Israel/Palestine thread
Think this merits its own thread...
Discuss my fellow 2+2ers..
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To reiterate some of the points:
1. No personal attacks. This is a broad instruction, but, in general, we want to focus on attacking an argument rather than the poster making it. It is fine to say a post is antisemitic; it is not okay to call someone an antisemite over and over. If you believe someone is making antisemitic posts, report them or PM me. The same goes for calling people "baby killers" and "genocide lovers". You are allowed to argue that an action supports genocide or that the consequences of certain policies results in the death of children, but we are no longer going to be speaking to one another's intentions. It is not productive to the conversation and doesn't further any debate.
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In my professional opinion, it appears that Johnson had the authority to act independently, but he sought Schumer's concurrence, which was granted. However, it is unlikely that the Squad members will attend. Additionally, Biden lacks the authority to influence this matter.
Who is in "the Squad"? I've never heard of a group called that.
It's clear to everyone but you. Let that sink in.
While I've got your attention rob, you never did reply to this:
There's nothing to "sink in". In the context of that post, it was unclear who was meant by "they", and I still have no idea because neither you nor anyone else has clarified. I assume you think it is clear because it refers to some earlier post which I may have not read, but it would be a lot simpler to just state who the pronouns were referring to instead of insulting me about it. My post stating they were unclear was not insulting.
I didn't reply to that other post because the only reply I had was what you had quoted. IMO, if someone thinks Hamas should not be banned from participation in the government of Palestine, they are pro-Hamas.
You apparently have a different opinion so I guess there is really nothing more to discuss there.
The only thing I wanted to say was that white supremacists' main target in many countries now is Muslims, and once they feel the "Muslim problem" has been dealt with they'll move on to Jewish people.
"Once they've finished with them, guess who's next on the white supremacists' list?" is unambiguous, or should be to anyone reading correctly.
Thank you for the clarification.
Just listened to this book: It has some interesting detail on Prigozhin and how politics work in Russia.
Probably meant for the Russia vs Ukraine thread?
The only thing I wanted to say was that white supremacists' main target in many countries now is Muslims, and once they feel the "Muslim problem" has been dealt with they'll move on to Jewish people.
"Once they've finished with them, guess who's next on the white supremacists' list?" is unambiguous, or should be to anyone reading correctly.
I think you have this story backwards.
Israel has dropped more bombs on Gaza than were dropped in WW2 on London Hamburg Dresen.
but sure, its proly Hamas that has caused all the amputees.
Common sense tells me that if the jihads and intifadas and rocket attacks stopped the bombing of Gaza would stop. Release the hostages they should never have taken. Stop calling for the death of all Jews. Basically stop being so darn angry and hateful and difficult to get along with and perhaps people would be treat you nicer.
Slowly the world is starting to realize that Israel is taking care of what would become a world wide problem if it were allowed to spread.

LOL. "Forensic Architecture". None of us has never heard of this group until 5 minutes ago, and none of us will never hear from them again.
It is amazing how people will uncritically accept any propaganda that positively reinforces their preferred narrative.
NGO Monitor
Forensic Architecture
January 01, 2024
In this NGO:
Topics in this NGO
Country/Territory United Kingdom
Founded 2010
In their own words "develop, disseminate, and employ new techniques for evidence gathering and presentation in the service of human rights and environmental investigations and in support of communities exposed to state violence and persecution"
Donors include the European Union, Sigrid Rausing Trust, Open Society Foundation, and the Oak Foundation.
According to Forensic Architecture, “Forensic Architecture is supported by academic, human rights, technology, and arts grants. We also receive income from commissioned investigations, and from exhibitions. All income generated through these activities is used to support ongoing research.”
In 2016-2022, Forensic Architecture received €1,996,830 from the European Union to “provide novel types of architectural evidence in the context of a number of high profile IHL and HR investigations, in such places as Syria, Israel/Palestine and Amazonia/Brazi.”
