Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..



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) 22 Views 22
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33515 Replies


by rafiki k

So we can land on a source that satisfies everyone (European Council on Foreign Relations)

Beyond proxies: Iran’s deeper strategy in Syria and Lebanon
June 5th 2024


In the current politics of the region, from a Western view, Israel is a stabilising force (up to a point, though Israel has been understandably provoked into problematic actions lately) and Iran is the destabilising force. There's a reason why even Saudi Arabia has become an informal ally of Israel against the strategic enemy Iran, while Egypt and Jordan remain formal (if presently somewhat annoyed) allies. Palestinian Sunni groups supping with the predatory Shia mullahs of Iran may have forgotten to bring the proverbially necessary long spoon.

by jalfrezi k

More proof that people lose their minds when they start believing that genetics should play a determining factor in global events.

It's not a normative should, it's a description of how things are

by 57 On Red k

In the current politics of the region, from a Western view, Israel is a stabilising force (up to a point, though Israel has been understandably provoked into problematic actions lately) and Iran is the destabilising force. There's a reason why even Saudi Arabia has become an informal ally of Israel against the strategic enemy Iran, while Egypt and Jordan remain formal (if presently somewhat annoyed) allies. Palestinian Sunni groups supping with the predatory Shia mullahs of Iran may have forgott

Look at the regimes Iran touches, and imagine wanting to be a part of that "Axis"

Lebanon is a failed state, and Hezbollah ruins everything it touches
Assad's murderous regime in Syria (if you want to talk genocide)
The Houthis who want death to everyone
Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq and those guys, who are about as radical as they get

That's just a who's who list of dudes you want no part of, all the way to Khomeini, whose own people admonish as he black bags them.

It's not ambiguous, those groups only create poverty, ruin, and war. There's no upside. The progressive Islamic countries are leaps and bounds more accepting, prosperous, welcoming, etc.

by chezlaw k

Highly likely to be the UK PM in a few weeks

Worth doing, I think. You can't let the Israeli right just keep getting madder and madder in a vacuum and imagining themselves biblical overlords -- they've lately taken to citing the Jews' destruction of the Amalekites, which is not a good sign. The difficult aspect is that there's no worthwhile Palestinian leadership and certainly no Palestinian Mandela in whom faith can be placed (not that the ANC's been up to much since Mandela left the scene). But international recognition of Palestine may budge things a bit.

by rafiki k

Look at the regimes Iran touches, and imagine wanting to be a part of that "Axis"

Lebanon is a failed state, and Hezbollah ruins everything it touches
Assad's murderous regime in Syria (if you want to talk genocide)
The Houthis who want death to everyone
Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq and those guys, who are about as radical as they get

That's just a who's who list of dudes you want no part of, all the way to Khomeini, whose own people admonish as he black bags them.

It's not ambiguous, those groups only create p

Wouldn't disagree with that at all.

by jalfrezi k

No. Hamas are a horrible organisation. As is the Israeli government. If you could decapitate both while leaving both populations unharmed it would be fantastic.

I'd like to be able to say that Israelis deserve better than Bibi's gangsters but as the overwhelming majority of them seem to be in favour of more and more bloodletting, I can't. It's a nation of full on deplorables.

Then Palestine must also be a nation of deplorables for supporting Hamas and its never ending attacks on Israel.

Dunyain, please take a timeout from this thread as well until 12:00 AM Eastern Time. Thank you.

by chillrob k

Then Palestine must also be a nation of deplorables for supporting Hamas and its never ending attacks on Israel.

They haven’t had the luxury of regular elections, so that’s purely speculation on your part.

by rafiki k

Look at the regimes Iran touches, and imagine wanting to be a part of that "Axis"

Lebanon is a failed state, and Hezbollah ruins everything it touches
Assad's murderous regime in Syria (if you want to talk genocide)
The Houthis who want death to everyone
Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq and those guys, who are about as radical as they get

That's just a who's who list of dudes you want no part of, all the way to Khomeini, whose own people admonish as he black bags them.

It's not ambiguous, those groups only create p

And Putin obviously loves Iran

by jalfrezi k

No. Hamas are a horrible organisation. As is the Israeli government. If you could decapitate both while leaving both populations unharmed it would be fantastic.

