Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..



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) 20 Views 20
07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33268 Replies


by Bluegrassplayer k

We are using "stabilize" differently. I'm not saying that Gaza is going to become Monaco, I am saying that aid provides stabilization so the entire area doesn't blow up, which is a possibility even with these efforts.

It's not blown up now? How do you think the area would be less stable if no western aid had every gone to Gaza?

We could have some actual examples soon in Lebanon.

by Bluegrassplayer k

'm not saying that Gaza is going to become Monaco

That’s probably what the end game does look like in the minds of many Israelis.

by Bluegrassplayer k

We could have some actual examples soon in Lebanon.

Is Lebanon starving too? I haven't heard anything about that.

by chillrob k

Is Lebanon starving too? I haven't heard anything about that.

There is a severe food crisis in Lebanon but given they can't causally link it to Israel they never talk about it

I mean the growing likelihood of significant fighting between Israel and Lebanon or even an all out war.

These things tie together.

by Bluegrassplayer k

I mean the growing likelihood of significant fighting between Israel and Lebanon or even an all out war.

These things tie together.

According to the world food program RIGHT NOW 46% of Lebanon people are hungry (insufficient calories).

I am pretty sure that if war starts between Israel and Lebanon people will start claiming that half of Lebanon is being starved by Israel

It's 1:40pm and I'm hungry right now.

But in all seriousness, yes 100,000 Lebanese families had their food needs met through UN food distribution in 2022, 100% p.a. inflation being one symptom/cause.

by Luciom k

There is a severe food crisis in Lebanon but given they can't causally link it to Israel they never talk about it

I am pretty sure when the topic of Lebanon does occasionally come up, the usual suspects blame Israel and give PLO/Hezbollah a free pass. When you can pretty much draw a straight line from when the PLO came into the country and ran out all the Jews as for when things started going downhill.

by PointlessWords k

You don’t care about starving Palestinians do you?

by chillrob k

Only very marginally. I care far more about starving people in other countries, and it's not like I even think of them often.

Why do you think that is?

by PointlessWords k

Why do you think that is?

It's not because they are dark which is where you are going with this

My answer would be they continue to support a government that uses them as shields and wants to starve as a pr move
And also that even if i wanted to help them, hamas would steal the aid and use it to help destroy israel

I would have thought any half decent person would care a little more about starving people if they're also being used as shields.

They support the government that's using them as shields

Overwhelmingly support it

I mean if I was a Palestinian and a Hamas dude said I’ll kill you if you say you don’t support Hamas on this survey, then I would also say I support Hamas , overwhelmingly


Open Source Intel

The Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy (ISGAP) released a damning report on Wednesday, highlighting significant discrepancies in Yale University’s reporting of foreign funds, particularly from Qatar. The findings reveal a persistent pattern of non-compliance with U.S. federal reporting laws, raising serious concerns about transparency and accountability in higher education.

According to the new research, Yale reported receiving only $284,668 from Qatar between 2012 and 2023. However, the actual amount is estimated to be at least $15,925,711. This substantial underreporting violates Section 117 of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA), which mandates that universities report all gifts and contracts from foreign sources exceeding $250,000 semi-annually.

by metsandfinsfan k

They support the government that's using them as shields

Overwhelmingly support it

That isn't what "being used" means.

I'm getting this feeling that maybe there's another reason you don't care about Palestinians starving.

Qatar throwing around A LOT of money in US public and private institutions to promote a pro Islamism/Islamic Brotherhood agenda is a very well known out in the open "secret" that our institutions (with the exception of right wing media/social media), that have all been bought and payed for, just refuse to acknowledge.

Israel media can report on this all they want; but American institutions can and will just ignore it.

And dont expect the American left (especially AOC), who has tried to make AIPAC funding/lobbying an issue with limited success, to get involved at all; as they view the Muslim Brotherhood as partners in their war against Western Civilization.

by Dunyain k

Qatar throwing around A LOT of money in US public and private institutions to promote a pro Islamism/Islamic Brotherhood agenda is a very well known out in the open "secret" that our institutions (with the exception of right wing media/social media), that have all been bought and payed for, just refuse to acknowledge.

Israel media can report on this all they want; but American institutions can and will just ignore it.

And dont expect the American left (especially AOC), who has tried to make AIP

is it the democrats taking the qatar and saudi money? i only really remember Trump and co getting bribed with the oil dollars, like Kushners 2 billion for smoothing over the torture and execution of the journalist.

Biden pissed off all of OPEC recently doesn't seem like he knows he's supposed to be in on the grift i guess.

by Slighted k

is it the democrats taking the qatar and saudi money? i only really remember Trump and co getting bribed with the oil dollars, like Kushners 2 billion for smoothing over the torture and execution of the journalist.

Biden pissed off all of OPEC recently doesn't seem like he knows he's supposed to be in on the grift i guess.

You are confusing sources of money treating the whole of the Arab world as a monolith.

Qatar has gas, not oil money, Qatar interests are often divergent from KSA interests, Qatar tries to play all sides at the same time usually, with mixed results.

Hamas leadership parties in Qatar currently for example.

Trump and family afaik made deals with KSA, an official ally of the USA.

Anyway as per above, it looks like Qatar donated a lot of money to Yale, which Yale didn't report (as mandated by law).

Yale is controlled by radical leftists as most American colleges are.

by jalfrezi k

I'm getting this feeling that maybe there's another reason you don't care about Palestinians starving.

Don’t do this, guys, or there will be timeouts.

Speak about content, not each other.

by Luciom k

You are confusing sources of money treating the whole of the Arab world as a monolith.

Qatar has gas, not oil money, Qatar interests are often divergent from KSA interests, Qatar tries to play all sides at the same time usually, with mixed results.

Hamas leadership parties in Qatar currently for example.

Trump and family afaik made deals with KSA, an official ally of the USA.

Anyway as per above, it looks like Qatar donated a lot of money to Yale, which Yale didn't report (as mandated by law).

Yale i

im not confusing them. so a random private institution unrelated to the government or really anything accepting in the light most favorable to your case roughly 1/7th of the amount that aipac is currently putting into just THIS election cycle is somehow similar?

also a hearty lol at the silly conservative talking point that the super legacy dominated university is run by "radical leftists".

Everyone is a radical leftist who isn't fully signed up for the fascism party.

"radical left yale" lmao

I can personally assure you that Yale has no shortage of conservative cape cod douchebros with cocaine habits and trust funds from daddy and big plans to be the next George Bush or whatever.

by Crossnerd k

Don’t do this, guys, or there will be timeouts.

Speak about content, not each other.

He is asking the content as to why the poster cares less about starving Palestinian children that other starving children

Surely you think this is an ok line of conversation?
