Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..



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07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33296 Replies


--I dont speak Spanish, so please correct me if I was given a poor explanation of what this article says. But my understanding is The Minister of Foreign Affairs is asking other govt officials to stop the "genocide" rhetoric, as this would open an argument Spain should legally provide Palestinians asylum.

So the implication of this logic is either that Spanish officials don't believe their own rhetoric is true, or don't believe they should be following their own laws regarding providing asylum to people undergoing a genocide.

by chillrob k

Then you should have just posted the definition, because the nuanced take off the article says that people engaging combat are not considered to be civilians.

Of course this entire thread of argument is pointless and it doesn't matter who a definition considers a civilian.

Yes this is what happens when people don’t check their sources. I post definitions and you guys are like nuh uhhhhh

Way more fun (and effective) for you guys to figure it out yourselves.

So far I’ve had to teach the forum what feminism meant, what a traitor is and now what a civilian is. Yay

by Dunyain k

--I dont speak Spanish, so please correct me if I was given a poor explanation of what this article says. But my understanding is The Minister of Foreign Affairs is asking other govt officials to stop the "genocide" rhetoric, as this would open an argument Spain should legally provide Palestinians asylum.

So the implication of this logic is either that Spanish officials do

They are saying Israel is being awful but they don't want to take in Palestinian refugees.

Ok diario is a rightwing rag of very low quality and find of publishing complete nonsense just to provoke.

by Crossnerd k

Washoe, please take a break from this thread until 12:00 AM Eastern Time for posting offensive and racially charged imagery in the thread. It is not acceptable to share modified images of Jews as Nazis. I do not care who creates the images. This will be the only warning. Thank you.

Why isn't it acceptable? Netanyahu is behaving like any other genocidal authoritarian caudillo.

I'm so tired of this moral exceptionalism nonsense. I have Jewish ancestry but that doesn't give me any right to defend genocide.

by nucularburro k

Why isn't it acceptable? Netanyahu is behaving like any other genocidal authoritarian caudillo.

I'm so tired of this moral exceptionalism nonsense. I have Jewish ancestry but that doesn't give me any right to defend genocide.

You can argue like an adult
That doesn't mean you can post pictures of Bibi wearing a swatstiki

Unless that's the only way you know how to argue


Israel isn't committing genocide so your point is moot

by PointlessWords k

So far I’ve had to teach the forum what feminism meant, what a traitor is and now what a civilian is. Yay

And you're pretty much wrong about all 3 and your arguments make people take you less seriously

by jalfrezi k

You said you posted it because it shows just how heated this conflict is.

But there not being more recent videos available showing how heated this conflict is is a problem for your attempts to persuade us that zomg the west is on fire!!1!11!!

So you make the claim that youtube has been taking down videos that don't show the pro-Palestine side in a good light. But then you've just linked to a very active very anti-Palestine "news" stream, contradicting yourself again.

Meanwhile everyone else has b

Did you see how the Palestinian side acted in that video? Do you support this?

The people in London and NY will go about their business until one day it is too late.

by mongidig k

Did you see how the Palestinian side acted in that video? Do you support this?

The people in London and NY will go about their business until one day it is too late.

They think civil disobedience = violence

The word zionist should not even be allowed in the discussions

It implies there is an argument about whether Israel should exist

At this point, there is no rational argument against it

by metsandfinsfan k


Israel isn't committing genocide so your point is moot

It's obviously not genocide. I think the anti Israel crowd gets more giddy about a tent of people getting bombed than the Israelis. Each time this "infrequently" happens they think this supports their "genocide" narrative. It's pretty simple, if you attack Israel they will attack you ten times worse. This is why other muslim countries don't mess with them.

My advice is don't attack Israel.

by mongidig k

It's obviously not genocide. I think the anti Israel crowd gets more giddy about a tent of people getting bombed than the Israelis. Each time this "infrequently" happens they think this supports their "genocide" narrative. It's pretty simple, if you attack Israel they will attack you ten times worse. This is why other muslim countries don't mess with them.

My advice is don't attack Israel.

There's going to be a full blown war with Hezbollah at some point soon

by mongidig k

Did you see how the Palestinian side acted in that video? Do you support this?

The people in London and NY will go about their business until one day it is too late.

People aren't watching long videos on the off chance they'll catch a glimpse of what you're talking about.

Start the video at the relevant spot and I'll watch it, but street protests are part of our heritage and no one cares about it. Most of the violence on them is usually by the police anyway.

Everyone everywhere will go about their business until one day it's too late.

by nucularburro k

Why isn't it acceptable? Netanyahu is behaving like any other genocidal authoritarian caudillo.

I'm so tired of this moral exceptionalism nonsense. I have Jewish ancestry but that doesn't give me any right to defend genocide.

Yeah but the right it call it what it is disappeared when the international community decided to agree with the highlighted:

by metsandfinsfan k

They think civil disobedience = violence

"The holiday we practice believes in violent revolution against it's oppressors".

" We will see you at your house and kill you".

" I hope someday somebody brings the guillotine and kills you ********!"

The lady who said this is also angry that they put metal detectors up because of their presence.

Why would you waste everybodys time bringing up a cease fire resolution for GAZA in Bakersfield California.

This is the poor baby in court facing 8 felony counts

by jalfrezi k

Yeah but the right it call it what it is disappeared when the international community decided to agree with the highlighted:

You can compare the policies of present and former governments. You cannot post incendiary antisemitic imagery.

by metsandfinsfan k

And you're pretty much wrong about all 3 and your arguments make people take you less seriously

I mean that’s your opinion. I clearly educated many people on the feminism, traitor and civilian definitions.

Pretty much wrong doesn’t mean I am wrong, sadly

Feminism is the fight for equality between men and women.

Traitor is aiding a countries enemies (enemy being defined as someone you’re at war with[had to educate people on American wars])

Civilian means not in the armed forces -(Oxford definition)

by metsandfinsfan k

There's going to be a full blown war with Hezbollah at some point soon

At this point since they have the north still evacuated and all the active duty people called up they might as well finish the job. There should not be one more rocket lobbed randomly into Israel ever.

Biden just gave an hour long speech urging the ending of hostilities.

Broken YouTube Link

Cliffs are:

1. next 6 week is full withdrawal of IDF, 600 food trucks a day, negotiations.
2. permanent treaty
3. rebuild Gaza

Israel will not listen and will wait out the election if necessary

by metsandfinsfan k

Israel will not listen

Well, that's always been the case.

by 57 On Red k

Well, that's always been the case.

Notv true

Of not for biden this war would have ended long ago. They would have destroyed rafah

by Bluegrassplayer k

Cliffs are:

1. next 6 week is full withdrawal of IDF, 600 food trucks a day, negotiations.
2. permanent treaty
3. rebuild Gaza

4. resign
5. [redacted]

Biden is claiming Israel proposed this

We shall see
