Israel/Palestine thread

Israel/Palestine thread

Think this merits its own thread...

Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..



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07 October 2023 at 09:33 PM

33350 Replies


by Luciom k

The rewriting of history is even more absurd than that. Most of the Arabs of that time rejected British rule, the whole concept of Palestine, and viewed the British and Jews as the Palestinians, who they desired to completely expel from the ME. Hence the unholy alliance with the Nazis.

They are hard to find because the algorithm rejects them, but there are old newspaper clippings of the time with headlines like "Arab attack on Palestinians kill 4". Next time one pops on my Twitter timeline I will make sure to post it.

The Arab fascist Nationalist movements that arose in the ME in the late 19th century and continued all the way through the 20th century until eventually giving way to Islamism always had as the goal ethnic cleansing of all non Arabs from the ME, including groups who had lived there thousands of years and were more native than the Arabs themselves.

And except for Israel, the ethnic cleanse has been a wild success. Israel is pretty much the last diverse place left in the ME.

Jeffrey Herf is a historian who has written several books using primary documents to document the genocidal aspirations and actions of the Arab Nationalist movements of the 19th-20th centuries, especially their ideological and political alliance with Naziism, that continue almost unabated to this day.

by Dunyain k

The rewriting of history is even more absurd than that. Most of the Arabs of that time rejected British rule, the whole concept of Palestine, and viewed the British and Jews as the Palestinians, who they desired to completely expel from the ME. Hence the unholy alliance with the Nazis.

They are hard to find because the algorithm rejects them, but there are old newspaper clippings of the time with headlines like "Arab attack on Palestinians kill 4". Next time one pops on my Twitter timeline I

I didn't know this was a thing until recently:

Kuwait's campaign against the Palestinians was a response to the alignment of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat and the PLO with Saddam Hussein, who had earlier invaded Kuwait.[10] On March 14, 1991, 200,000 Palestinians were still residing in Kuwait, out of the initial 400,000.[11] Palestinians were forced to leave Kuwait during one week in March 1991, following Kuwait's liberation from Iraqi occupation. During a single week in March, the Palestinian population of Kuwait had almost entirely been deported out the country. Kuwaitis said that Palestinians leaving the country could move to Jordan, since most Palestinians held Jordanian passports.

by rafiki k

I didn't know this was a thing until recently:

Saddam was extremely antisemitic, which is one of the reasons he was so generally popular in the Arab world, especially among Palestinians.

And for obvious reasons the Kuwaitis did not want such a troublesome group that were sympathetic towards Saddam to remain in the country following the invasion.

by chillrob k

Two unclear pronouns here, I don't know what you're meaning to say.

It's clear to everyone but you. Let that sink in.

While I've got your attention rob, you never did reply to this:

by jalfrezi k

I’m not in Palestine rob. I’d prefer an organisation like Hamas not to be anywhere near government but it’s up to Palestinians.

Have I made myself clear?

So someone (Israel?) leaked that Hezbollah is storing massive amounts of arms at the Beirut civilian airport, and in response the Lebanese govt tried to give a fake tour to journalists to prove there wasn't; but had to close down the tour when some journalists tried to access areas the govt didn't want them to.

The complicity and bad faith would be funny if it wasn't so sad.

by Luciom k

folks, #Hasbara are not sending their

by jalfrezi k

It's clear to everyone but you. Let that sink in.

While I've got your attention rob, you never did reply to this:

It's quite clear that somehow you're allowed to use pronouns to try to hide the actual terms you want to say to disparage certain groups of people. It is impressive, I must admit.

Implying that Jews are like the Nazis and Muslims are treated as the Jews were is quite disgusting and should not be allowed. But I don't make the rules.

To answer PW. I am not an expert on the topic.I am being cautious with my responses to avoid any potential misunderstandings or misinterpretations and punishments. I apologize for any confusion caused by my previous statement. I certainly do not intend to misrepresent my level of expertise in this matter.

Just listened to this book: It has some interesting detail on Prigozhin and how politics work in Russia.

by metsandfinsfan k

It's quite clear that somehow you're allowed to use pronouns to try to hide the actual terms you want to say to disparage certain groups of people. It is impressive, I must admit.

Implying that Jews are like the Nazis and Muslims are treated as the Jews were is quite disgusting and should not be allowed. But I don't make the rules.

To answer PW. I am not an expert on the topic.I am being cautious with my responses to avoid any potential misunderstandings or misinterpretations and punishments. I ap

The only thing I wanted to say was that white supremacists' main target in many countries now is Muslims, and once they feel the "Muslim problem" has been dealt with they'll move on to Jewish people.

"Once they've finished with them, guess who's next on the white supremacists' list?" is unambiguous, or should be to anyone reading correctly.

Talking of skewing the truth:

by jalfrezi k

The only thing I wanted to say was that white supremacists' main target in many countries now is Muslims, and once they feel the "Muslim problem" has been dealt with they'll move on to Jewish people.

"Once they've finished with them, guess who's next on the white supremacists' list?" is unambiguous, or should be to anyone reading correctly.

And you said ths while repling to me posting Wilders take on Israel.

Wilders is married to an hungarian Jew.

How can you possibly think 1) that makes it possible for him to be a white supremacist, a position that requires you to be extremely antisemitic semantically and 2) that he will "move to jews"?