In 2023, Forensic Architecture is receiving £150,000 from Sigrid Rausing Trust.
In 2018-2021, Forensic Architecture received $560,000 from Open Society Foundations
A related NGO, known as Forensis, is registered as a non-profit in Germany. Funding information is not transparent.
Forensic Architecture claims to use technology to “investigat[e] human rights violations including violence committed by states, police forces, militaries, and corporations.” Through slick graphic presentations, the NGO creates a facade of credibility (“CSI Effect”) to mask analyses that are consistently misleading, blatantly biased and based on unverifiable “evidence,” including from sources such as Al Haq (see below).
Forensic Architecture consistently utilizes highly biased and politicized language, accusing Israel of “apartheid,” genocide,” “ethnic cleansing,” “collective punishment,” and “war crimes.”
In December 2023, a lecture at RWTH Aachen University by Forensic Architecture’s branch based in Germany, Forensis, was canceled. According to Forensic Architecture and Forensis head Eyal Weizman, the reason given was that the NGO is an “antisemitic organisation for our human rights work in Palestine.”
In December 2023, on the 75th anniversary of the Genocide Convention, Forensic Architecture tweeted, “It is not without grim irony that on this anniversary, a genocide characterised by horrific human, environmental, urban, cultural and social destruction is playing out across Gaza in real time, alongside the targeting of other Palestinians around the country.”
In October and November 2023, Forensic Architecture, together with PFLP-linked NGO Al-Haq, sought to debunk investigations – including by the New York Times and various intelligence agencies – showing that an Islamic Jihad rocket caused the explosion near the Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza. The NGOs accused Israel of “disinformation” and claimed that “Israel has yet to provide any conclusive evidence to support the claim that the source of the deadly blast at al-Ahli hospital was a PIJ or Hamas rocket.” Forensic Architecture and Al-Haq simply ignored the videos, images, and intelligence materials demonstrating that an Islamic Jihad rocket had “misfired” (i.e. detonated in Gaza instead of Israel) and hit the hospital parking lot.
In 2022, Forensic Architecture and Al-Haq (designated as a terror linked NGO by Israel, based on ties to the PFLP) launched the “Forensic Architecture Investigation Unit” to “monitor[] and document[] violations against Palestinians for the purposes of legal accountability and public advocacy.”
In September 2022, Forensic Architecture condemned the Israeli designation of six Palestinian NGOs, including Al-Haq, as terrorist organizations. According to Forensic Architecture, “@alhaq_org and other Palestinian orgs are facing a range of physical and digital attacks aimed at preventing them from documenting Israeli apartheid. Working with FAI Unit at @alhaq_org, we resist these attempts by exposing the violence committed.”
In May 2022, Forensic Architecture supported a submission from Addameer field researcher and lawyer Salah Hamouri urging the ICC to “prioritize this investigation, with adequate resources and meaningful victim participation, with a view to moving towards the issuance of arrest warrants against those who bear the greatest responsibility for the long-running war crimes and crimes against humanity committed against Palestinian civilians …“
Hamouri was arrested in 2005 for “attempting to assassinate Ovadia Yosef…and for his involvement with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.”
In February 2021, Forensic Architecture, together with Al-Haq, alleged that Israeli forces acted unlawfully in shooting Ahmed Erekat when he rammed his car into a soldier at a checkpoint on the outskirts of Jerusalem in June 2020. The NGOs did not offer new or concrete evidence, and did not know and could not incorporate the assessments of the Israeli forces on the ground. (Read NGO Monitor’s report “EU-Funded, ICC-Linked Al-Haq and Forensic Architecture on the Ahmad Erekat Shooting.”)
In December 2020, Forensic Architecture signed a letter calling on the German Bundestag to revoke its joint resolution defining BDS campaigns against Israel as antisemitic.
In July 2018, Forensic Architecture participated in a conference with Zochrot discussing the “indigenous presence of the Palestinian Bedouins as permanent residents of this land along with tracing the cycles of depopulation and destruction carried out by the Israeli government.”
