Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..



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) 21 Views 21
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33349 Replies


by metsandfinsfan k

When Palestinians say it, or when Israelis say it, it basically means 1 state. We can argue semantics but it absolutely does not mean 2 state. So it means no more Israel. And Israel is not disappearing

Granting the right to vote would mean emergence of a binational state. That's fair.

by metsandfinsfan k

From wiki

When Palestinians say it, or when Israelis say it, it basically means 1 state. We can argue semantics but it absolutely does not mean 2 state. So it means no more Israel. And Israel is not disappearing

A single democratic state for Arabs and Jews sounds quite nice (or would have done if enacted at the time), no?

Israel is already 20% Arab.

by jalfrezi k

A single democratic state for Arabs and Jews sounds quite nice (or would have done if enacted at the time), no?

Israel is already 20% Arab.

It sounds nice to you but it is not what either side wants and is not acceptabile

Israel the Jewish state is not disappearing regardless of your wishes

The UN should really just step in at this point and deport all the Jews and all the Muslims to whichever of the US/Australia/Canada/Russia/Saudi they choose, and build museums in what was formerly Israel so the schoolkids of the future can take trips there and learn about the terrible mistakes of the past.

by jalfrezi k

The UN should really just step in at this point and deport all the Jews and all the Muslims to whichever of the US/Australia/Canada/Russia/Saudi they choose, and build museums in what was formerly Israel so the schoolkids of the future can take trips there and learn about the terrible mistakes of the past.

It's a shame that the Arabs didn't accept the original partition plan. I bet Gaza would be beautiful right now. It could have been a vacation destination. Unfortunately, they chose war. Basically, they messed around and found out.

by Bill Haywood k

Calls for civil rights = death cult in your twisted world.

Hamas is the death cult. That is all I'm referring to.

by 72off k


You're surprised? Have you seen the fortunes the leadership have now? I think there's 10 billionaires in the club now there. It's obscene.

by rafiki k

Hamas is the death cult. That is all I'm referring to.

Lots of dead babies would disagree you if they'd ever had had the chance to become adults, an opportunity taken away from them by the Israeli death cult.

by jalfrezi k

The UN should really just step in at this point and deport all the Jews and all the Muslims to whichever of the US/Australia/Canada/Russia/Saudi they choose, and build museums in what was formerly Israel so the schoolkids of the future can take trips there and learn about the terrible mistakes of the past.

No they should not

I don't see why Gaza wouldn't be at least like Sharm El Sheik, a cheap destination for European tourists if not year long, 8-9 months per year, providing decent local incomes and some hard cash for the country

by Bill Haywood k

Granting the right to vote would mean emergence of a binational state. That's fair.

A binational state with a Muslim majority will lead to no jews allowed like it has throughout most of the middle east. Maybe that's okay with you, but it's a non starter.

Never again will Jews not have a homeland

by jalfrezi k

Lots of dead babies would disagree you if they'd ever had had the chance to become adults, an opportunity taken away from them by the Israeli death cult.

The IDF would love nothing more than to never have to raise a finger in the direction of Gaza. I think you know this too.
Hamas has a generation's old idea. Most cults have this core idea. And they don't care if they live to see the idea come to be. That's for the next generation to figure out, and the one after that, and the one after that.

There's ONE death cult here that views death as the ultimate sacrifice, and the straight ascension to paradise. I also think that deep down, you know which one that is.

From "the River to the Sea" is the delusion of a death cult. It can ONLY be that. There's no other way to view what that mission means to your civilians, in terms of real blood shed for the cause. That's Custer's last stand for your civilians, over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over....

Hamas needs to be gone so that no baby there needs to die again.

I want to ask people who want to give votes to Palestinians over Israeli residents, if they would accept 150m trad Muslims as voters in the USA , understanding the consequences of that, because that's what they are asking Israel to accept

And gaza has been independent for 19 years but shown they would rather have terrorists attack Israel than be a legit state

You can say your chicken egg bs that if isreal didn't blockade.. but even Egypt said the blockade is necessary with terrorists in power

I wouldn't personally call Hamas a death cult because they aren't nihilists.

They are an evil terrorist organization with explicit genocidal intention toward a specific group, but they don't have death as the endgame, as death cults would have.

They have Jewish genocide and Sharia law as the endgame. They aren't much different from the Talibans except they have their enemies on the Jews currently

by Luciom k

I want to ask people who want to give votes to Palestinians over Israeli residents, if they would accept 150m trad Muslims as voters in the USA , understanding the consequences of that, because that's what they are asking Israel to accept

Muslims can actually vote in the USA, not to blow your mind or anything.

by Trolly McTrollson k

Muslims can actually vote in the USA, not to blow your mind or anything.

20% of the Israeli electorate is mudlim
0.6% of the IS electorate is muslim

by rafiki k

The IDF would love nothing more than to never have to raise a finger in the direction of Gaza. I think you know this too.

If that had even a grain of truth to it they wouldn't have shelled a family on the beach a few years ago (as well as many other instances of killing civilians for no reason).

Israel offered citizenship to east Jerusalem Palestinians in 1980. Many declined

Unthinkably evil regime becomes even more evil

military-enforced regime change when

free israel

by Trolly McTrollson k

Muslims can actually vote in the USA, not to blow your mind or anything.

Try to read again, I am talking adding 150m trad Muslims (not American Muslim, let's say the median Egyptian Muslim shall we?) to the American pool of voters.


by metsandfinsfan k

20% of the Israeli electorate is mudlim
0.6% of the IS electorate is muslim

American Muslims aren't random samples of 3k/year countries either, they are some of the best and the brightest originated in Muslim countries, that's what the USA selects for from overseas.

Same as Canadian muslims

That was 2021 and they are full bds and end Israel

Highly respected by people who don't think jews deserve a state

I say bring the 150M to the US tomorrow. It's a big country with very population density, they can do it.