Why do you even think it makes any semantic sense to call him a white supremacist. Why????

He was endorsed by David Duke, which means something. Perhaps Duke wasn't familiar with Wilders having a Jewish wife.

But anyway I was making a wider (not a Wilders) point about white supremacist targets.

by Luciom k

And you said ths while repling to me posting Wilders take on Israel.

Wilders is married to an hungarian Jew.

How can you possibly think 1) that makes it possible for him to be a white supremacist, a position that requires you to be extremely antisemitic semantically and 2) that he will "move to jews"?

Why do you even think it makes any semantic sense to call him a white supremacist. Why????

People sometimes argue that Volodymyr Zelenskyy is a Jewish antisemite. Strange times we live in.

I've read a lot itt about people accusing other Jewish people of being antisemitic. Ahem.

by jalfrezi k

Talking of skewing the truth:

This will never be addressed because it doesn't fit the narrative; but I imagine an extremely high % of the casualties are due directly to Hamas actions. We know Hamas fires mortars into densely populated areas; they actually show videos bragging about it. Although they always focus on the mortar being fired and not where it is going, because it would be bad press to show you are randomly firing mortars mostly at Palestinians.

We also know that Hamas leaves a tremendous amount of booby traps for Israel troops, especially in residential apartments. Again, they brag about it. And Israeli engineers do dismantle the traps they find, but obviously they are going to miss a lot.

Although it is never addressed how dangerous coming back to houses filled with booby traps is going to be for Palestinians once the Israeli troops leave.

Is there anything at all that you accept Israel is guilty of?

Israel is guilty of not having done what it's doing now (and much more) when Hamas fired the first rocket in 2006

by Dunyain k

This will never be addressed because it doesn't fit the narrative; but I imagine an extremely high % of the casualties are due directly to Hamas actions. We know Hamas fires mortars into densely populated areas; they actually show videos bragging about it. Although they always focus on the mortar being fired and not where it is going, because it would be bad press to show you are randomly firing mortars mostly at Palestinians.

We also know that Hamas leaves a tremendous amount of booby traps fo

Israel has dropped more bombs on Gaza than were dropped in WW2 on London Hamburg Dresen.

but sure, its proly Hamas that has caused all the amputees.

by metsandfinsfan k

It's quite clear that somehow you're allowed to use pronouns to try to hide the actual terms you want to say to disparage certain groups of people. It is impressive, I must admit.

Implying that Jews are like the Nazis and Muslims are treated as the Jews were is quite disgusting and should not be allowed. But I don't make the rules.

To answer PW. I am not an expert on the topic.I am being cautious with my responses to avoid any potential misunderstandings or misinterpretations and punishments. I ap

this entire thread is full of people that either explicitly endorse a viewpoint that Israeli's are superior to Gazans/Palestinians/Arabs/Muslims or operate from that inherent premise.

its really hard to read posts that describe the Gazans as backward, inherently violent, and unable to govern themselves and not conclude this.

many in this thread have said that they should be ruled for 20 years or multiple generations.

to me, that sounds like a Supremacist viewpoint.

Yes, it's a totally degusting mindset that seeks to dehumanise large numbers of people who we were assured aren't a different race, but nevertheless are acknowledged as brown-skinned when it suits.

by BOIDS k

there is a quasi-racist idea hanging in the air that 'brown people' dont care about dying, but i reckon that's false

Please stop referencing one another with vague derogatory claims, it’s not necessary for the debate guys

by Victor k

this entire thread is full of people that either explicitly endorse a viewpoint that Israeli's are superior to Gazans/Palestinians/Arabs/Muslims or operate from that inherent premise.

its really hard to read posts that describe the Gazans as backward, inherently violent, and unable to govern themselves and not conclude this.

many in this thread have said that they should be ruled for 20 years or multiple generations.

to me, that sounds like a Supremacist viewpoint.

Deleted post in response to mod post above

by jalfrezi k

Yes, it's a totally degusting mindset that seeks to dehumanise large numbers of people who we were assured aren't a different race, but nevertheless are acknowledged as brown-skinned when it suits.

Called it

by chillrob k

Who invited Netanyahu to address congress? Can Speaker Johnson do this unilaterally if the Biden administration doesn't approve it?

Congressional leaders confirmed the date of the address late Thursday after formally inviting Netanyahu to come speak before lawmakers last week.

Schumer, the highest-ranking Jewish elected official in the U.S. — who delivered a stinging rebuke of Netanyahu in March — said in a separate statement Thursday night that he has “clear and profound disagreements” with the Israeli leader but joined in the request for him to speak “because America’s relationship with Israel is ironclad and transcends one person or prime minister.”

Sounds like multiple people invited. I don't think Biden admin has to approve.

by Dunyain k

That article acknowledges Hamas already rejected the deal. Again, proposing something new after the old deal had already been thoroughly rejected by the other side isn't "walking it back" by any reasonable understanding of the term IMO.

I think it refers to this part:

Netanyahu claimed his position "was no secret" but it was the first time that he spoke publicly about a "partial deal" or suggested he hadn't intended to implement all three phases in the Israeli proposal.

but I agree it's rather clickbaitey. The Biden admin clearly structured this set of negotiations to avoid these kind of clickbait titles after the last time too after there were "Hamas agrees to peace deal" titles where Hamas actually refused the deal and then put forth their own.