In September 2015, Forensic Architecture was “invited by the Office of the Prosecutor (OTP) of the International Criminal Court to deliver a closed presentation of its findings on the 2014 war in Gaza.”
In July 2015, alongside Amnesty International, Forensic Architecture launched an online “Gaza Platform,” to “map[] Israeli attacks in Gaza” during the 2014 Gaza conflict. The Platform repeats the baseless and distorted accusations of Al Mezan and Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR), does not employ credible research methodology, and reflects Forensic Architecture’s and Amnesty’s lack of military and legal expertise.
From ngo
Common sense tells me that if the jihads and intifadas and rocket attacks stopped the bombing of Gaza would stop. Release the hostages they should never have taken. Stop calling for the death of all Jews. Basically stop being so darn angry and hateful and difficult to get along with and perhaps people would be treat you nicer.
Slowly the world is starting to realize that Israel is taking care of what would become a world wide problem if it were allowed to spread.
It is imperative that we maintain a commitment to honesty and integrity in all our communications.
A previously established ceasefire between Israel and Gaza endured for several years. However, on October 7th, Hamas unilaterally terminated the ceasefire.
It is misleading and disingenuous to suggest that a cessation of Israeli airstrikes on Gaza would be sufficient to resolve the current conflict..
There's nothing to "sink in". In the context of that post, it was unclear who was meant by "they", and I still have no idea because neither you nor anyone else has clarified. I assume you think it is clear because it refers to some earlier post which I may have not read, but it would be a lot simpler to just state who the pronouns were referring to instead of insulting me about it. My post stating they were unclear was not insulting.
I didn't reply to that other post because the only reply I had
There’s no reason to be mean to Rob if he’s asking for clarification ffs
It is imperative that we maintain a commitment to honesty and integrity in all our communications.
A previously established ceasefire between Israel and Gaza endured for several years. However, on October 7th, Hamas unilaterally terminated the ceasefire.
It is misleading and disingenuous to suggest that a cessation of Israeli airstrikes on Gaza would be sufficient to resolve the current conflict..
How many Palestinians did the IDF kill during this “ceasefire”
IMO, if someone thinks Hamas should not be banned from participation in the government of Palestine, they are pro-Hamas.
You apparently have a different opinion so I guess there is really nothing more to discuss there.
Not so fast rob.
I've said categorically that I don't support Hamas being in government:
I’d prefer an organisation like Hamas not to be anywhere near government but it’s up to Palestinians.
Have I made myself clear?
Are you still going to call me a Hamas supporter?
Common sense tells me that if the jihads and intifadas and rocket attacks stopped the bombing of Gaza would stop. Release the hostages they should never have taken. Stop calling for the death of all Jews. Basically stop being so darn angry and hateful and difficult to get along with and perhaps people would be treat you nicer. .
Were jihads and intifadas and rocket attacks happening before Israel began it's greedy and against international law landgrab?
Slowly the world is starting to realize that Israel is taking care of what would become a world wide problem if it were allowed to spread.
I think you know exactly what this sounds like.
Jal do you think terrorist organizations should be allowed to run in elections in democracies? why?
Were jihads and intifadas and rocket attacks happening before Israel began it's greedy and against international law landgrab?
I think you know exactly what this sounds like.
The territories in question were relinquished by Egypt and Jordan, the countries from which they were acquired.
Therefore, I am unsure of the point you are attempting to make.
Hamas is not a terrorist organization. and really, terrorism is a totally fake and made up concept.
hamas supporters,
hamas is of course a terrorist organisation
Hamas is not a terrorist organization. and really, terrorism is a totally fake and made up concept.
It is widely acknowledged that Hamas operates as a terrorist organization, even among individuals who generally support the Palestinian cause. While those who endorse terrorism, such as the perpetrators of the October 7th incident, may object to this designation, it remains crucial to accurately describe Hamas as such.
Hamas is a terrorist organization.