Israel/Palestine thread
Think this merits its own thread...
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no hes not right. because fatah posted that.
and thetimesofisrael posted that. SO YOU ARE BOTH WRONG AF OF COURSE: WTF???
and were should be allowed to speak about fatah.
fatah are the solution according to mets and co.
which is lol
You can talk about fatah without posting racist imagery
At least i hope you have that ability
It's gotten bad in London. I don't know where they get their police. It seems to be a bunch of teenage girls and obese guy's. The NYPD and police in Paris know how to take care of these rioters. It's a shame that the police have to be taken from their normal duties to deal with this nonsense.
It's not just London. It seems Europe is under attack.
I am not a huge fan of fatah but they are way better than the PA
If i had my druthers egypt jordan or saudi would govern it
But if my choice is hamas or fatah, obviously fatah. They are still racist and still suck
First of all, please extend your life as long as possible
I’d love for more Palestinians. Palestinians protected me from bullies growing up and they gave me solace when I was homeless.
I got lots of love for Palestinians. Rest in peace to my friends cousin who was killed last week in Gaza.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Unfortunately, the Palestinians have a bad reputation around the world. Obviously having Hamas as their rulers doesn't help. The pro Hamas riots around the world are making them look even worse. They need a legitimate government. Then they need to hire a PR firm to uplift their perception in the world. Individually these are probably mostly decent people. They just need to get out of the death cult they are in.
Hamas stuff is racist af. The Jews always have long noses etc
Unfortunately, the Palestinians have a bad reputation around the world. Obviously having Hamas as their rulers doesn't help. The pro Hamas riots around the world are making them look even worse. They need a legitimate government. Then they need to hire a PR firm to uplift their perception in the world. Individually these are probably mostly decent people. They just need to get out of the death cult they are in.
I’ve never heard anything bad about Palestinians from Koreans, Mexicans, Europeans or Americans. Even Jews have never been like I hate Palestinians
I’ve never heard anything bad about Palestinians from Koreans, Mexicans, Europeans or Americans. Even Jews have never been like I hate Palestinians
Well Jordan and Egypt , which share cultural, ethnical, historical and religious elements with palestinians, along with borders (!), refused to keep palestinian territories as part of their states and don't claim that land is theirs anymore even if Israel took it from them.
According to most people they did this so that the residents of those areas wouldn't be their citizens, because they simply don't want that problem in their hands.
And that the very people who share with them the most.
Well Jordan and Egypt , which share cultural, ethnical, historical and religious elements with palestinians, along with borders (!), refused to keep palestinian territories as part of their states and don't claim that land is theirs anymore even if Israel took it from them.
According to most people they did this so that the residents of those areas wouldn't be their citizens, because they simply don't want that problem in their hands.
And that the very people who share with them the most.
Jordan ANNEXED the West Bank and gave the people citizenship ... then they withdrew and took away the citizenship
btw Bill on the topic of citizenship, the goal of creating new citizens is to create richness in your country (cultural, artistic, economic, etc), and to create new citizens who will row in the same general direction as your country. We're allowed independence of ideas, but anyone becoming an American should be comfortable with the overall freedoms and values of the USA, and wants the USA to prosper. Citizenship tests are designed to make sure the right people are becoming citizens of your nation. Citizens of a country fight FOR that country if attacked (or support it in other ways), as a very basic morality test.
What you suggest goes against the entire spirit of that, TODAY. In 30-40 years, ask me again. Hopefully I'm around. Maybe at that point there will be evidence of people who would make excellent citizens.
Jordan ANNEXED the West Bank and gave the people citizenship ... then they withdrew and took away the citizenship
yes , it's like if everyone in my extended family didn't answer my calls and actually blocked my number when i am in trouble, i would start asking some questions about the possibility that i might be the problem
lol, US Citizenship tests are to make sure immigrants understand the basics of how government works, they are absolutely not designed to keep "the wrong people" out or some kind of morality test (as if you could test for that!). The whole notion is fundamentally against traditional American values.
And of course citizens of the US often refuse to participate in whatever war we're fighting right now. Civil disobedience is another tradition that goes back to at least Thoreau.
lol, US Citizenship tests are to make sure immigrants understand the basics of how government works, they are absolutely not designed to keep "the wrong people" out or some kind of morality test (as if you could test for that!). The whole notion is fundamentally against traditional American values.
And of course citizens of the US often refuse to participate in whatever war we're fighting right now. Civil disobedience is another tradition that goes back to at least Thoreau.
I imagine at a minimum in a background check, if you supported a terrorist organization the USA recognizes, you're going to have some issues getting approved. Know what I mean?
And American citizenship and everyone else's are obviously going to differ. But at a minimum the United States wouldn't be super pumped to bring in people it is fairly certain are eager to sabotage it from the interior.
But at a minimum the United States wouldn't be super pumped to bring in people it is fairly certain are eager to sabotage it from the interior.
lol, America has been pumped to let all kinds of weird freaks from shithole countries walk in the door, that's part of its enduring strength. Big bronze lady out front should have told you that.
