Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

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) 21 Views 21
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33349 Replies


by Brian James k

There was intent. Gaza is a textbook genocide. This (Israeli) expert goes through it point by point and ticks off all the boxes.

There is absolutely no doubt whatsoever in his opinion.

Any tweet that tries to tell us how we should feel is clickbait. "This should terrify you". I'll tell you what should terrify us (Not clickbait), It's how ignorant the world has become. Israel is going after Hamas. They aren't going after the civilians. If you are a civilian who gets killed you probably were helping Hamas. Shame on you for getting your young children killed. This guy has no clue what he is talking about. He is an expert in genocide so he is only looking to build a case to give himself relevance. This is clearly not genocide. Unfortunately it's people like this who are brainwashing the ignorant college students.

Good luck with a genocide prosecution.

by Crossnerd k

I am seeing the news reports of the confessions regarding the rapes and murders online. Its seems to be a developing story.

Same day as the footage of the five 19 year old girls in their pjs being taken, all live on gopro. Yes, enlisted IDF women unarmed and off duty. But the footage is a tough watch.

It's been a pretty brutal reminder of what the IDF is fighting for.

by rafiki k

Same day as the five 19 year old girls in their pjs being taken, all live on gopro. Yes, enlisted IDF women unarmed and off duty. But the footage is a tough watch.

It's been a pretty brutal reminder of what the IDF is fighting for.

I watched that as well, and was reminded of the extremely complex intersectionality of the conflict. There is of course Israeli vs Palestinian, but there is also men vs women, and in all circumstances where women are at the mercy of men, I am deeply fearful for them.

by 72off k

seems legit

So we....are denying the rapes? I'm lost


by PointlessWords k

I think it’s kinda like which side is doing the most killing

Idf has killed like 50-100k over last 20 years

Palestine has killed like 1500

Between the two of those counties, clearly one is much more able to commit genocide than the other. But maybe they are both guilty. It’s certainly possible

It is significant that it’s the largest death of Jews since WW2

When you declare Intifadas against a much powerful nation this is what happens. I would say between the two it sounds like Palestine is much more intent on committing a genocide if it could. We know about the Hamas charter. We hear the chants of "From the river to the sea". Israel just wants to make sure an Oct 7th style attack never happens again. You may have a few Israelis express their interest to destroy Palestine. I'm not seeing them take over college campuses and shout death to Palestine.

by 72off k



The evidence stacks a mile high now on the sexual violence that day. What do you gain here? It's a very odd hill to die on. And disturbing frankly.

For those who haven't watched the documentary and want the sum total of what those women experienced that day.

A lot of care and precision went into the making of this so that what happened to those women couldn't just be swept aside like what's happening itt.

Wherever men wage war, they rape. This is an undisputed historical fact of women's history. The question is not whether rape and sexual violence occured- The question is whether rape and sexual violence was a coordinated and planned aspect of the attack. I do not doubt rape occurred. I know it did. Women know it did. But I do tend to doubt that devout Muslims coordinated en masse rape as part of their attack when it directly opposes their religious tenets. Rape occurs without those plans anyway.

I have posted this before but I will post it again for referece.

The practice of raping the women of a conquered group has remained a feature of warfare and conquest from the second millennium B.C. to the present. It is a social practice which, like the torture of prisoners, has been resistant to "progress", to humanitarian reforms, and to sophisticated moral and ethical considerations. I suggest this is the case because it is a practice built into and essential to the structure of patriarchal institutions and inseparable from them. It is at the beginning of the system, prior to class formation, that we can see this in its purest essence. -Gerda Lerner, mother of women's history

As a reminder, the US military raped their way through Okinawa. It wasn't a coordinated plan. But it happened.

by Crossnerd k

Wherever men wage war, they rape. This is an undisputed historical fact of women's history. The question is not whether rape and sexual violence occured- The question is whether rape and sexual violence was a coordinated and planned aspect of the attack. I do not doubt rape occurred. I know it did. Women know it did. But I do tend to doubt that devout Muslims coordinated en masse rape as part of their attack when it directly opposes their religious tenets. Rape occurs without those plans anyway.

I am off for the night. But I will leave you with a question:

If 2 IDF soldiers grabbed an 18 year old Palestinian girl and raped her with glee in front of a family member, would anyone be asking if it was "coordinated"?

Night y'all.