I'd like to be able to say that Israelis deserve better than Bibi's gangsters but as the overwhelming majority of them seem to be in favour of more and more bloodletting, I can't. It's a nation of full on deplorables.

This is why people like jalftezi “condemn” Hamas. It’s so they can draw a false equivalency and then cast Israelis in a nasty light.

by jalfrezi k

They haven’t had the luxury of regular elections, so that’s purely speculation on your part.

You have to be incredibly naive to believe otherwise.

A majority of Gazan population has grown up under Hamas propaganda.

If you believe in your own drivel that Israel has gone out of its way to repress Gazans, then you have even more reasons to believe a majority of Gazans are aligned with Hamas' rhetoric and actions.

by jalfrezi k

shithole client-state

by 72off k

shithole client-state

It looks bad but the Arabs brought this upon themselves.

by ..... attempting to exist within israel?

by 72off k

by ..... attempting to exist within israel?

By not taking the deal back in 48. Then they attacked and created the Nabka. They made it clear they wanted to kill all Jews. It's kind of tough to trust people like this. They set in motion all the bad things that have happened to them. They created the settlers. They created their current living conditions. They ****ed around and found out.

by coordi k

Are you of the opinion that Palestine wants a peaceful political solution? You keep repeating yourself like Israel is the ones who've eliminated any potential for peace when this most recent round of fighting happened after Palestine invaded Isreal

I'm not of the opinion that Palestinians are a bunch of innocent Martin Luther Kings peaceniks.

about time

Boy I'm not looking forward to finding out how high America is on the leaderboard.

An inertial measurement unit from the missile, used to aid with precision targeting, was manufactured by Honeywell, an American conglomerate that specialises in the design and delivery of sensors and guidance devices that are used in a variety of military weapons.

Al Jazeera’s Sanad verification unit discovered that one of the fragments found in Nuseirat bore the manufacturer and category number HG1930BA06, tracing it back to Honeywell. HG1930 refers to the specific sensor manufactured by the company.

by Trolly McTrollson k

Boy I'm not looking forward to finding out how high America is on the leaderboard.

You realize that Israel acknowledged the attack on the "school," which they claim was used as a base for PIJ and Hamas militants and said he strike was precise and only militants were killed. And have started providing names. And Al Jazeera isn't acknowledging this, and is just quickly moving on to the next "breaking news atrocity" that will also probably be proven fake in a day or 2.

So basically Al Jazeera is running the US right wing media playbook, where they just go from fake story to fake story, and never even acknowledge when the story is proven fake. And neither does their intended audience.

by Trolly McTrollson k

Boy I'm not looking forward to finding out how high America is on the leaderboard.

Meanwhile Janjaweed militias in Sudan are literally wiping out entire villages. A village of 100 massacred yesterday.

And the progressive left couldn't care less, but are outraged US parts were used by Israel to take out Hamas and PIJ Jihadis operating out of a "school."

Really shows the progressive left has its moral prerogatives in order.

by jalfrezi k

They haven’t had the luxury of regular elections, so that’s purely speculation on your part.

I don't have it handy, but I think there have been polls showing that have a lot of support.

Not all Israelis voted for Netanyahu, but you still seem to think they're all deplorables.

I guess I can say that anyone who was old enough to vote for Hamas at the last election are deplorables.

by gs3737 k

This is why people like jalftezi “condemn” Hamas. It’s so they can draw a false equivalency and then cast Israelis in a nasty light.

This is why uber-nationalists like gs never condemn Israel. They think that every criticism of the Israeli government is a criticism of them, personally.

by chillrob k

I don't have it handy, but I think there have been polls showing that have a lot of support.

Not all Israelis voted for Netanyahu, but you still seem to think they're all deplorables.

That's right, most of them anyway. I'm just going by what an Israeli friend (who's in Tel Aviv now) told me on another forum.

by Dunyain k

"Whites" are literally the only group of humans that have ever tried to rise above the revolting ideas of blood and soil.

I'd love to see you attempt to support this argument.
