that I’m convinced of the underlying point, but I do feel more educated on the topic.

I do not understand the Nazi name calling that is back in this thread. It isn’t going to compel anyone else to adopt one perspective or another and it just shouldn’t be tolerated. It pops up every few weeks in this thread, people get warned and then 3 weeks later it’s the same posters back at it again

and when was that? 20 years ago? lol

and then what they do in egypt. most are children, what the f are they doing in egypt? egypt is kicking them out asap anyways, right?

like I said or anyone is saying they are stuck in gaza and nobody gets out. gaza is basically a death sentence. always was for most gazans.

by microbet k

In some ways yes and in some ways no, right?

No. Israel had not had any control of any Gazan affairs in 2 decades

by jalfrezi k

But occupied by Israel.


by washoe k


what can you get for 400 in gaza? nothing. at least not what you are saying. nobody gets out. got out or anything. youre a terrible liar there.
more like 10 to 20k a person needs to get out of gaza.

that is all lies ofc and for 99% of the people even a passport would be impossible. even with a passport that wouldnt get them anywhere.
it is unrealistic for them to leave.

Before oct 7 was egypt blocking them from leaving rafah? Not to my knowledge but if yes why don't you yell at egypt?

Also how are there 170,000 Palestinians living in America. They snuck out behind Israel's back?

by rafiki k

And the same is true of Hamas, Bibi said it a few days ago:

-Hamas surrenders
-Hamas leadership live in Exile (don't even do jail time)
-Hamas drops their weapons
-Return the hostages

The war is over. Done.

And if all this happens, a plan towards 2 true states as well

by metsandfinsfan k

Before oct 7 was egypt blocking them from leaving rafah? Not to my knowledge but if yes why don't you yell at egypt?

Also how are there 170,000 Palestinians living in America. They snuck out behind Israel's back?

yes and yes

mets, that's wrong. You should read rafiki's posts maybe.


Yeah, I posted a few walking around Gaza before the war YouTubes. Some of it was very nice. They had a really good educational system and almost universal literacy and one of the best education populations in the entire world - including women in Gaza. It's going to be a while before it's possible to get back to that point and there's going to be more resentment and hatred towards Israel than ever from the people living there in the meantime.

by holmfries k

I appreciate posts like these that bring facts to bear to support an argument. I’m not saying that I’m convinced of the underlying point, but I do feel more educated on the topic.

I do not understand the Nazi name calling that is back in this thread. It isn’t going to compel anyone else to adopt one perspective or another and it just shouldn’t be tolerated. It pops up every few weeks in this thread, people get warned and then 3 weeks later it’s the same posters back at it again

It's done to try to hurt people in this thread, and it's a propoganda tool. The words occupied and apartheid and illegal have been used so often that many people believe it

Continues to be bizarre that anyone would blame Egypt for not letting Gazans leave Gaza in a world where airplanes and boats exist.

From 2022
In September, the Israeli authorities allowed nearly 43,360 exits of people from Gaza
Background: Palestinians are banned from leaving Gaza via Israel, including for passage to the West Bank, unless they obtain an Israeli-issued exit permit. Only those belonging to certain categories, primarily traders (including de facto daily labourers), patients and their accompaniers, and aid workers, can apply for such permits. Other people are not eligible for a permit. even if they do not pose a security risk, according to the Israeli authorities. In most cases, the Israeli authorities do not provide specific reasons for the rejection of an application. If an application is approved, the permit holder may travel through the Israeli-controlled Erez crossing, which operates during the daytime, from Sunday to Thursday, and on Fridays for urgent cases and foreign nationals only.

The Egyptian authorities allowed about 13,700 exits in September

Palestinians wishing to leave Gaza via Egypt must register with the local Palestinian authorities two to four weeks in advance. People may also apply directly to the Egyptian authorities, using the services of a private company. The procedures and decisions by both authorities lack transparency. Those that are approved exit through the Rafah Crossing, controlled by the Egyptian authorities, which operates from Sundays to Thursdays. The journey through the Sinai desert is often lengthy and includes multiple stops fo

by microbet k

Continues to be bizarre that anyone would blame Egypt for not letting Gazans leave Gaza in a world where airplanes and boats exist.

Why wouldn't you blame egypt as much as Israel?

Why doesn't Israel let the refugees in?

by washoe k

and when was that? 20 years ago? lol

and then what they do in egypt. most are children, what the f are they doing in egypt? egypt is kicking them out asap anyways, right?

like I said or anyone is saying they are stuck in gaza and nobody gets out. gaza is basically a death sentence. always was for most gazans.

Try to find me an article blaming egypt in any way for this

by Trolly McTrollson k

Why doesn't Israel let the refugees in?

In what? Which refugees?

Egypt let people leave in 2018 but were criticized in the arab world

Tldr according to experts in this thread is that Egypt dislikes Palestinians far more than Israel, and that's the Jews fault

by Trolly McTrollson k

Why doesn't Israel let the refugees in?

Why doesn't Egypt?
Why doesn't jordan?
Why do you only care what Israel does?
Do you think gazans would be happier being refugees in Israel or Egypt or Jordan?

by Luciom k

Tldr according to experts in this thread is that Egypt dislikes Palestinians far more than Israel, and that's the Jews fault

We're not supposed to figure out the intention of posts but that was my conclusion as well

by metsandfinsfan k

Try to find me an article blaming egypt in any way for this

egypt gets blamed too, not as much as israel of course.

by metsandfinsfan k

Why do you only care what Israel does?

Because Israel is the nation leveling cities in Palestine right now.