There actually is a tangible difference in ideology if Hamas coordinated rape attacks as part of their military strategy vs Hamas simply consisting of men, a % of whom rape.

what are you getting out of this man? there are like 5 regs on this forum, so even if you are influencing anyone (who knows), it doesn't matter, like at all. does yelling OCT 7 RAPE OCT 7 RAPE OCT 7 RAPE OCT 7 RAPE OCT 7 RAPE all day make you feel better? disturbing, frankly

it certainly doesn't lead to any productive or interesting discussion of this conflict

by Crossnerd k

Wherever men wage war, they rape. This is an undisputed historical fact of women's history. The question is not whether rape and sexual violence occured- The question is whether rape and sexual violence was a coordinated and planned aspect of the attack. I do not doubt rape occurred. I know it did. Women know it did. But I do tend to doubt that devout Muslims coordinated en masse rape as part of their attack when it directly opposes their religious tenets. Rape occurs without those plans anyway.

You're in denial.

You know rape happened.

Hamas knows rape happened. Hamas kept allowing it to happen to those under their captivity. Hamas has come out and said given the chance they'll do 10/7 again, and at a larger scale.

There is no world where you can reasonably think Hamas isn't intentionally using rape as a weapon.

Don't fall for the trap of believing Hamas, and other Islamic extremists, represent "devout Muslims." If they really do, you're indicting the religion as a whole and that does an incredible amount of injustice to the hundreds of millions of devout, and peaceful, Muslims all over the world.

The US military commited thousands of rapes the first month of their occupation of Japan during ww2. It wasn't part of the military strategy and hundreds of the rapes were prosecuted. It would matter if it were proven the US coordinated mass rapes.

It actually does matter whether rape and sexual violence was a coordinated aspect of their military strategy. I have not seen evidence of it being coordinated, and remain unsurprised that certain individual men, of their own accord, rape when presented with the opportunity.

by rafiki k

Ok but surely at 1000 nobody cries genocide. So what is the number where you feel it starts to resemble one?

but 1000 dead in Israel has caused torched earth in Gaza no?

It’s like they don’t even think about how their posts pertain to their arguments

by Crossnerd k

The US military commited thousands of rapes the first month of their occupation of Japan during ww2. It wasn't part of the military strategy and hundreds of the rapes were prosecuted. It would matter if it were proven the US coordinated mass rapes.

It actually does matter whether rape and sexual violence was a coordinated aspect of their military strategy. I have not seen evidence of it being coordinated, and remain unsurprised that certain individual men, of their own accord, rape when presented

There are plenty of things which matter between any rape occurring at all and it being a coordinated effort as well, many of which have already been mentioned itt.

The US military attempted to stop the rapes in Japan through various measures, including prosecuting soldiers. I have not seen this done by Hamas.

The US military did not launch a surprise attack on Japan, allowing or even encouraging, soldiers to attack women and (best case scenario) not caring if women were raped.

The argument that "of course rape occurred, men were involved" does not accurately address what happened on 10/7, and borders on "boys will be boys" logic which largely excuses it.

It isn't an excuse. Its an indictment. If men were so horrified by rape, they would stop each other from raping. Instead, its a hallmark of male violence that permeates the entirety of human history.

britta perry community dot meme: i can excuse genocide/ethnic cleansing, but i draw the line at some hypothetical sexual assaults

It might be an indictment of men, but in doing so it removes blame from individuals.

I am going to guess that occurences of rape in western militaries today are far fewer than they were in the WW2 example, largely because men do care about this issue.

By removing all details that occur between "any rape occurred" and "rape was a coordinated effort", the matter is simplified in a manner that removes any individual accountability and in this case seeks to lump all men together. I am unsure if rape has occurred in every conflict ever, but I can guarantee that recently efforts to prevent and respond to sexual violence have evolved significantly, particularly in Western militaries. This type of framing ignores those efforts, and also excuses those who make no effort to combat sexual violence.

You can have that opinion but it goes against all empirical evidence of women’s history of sexual violence in war time. Indeed, it is a phenomenon that has not diminished within the framework of other atrocities within modern history. You can be mad at me for citing it, or mad at the men who make it true. The patriarchy is a monolith, but if you want to “not all men” me, by all means, I am versed in that arena.

Which part of my opinion goes against all empirical evidence of women's history of sexual violence in war time?

I am not mad at anyone.

If you want to dumb down my argument to be "not all men" then feel free, although I think this case it be more like "some men are worse than others". Feel free to address it however you wish.

by Bluegrassplayer k

Which part of my opinion goes against all empirical evidence of women's history of sexual violence in war time?

I am not mad at anyone.

If you want to dumb down my argument to be "not all men" then feel free, although I think this case it be more like "some men are worse than others". Feel free to address it however you wish.

Men and genocide are on continuums.

by Crossnerd k

I have posted this before but I will post it again for referece.

As a reminder, the US military raped their way through Okinawa. It wasn't a coordinated plan. But it happened.

And still ongoing