Give me your terrorists, your criminals, Your huddled masses yearning to stop us breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the moralless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my keffiyeh beside the gas chamber!
- Al-Troll Bin McTroll (Citation Needed)
Very normal reaction from people who took a oath to help those in need of their professional mental health services, to consider a colleague a Zionist if he doesn't refuse to treat a Zionist patient.
Certainly this is done for the good of the residents in Gaza not for other reasons.
Well Jordan and Egypt , which share cultural, ethnical, historical and religious elements with palestinians, along with borders (!), refused to keep palestinian territories as part of their states and don't claim that land is theirs anymore even if Israel took it from them.
According to most people they did this so that the residents of those areas wouldn't be their citizens, because they simply don't want that problem in their hands.
And that the very people who share with them the most.
Egypt has roughly the same proportion of non Muslims that Israel has non-Jews. If you're going to categroise Egypt as a Muslim state then we can catgeorise Israel as a Jewish state.
Give me your terrorists, your criminals, Your huddled masses yearning to stop us breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the moralless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my keffiyeh beside the gas chamber!
- Al-Troll Bin McTroll (Citation Needed)
It's so easy to talk about freedom and liberty and all that jazz, but when you see it in practice, when you see your neighbors freely practicing their religion, well that turns some people fascist mighty quick. Not everyone has the balls to actually live like that.
I don't think anybody including the Muslim citizens want these people there. Look what's happening in NY and UK. They have taken over the streets with violent riots.
It's gotten bad in London. I don't know where they get their police. It seems to be a bunch of teenage girls and obese guy's. The NYPD and police in Paris know how to take care of these rioters. It's a shame that the police have to be taken from their normal duties to deal with this nonsense.
It's not just London. It seems Europe is under attack.
I was asking for some validation of your claims about the streets here being taken over with violent acts, but from a credible news source, not a one man youtube in his bedroom spouting unsubstantiated nonsense.
Is this clown the best you can do?

lol, US Citizenship tests are to make sure immigrants understand the basics of how government works, they are absolutely not designed to keep "the wrong people" out or some kind of morality test (as if you could test for that!). The whole notion is fundamentally against traditional American values.
And of course citizens of the US often refuse to participate in whatever war we're fighting right now. Civil disobedience is another tradition that goes back to at least Thoreau.
It's so easy to talk about freedom and liberty and all that jazz, but when you see it in practice, when you see your neighbors freely practicing their religion, well that turns some people fascist mighty quick. Not everyone has the balls to actually live like that.
i am super in favor of freedom of religion, what i am not in favor of is any people who want to legislate their religious beliefs as behavioural mandates for others.
I live in a country where until recently traditional christian (catholic) morality was codified in the law in many aspects. Killing your spouse, daughter or sister if she had sex outside marriage was manslaughter , not murder, "honor killing" was in the books in Italy till 1981.
I want 0 % chance of that happening ever again.
Criminalize any such attempt to do that again, enforce that, and i am ok.
lol, US Citizenship tests are to make sure immigrants understand the basics of how government works, they are absolutely not designed to keep "the wrong people" out or some kind of morality test (as if you could test for that!). The whole notion is fundamentally against traditional American values.
That's just as well isn't it, because a lot of native born Americans would fail it horribly.
It wasn't so long ago that 40% of them couldn't even place Canada on a map.
I imagine at a minimum in a background check, if you supported a terrorist organization the USA recognizes, you're going to have some issues getting approved. Know what I mean?
And American citizenship and everyone else's are obviously going to differ. But at a minimum the United States wouldn't be super pumped to bring in people it is fairly certain are eager to sabotage it from the interior.
Applicants for US citizenship are supposed to be of 'good moral character', which in effect means they haven't been ever been convicted of murder, or of an 'aggravated felony' since 1990, and aggravated felony covers quite a wide area . Crimes within the last five years against persons or property, habitual drunkenness, prostitution, illegal gambling, terrorist acts and racial or religious persecution can also be a problem. Applicants shouldn't have got an entry visa or Green Card in the first place if they had any convictions for 'crimes of moral turpitude', which again covers a wide area.
Prince Harry is probably in the US on an A-1 diplomatic visa which would mean his admitted illegal drug use (a crime of moral turpitude in US law) was overlooked, but the US government is contesting a lawsuit that would require disclosure as to what His Dukeness told the INS.
Back in the USSR errr day, John Lennon was booted out iirc
Give me your terrorists, your criminals, Your huddled masses yearning to stop us breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the moralless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my keffiyeh beside the gas chamber!
- Al-Troll Bin McTroll (Citation Needed)
Luciom will return to us in 24 hours for making this post immediately following a timeout for similar posting. Additionally, the use of "Al-Troll BinMcTroll" and the modification of other posters' user names (such as Al-jalfrezi, ElRacist, etc) is NOT acceptable to this thread and will be moderated as a personal attack. Thank you.
Washoe, please take a break from this thread until 12:00 AM Eastern Time for posting offensive and racially charged imagery in the thread. It is not acceptable to share modified images of Jews as Nazis. I do not care who creates the images. This will be the only warning. Thank you.